Chapter 321 Enrage Everyone

The host looked at Gu Xiaoqing, this was already the second game, and he didn't even know how to play the third game.

This is no fun and gambling, this game can only stop.

"Do you want to continue playing?"

The final decision in this game rests with the girl in front of her. No one can make decisions for her, and neither can "Dingxun", which represents fairness.

But the host can already foresee the desolation and coldness of this game. After all, the girl's skills are obvious to all. It is absolutely impossible to bet and lose in this way, but if there is no loser, there is no gambling. it's over.

The host felt a little regretful, the starting point for his appearance was too high.

If it is done step by step, according to the girl's skills, it is very possible to compete with Master Feng's demeanor.

But the height of this starting point determines the height of the game.

This game should be over.

But these two games are enough to win the girl a lot of money and honor, if she wants it.

"Is there a rule that you can only play a few rounds?"

Gu Xiaoqing asked because she really didn't understand, but in the ears of the host, these words became a kind of confident demonstration.

"Of course there are no rules. There are no rules in Dingxun." The host will not embarrass "Dingxun", and his boss will never want to hear any words that slander "Dingxun".

Gu Xiaoqing touched the darts in front of him. The quality and texture of these darts were very good, and they were the most sensational darts he had ever played.

Don't ask how Gu Xiaoqing got these things, it has to be said that in the past life, there are no different types of people who work, Gu Xiaoqing's specialty is working, it can almost be called a professional worker, and once in the acrobatic troupe for a period of time Gu Xiaoqing did not learn other jobs, but the dart technician at that time was an old man.

Gu Xiaoqing takes care of such an old man very much, seeing that this old man is like his father, so he instinctively transfers the care of his father to the old man. After spending more time with him, the old man is also a childless person, and has been following along with him. A lonely old man wandering with an acrobatic troupe.

So in his spare time, Gu Xiaoqing learned a full set of professional darts and acrobatics under the guidance of the old man, and even acted as the old man's assistant to complete darts and acrobatics when the old man was sick.

So everything now is really nothing to Gu Xiaoqing, even touching the feeling of flying darts makes people feel that familiar feeling, that period of tenderness.

The only thing Gu Xiaoqing is grateful for is that in her last life, in her only miserable life, there were still many people who gave her short-term warmth. That female college student, those bosses of all kinds, and the old dartman are all her treasures. .

It may not seem like much, but in Gu Xiaoqing's heart, these are his wealth and golden fingers, and these things that he may never have valued before, have helped him a lot in this life and changed the lives of himself and his family skills.

Sometimes when Gu Xiaoqing thinks about it, she will feel that this should be God's favor for her. To be able to be reborn, maybe she needs some means to change it.

Just like now, this kind of coincidence, the game being held here is not shooting, not any other game, but it is darts, even if I want to give up, I feel reluctant.

This is God's will.

"Miss, what is your game style for this third game?"

The host has already heard that this girl is not planning to accept her as soon as she is good.

Gu Xiaoqing bounced the dart, looked at the open glass windows around, and those people who were looking out of the windows from time to time, their eyes were deep, and if they must be found, then they would have to shock everyone again.

Shen Sheng said: "We will play something different in the third game. This game is called "Responsiveness". The requirements for the game and the amount of bets are all put forward by each person, and I am responsible for the completion. Of course, the bets this time are different from the previous ones." Same, there is no bet, only you have a request, I will answer, if I can't answer, even if I lose, the bet will still be doubled, if I deserve it, then I win, and the bet belongs to me."

As soon as the words came out, the host stared at Gu Xiaoqing carefully for a long time with his eyes wide open, either because he didn't want to speak, or because he didn't think about what to say.

This girl is probably the craziest lunatic that "Dingxun" has ever encountered. Compared with Feng Qingyang, this girl is simply high-end, not at 01:30.

He pointed his nose so arrogantly and told you that this is Chi Guoguo's provocation, let you people see what skill is.

Everyone in this building is the challenged, and the only one who responds is a woman.

"Are you sure?"

The host knew how much uproar he would cause once he announced it, so he had to be cautious.

I have seen a lot of people who go out of their way to win the top position and gain attention. There are not a few men and women, but there are not many people who are as arrogant as the one in front of me.

This kind of arrogance is not manifested in attitude and language. This little girl is even very polite to herself, so polite that people can't jump out of the fault, but what she does makes you have to admit that she is arrogant.

Overlooking the crowd, ignoring all arrogance.

"I'm pretty sure."

Gu Xiaoqing saw the disapproval in the host's eyes, but did she have any other options?
Since the mountain is not just me, I can only go to the mountain.

I can't find anyone else, so I can only wait for others to find me.

Gu Xiaoqing didn't want to wait to go back tonight and continued to sleep without sleep, trying her best to find out where to find someone tomorrow.

It's better to simply put yourself in the eyes of everyone.

I believe that if you come to the door again, at least you won't be rejected directly.

What we want is such a blockbuster, isn't there a precedent for Feng Qingyang?
Then "Dingxun" shouldn't mind the appearance of another Gu Xiaoqing.

Sure enough, as soon as the host's introduction fell to the ground, all the windows opened directly, and not one or two people poked their heads out, but almost everyone, even Guo Donghua winked desperately at Gu Xiaoqing from the window, that was the hope that Gu Xiaoqing Means to stop when it fits.

In the private room, Zhao Xianguo was almost paralyzed on the sofa, his hands and feet were weak, he was holding the bank card tightly in his hand, and his eyes were dull.

The kid got into trouble.

How many people will be angered by the frivolity of these words does not need to be confirmed. There are so many sons and brothers here who throw money at people. Let Zhao Xianguo think of the final outcome.

It didn't end well.

(End of this chapter)

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