Chapter 415 Wedding (1)

The next day.

The genius is bright.

Liu Jiyu was pulled up from the bed with a dazed expression.

When she was pressed in front of the makeup mirror, she was still a little confused.

"Once combed to the head, you don't have to worry about being rich; if you comb it twice, you will be free from disease and worry; if you comb it three times, you will have more children and live longer."

Mother Liu's gentle and kind voice woke her up.

The girl blinked, and suddenly her eyes swelled up, "Old ancestor."

"We are stunned, we are about to get married, and we will be a big girl in a blink of an eye. It is really unexpected."

Mother Liu held her blue hair, showing reluctance.

There was a bit of emotion in the old man's tone.

When she was young, she was already lively, that's why she liked Liu Jiyu and Yun Rumei, but now that she is older, she is also afraid of being quiet and likes to be lively.

But the most noisy granddaughter in the mansion is about to get married, I'm afraid she feels very uncomfortable.

The atmosphere in the room was a little heavy.

Sui's eyes were slightly red and he said with a smile: "Hurry up and get dressed, so as not to delay the time."

So the sky in Miaomiao Courtyard is brightly lit, and there is an endless stream of voices.

"How about this bead flower?"

"What kind of beaded flowers! But if you want to wear a phoenix crown, what about the Xiapei? Get ready quickly."

"It's ready, it's ready, just wait for the girl to finish her makeup, and then she can put it on."

"Powder and powder are heavier, have you opened your face?"

"It's opened, but it's time to apply makeup."


After putting on the phoenix crown, Liu Jiyu felt that he might be very tired today.

This phoenix crown is too heavy.

It was uncomfortable on her neck.

"Girl, get up, it's time to put on the scarf."

The maids helped her up and carefully put her on the scarf.

Liu Jiyu stretched out her hands and asked the maids to dress and arrange her clothes. She looked at the boudoir reflected in the mirror, her eyes were full of festive red.

It's just that after today, I'm afraid I will rarely rest and play in the Miao Miao Courtyard.

The yard where I have lived for more than ten years.

Not only the yard, but also grandmother, father, mother, and elder brother, she will rarely see her from now on
It's almost time.

Liu Jiyu was surrounded by maids and women and went to Xinrong Hall.

In the room stood the grandmother, father, mother, brother and other people from the other two families.

"Ma'am, Mei Sanlang has already urged makeup for the second time."

"No hurry, let him wait."


Liu Jiyuhong looked at them with wide eyes, and made a big gift, "The kindness of upbringing and caring these years, my daughter will always remember it in her heart."

"Good boy, don't cry, you will cry later."

Mother Liu looked at her lovingly.

Liu Jiyu drooped her eyes, and tears fell down as if she didn't want money.

"Ma'am, Mei Sanlang has urged makeup for the third time."

A woman came in and reported.

Mother Liu nodded, "It's time to go out."

The maid helped Liu Jiyu to the door of Xinrong Hall.

Liu Jiyuan squatted in front of the girl.

Liu Jiyu had already covered her head.

She lay on Liu Jiyuan's back and whispered, "Brother."


The boy carried her on his back and walked out step by step.

"Yin Min, remember what my brother said, if Mei San dares to bully you, you should tell your brother, and then come home, don't wrong yourself, you know?"

"You are the girl that our Liu family holds in our mouths and hands. How can you be wronged by others."

"As long as Mei San bullies you, my brother will bully you back, so you must tell my brother, be good."

Liu Jiyu cried into tears on Liu Jiyuan's back.

There was a lot of wetness on his back, Liu Jiyuan felt sore, but he still smiled in front of the guests, and sent his sister to the sedan chair.

He turned his head and inadvertently saw a touch of Shu color.

Seeing Wen Jiaojiao standing beside a man with a rough figure, looking in the direction of the sedan chair with red eyes.

The man held her in his arms, apparently comforting her.

(End of this chapter)

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