Chapter 798
At this moment, Geng Feng was no less shocked than Zha Han.

Zahan was shocked that the head drop technique he had used for many years was broken by someone.

You know, this is a famous sorcery that he has spent nearly ten years practicing. Once he makes a move, it will be extremely evil, extremely vicious, and it will kill all directions, and no one can beat it.

It can be said that it is also his weapon of fame.

Back then, he relied on this witchcraft to make a name for himself in Southeast Asia, which made many colleagues look up to him and dare not mess with him.

However, now, in this inconspicuous place, it was actually shattered by someone.

It's no wonder that when he cast the spell just now, he couldn't control the dark spirit, and he was a little puzzled at that time.

Isn't this opponent just a boy who is only seventeen or eighteen years old, how could he have such cultivation.

At first, he read the information about Li Zhen that Geng Feng gave him, and he didn't take it seriously, because no matter how powerful a warrior is, it is difficult to defeat their evil witchcraft.

Therefore, he decided that the price of 1000 million yuan offered by the Feng family was simply within reach.

Now, he finally realizes that things are as easy as he imagined.

What shocked Geng Feng was that Li Zhenyuan was stronger than he imagined.

Even witchcraft can't deal with him, so it is estimated that they will never be able to avenge the Feng family's revenge.

However, he still had a glimmer of hope.

After all, Zha Han is only the fifth-ranked apprentice of Venerable Du Long. After removing the dead King Xi, there are three more powerful figures above him.

Although Venerable Poison Dragon did not intervene in China's inland affairs for some reason, the death of King Xi still made them a little ashamed.

Even if he doesn't show up, his apprentice can take the opportunity to come to the inland to avenge the King of the West.

Therefore, although Geng Feng was only shocked by how powerful Li Zhen was, he still hoped that other wizards could kill Li Zhen.

After all, this witchcraft is like martial arts, there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky.

Just because Zha Han can't beat Li Zhen doesn't mean his seniors can't beat him.

It's just that the 1000 million appearance fee will definitely not be given so simply.

Zahan is also an extremely delicate person. Although he suffered some backlash from the dark spirit and made his body a little weak, it is not a serious problem.

Out of the corner of his eye, he happened to catch a flash of disdain in Geng Feng's eyes, and he couldn't help feeling a little angry.

This old boy also underestimated Lao Tzu. You must know that Lao Tzu still has a bottom box that he hasn't used yet.

So he took a deep breath and said lightly to Geng Feng: "Old Mr. Geng, please don't worry, this trick won't work, I have another trick to deal with that kid."

"Is there another trick?" Geng Feng looked at Zha Han with some surprise.

He really thought that Zahan only had this kind of skill.

So he immediately became interested, and stared at Zahan closely to see what other skills he could display.

But Zahan opened the suitcase, took out a high-end leather bag made of crocodile skin, unzipped the zipper, and took out something tightly wrapped in red silk.

Moreover, this piece of red silk cloth was wrapped tightly with a gold ribbon, and there were several ancient coins strung on it. The whole package looked very strange and mysterious.

"This is?"

Out of curiosity, Geng Feng couldn't help asking.


Zahan immediately raised his finger on his lips, and shook his head, signaling Geng Feng not to speak.

Then he put the red package on the altar, and whispered to Geng Feng: "I'm going to cast a spell later, please leave this room, okay?"

"This... In fact, I am very courageous, and I am not afraid."

Geng Feng is a martial artist, so of course he is not very afraid of this kind of witchcraft.

When Zahan released the head drop earlier, he was only startled for a moment, and then calmed down.

So he still wanted to see what the origin of Zahan's stuff was.

"Since that's the case, let's do this. I'll wear this crown for you. Stay for a while. No matter what you see, don't make a fuss, let alone yell. If it makes it angry and entangles you, I can't save it." Yours." Zha Han said earnestly.

"Well, don't worry, I won't be afraid."

Hearing Zahan's horrifying words, although Geng Feng said he was not afraid, he was still a little nervous.

Yiyan put on the crown made of paper that Zahan handed him, and stood aside, watching Zahan start doing things without blinking.

But seeing Zahan put a few incense sticks, kowtowed to the package a few times, and muttered a few spells in his mouth.

Soon, something amazing happened,
The package stirred up automatically, as if there was a mouse inside, desperately trying to get out.

And there were bursts of low-pitched roars, shocking.

Geng Feng took a deep breath to calm his emotions, and stared intently at the package.

Soon, after Zahan's spell, the contents of the package gradually calmed down.

Thus, Zahan began to untie the golden ribbon, spreading out the red silk cloth with extremely light and nimble hands.

But when I saw a light yellow object, it lay quietly inside the red silk cloth, without any abnormality.

Geng Feng couldn't help but craned his neck to look at it, because he felt that the light yellow thing was weird, it seemed to be similar, but it didn't seem to know each other.

Suddenly, it seemed that a gust of wind was blowing, and it was extremely cold.

The candle flame on the altar flickered slightly, and then calmed down.

The corner of the pale yellow thing seemed to be slightly moved by the wind.

Immediately, the yellow thing began to tremble slightly, and like a snake's head, slowly and hard, it wanted to rise upwards.

Zahan stood on the side, closed his eyes and kept chanting mantras, his face looked extremely dignified and focused.

Finally, something extremely strange happened.

Unfortunately, Geng Feng was well-informed, and he had never seen such a weird and bizarre thing.

But I saw the pale yellow object rising slowly and with great difficulty, as if someone was manipulating it.

Gradually, it was all spread out, like a piece of pale yellow cloth, and the void was displayed on the altar.

With the light that was not too dim, Geng Feng found out with horror that this was actually a piece of human skin, and it even had a chest and back.

Although it was only the upper body, the skin of this person's face and body were intact, and even his hands were intact without any damage.

Even the root of the hair on the scalp is black and blue.

It's just that the dark facial features exuded an evil spirit, which made people's scalp tingle and goosebumps all over their bodies.

Geng Feng suppressed the fear in his heart and stared at the human skin.

He thought that luckily he was wearing a paper yellow crown, so that the thing didn't find him.

With a strange cry, a faint blue light suddenly flew in from the outside, and got into the mouth of the human skin.

Then, the inside of the human skin immediately stirred up, as if something was struggling inside, and there were continuous dull sounds.

As for Zahan, his entire face turned purple, beads of sweat dripped from his face, and his whole body trembled violently.

Soon, calm was restored inside the human skin.

Zahan also returned to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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