Chapter 651

After going out, Liu Xiaoqiang hailed a motorcycle, got into the car with Li Zhen, and drove directly to the place where Liu Xinyao was controlled.

Liu Xiaoqiang knew that the place to go was a place called Changsheng Investment Company.

On Momo, Liu Xiaoqiang briefly talked about how his sister Liu Xinyao was taken away.

It turned out that Liu Xinyao seldom went out during her university summer vacation, and usually stayed at home with her mother and younger brother.

After all, her hysteria has completely healed, and all aspects of her body are recovering towards a healthy trend, which makes her body gradually plump instead of thin.

On the whole, it is slender and graceful, exquisite and exquisite, with a unique charm of women.

And her appearance became more and more beautiful, which was a world of difference compared to the thin beauty two months ago.

It was like a fairy coming down to earth, which made the neighbors envious, saying that the Liu family gave birth to a good daughter, who was almost like a woman who entered the palace and became a queen in the feudal era.

This not only made the Liu family happy, but also worried.

After all, it's not a good thing for a girl to be too beautiful.

Especially being born in such an ordinary family, this makes those local hooligans always think about it.

Fortunately, Li Zhen instructed Huang Manqiao, so he didn't dare to let the neighborhood hooligans harass Liu Xinyao.

One day, Liu Xiaoqiang had a whim and went to the city center to buy some new clothes to wear.

After all, their family was very poor before, and they rarely had money to buy clothes.

This time, with the help of Li Zhen, their family's economic conditions have improved a lot. At least they have solved their food and clothing and are developing towards a well-off level.

But Liu Xinyao was worried about her younger brother going out alone, so she accompanied him to the city.

From then on, bad luck came.

When the siblings were playing in the pedestrian street in the city center, Liu Xinyao's appearance was too stunning, so their return rate was very good.

So a gangster fell in love with her, immediately went up to strike up a conversation, and brought someone to invite the two siblings to play.

But the siblings refused.

So it attracted the molesting of the gangsters.

Just when the two siblings were in a state of panic, a very handsome but well-dressed young man appeared with a few people and beat the bastards away to save the siblings.

This is a hero who is too old to save the United States.

But Liu Xinyao didn't appreciate it.

Because she knew this dandy brother and knew that this dandy had no good intentions for her, so she hurriedly took her brother home.

But the dude wouldn't let them go and invited them to dinner.

There was no other way, in order not to be disgusted by the young master, the timid Liu Xiaoqiang asked his sister to agree.

For the safety of her younger brother, Liu Xinyao had no choice but to agree.

After the meal, the dude insisted on driving the siblings home.

Liu Xinyao had no choice but to agree.

So the playboy brother drove the car himself and sent the two siblings home.

This was the end of the matter.

Unexpectedly, this dude came to Liu Xinyao almost every day, saying that he wanted to make friends with her, and every time he came, he would bring extremely expensive gifts.

But they were all declined by Liu Xinyao.

She explained that she had a boyfriend and would not accept advances from anyone.

After more than a dozen times of unsuccessful communication, the dude finally couldn't help being furious. He smashed all the precious gifts he gave him, pointed at Liu Xinyao's nose, and swore that he would let her wait. One day, He will let her obediently send herself to the door to be his woman.

For this, Liu Xinyao scoffed and didn't take it seriously.

She always believed that Li Zhen would come back.

She thought that she would consider Li Zhen as her only man for the rest of her life.

So she never cared about other men.

Since that time, that dude has never appeared again.

Instead, accidents happened one after another in their family.

First, the thief stole some valuables and some cash from his house.

This brought them back to pre-liberation overnight.

After that, his father, Liu Zhengguo, couldn't find a temporary job outside.

Because when he was looking for a job, someone came to threaten the employer, telling them not to dare to use Liu Zhengguo.

The family's only source of income was cut off, and the family fell into a kind of panic.

Then, his mother, Yu Guixiang, quarreled with an extremely arrogant and rude stranger in the vegetable market, and was beaten. After that, the stranger ran away.

Yu Guixiang didn't have any symptoms at first, but three days later she developed a rash all over her body, which didn't improve after taking medicine and injections.

And it became more and more serious, with edema all over the body, shortness of breath, and not thinking about eating or drinking.

So they took the mother to the hospital.

Unexpectedly, the hospital spent a lot of money to treat left and right, and the disease not only did not improve, but became more and more serious.

And their relatives and contacts have been almost exhausted, and no one dares to lend them money anymore.

Therefore, Liu Xinyao took the risk and borrowed usury loans, the amount of which was 20 yuan.

She thought that even if she gave up her life, she would have to lend money to her mother for medical treatment.

Unfortunately, it was all in vain.

Seeing that the 20 usury loan became 50 million in a short period of time with rolling interest, and their mother's illness was so serious that even a big hospital couldn't cure it.

They had to be discharged from the hospital and go home to prepare for the funeral.

Because no matter what medicine is used, it cannot effectively control such a strange disease.

As a result, their family was completely plunged into fear.

At this moment, the usury company that borrowed Liu Xinyao came to collect the money.

This is called leaky house meets continuous night rain, ship breaks meets head wind, it is really called misfortunes never come singly.

But the Liu family has long been in utter desolation, so there is no money to repay the loan sharks.

The boss of the lending company saw Liu Xinyao's unparalleled beauty, so he felt malicious and gave Liu Xinyao an idea.

He wanted Liu Xinyao to be his own horse, play for a few days, and then send her to a certain entertainment place to sit on stage, so that he could earn the usury they lent her.

Liu Xinyao refused, and yelled at them for not being at ease.

In this way, the boss of the loan company was completely annoyed, and Liu Xinyao was taken away directly.

Liu Zhengguo hurriedly called the police, but because the lending company had a strong background, the matter was left alone.

"Xiaoqiang, tell me, how long has your sister been arrested?"

Li Zhen asked anxiously.

"Three days."

"Ah, three days, damn, damn it, in three days, the day lily has become cold. Well, I don't want to bleed, but this time it seems that I have to kill again."

Li Zhen gritted his teeth.

It's been three days, what will happen to a stunning beauty who falls into a pack of tigers and wolves.

Just think about how scary it is.

Li Zhen wished he could fly to Liu Xinyao's side immediately and protect her well.

"By the way, Xiaoqiang, do you know the name of that so-called dude?"

Li Zhen asked again.

"It seems that his surname is Tang. My sister said it. By the way, his name is Tang Long. I heard that he is a very rich man. But my sister doesn't like him, saying that he is just a playboy and unreliable."


(End of this chapter)

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