Chapter 460 Difficult Days (4)
It's been a year of hard work, and what I planted is nothing more than paying taxes, let alone eating.Hey, good luck tricks people!I hope that after the princess returns, life will be easier in the spring of next year.

The princess and the emperor said that when it was possible to plant something in winter, it was too late to spread here, and the land was frozen, so it couldn't be done at all.Maybe next year there will be hope.

Don't be sad, Meimei.This person is dead, and the living should be strong enough to survive.Fortunately, your two cousins ​​learned some skills on the way, and we are backed by mountains, so they shouldn't starve to death.If you have meat in the future, you can exchange it with me.

Although my small shop can't consume too much meat in a year, it is the only shop in the nearby villages after all.Although the life of the villagers is not easy, there are always a few wealthy households, and then the sister-in-law's meat will be sold directly to them.

It's just that you don't mind, Meimei, sister-in-law earns the difference between you.This meat is good from roe deer, but after all, after one night, it is already stiff and not so fresh.I'll give you 150 Wen per catty, and if you have [-] Wen here, you'll get [-] Wen.You can also have rice noodles.

Grain is expensive now, and ordinary flour costs eight cents a catty.Rice is the same as roe deer meat, fifteen cents a catty, you see how much you want.

Ding Meimei also knew that the price of food was expensive now, but she didn't expect that the price had increased by a penny or two in just a short time.But it is also clear that the people can't eat at all now, and there is a shortage of food, which is something that has no law.

"Sister-in-law, bring me eight catties of flour. Just give me one catty of rice. How much is the salt now, and where is the oil lamp?" The eight catties of flour may not be enough to last five days. She couldn't imagine it at all. More than 150 texts are enough for her and her mother's income for half a year.

But now there are so many men who can eat in the family, and they brought this wild animal back again.Forget it anyway, they said, they will solve the problem of eating and drinking at home.If I can save some money, let's see if I can save five cents, and first pay off the account of the village chief's family.Looking back, I and my mother embroidered slowly, and after selling the silver, I just bought some delicious food for the family.

"This salt is not expensive. It costs three Wen per catty, which is very cheap compared to others. It's just that the lamp oil is a bit more expensive. It depends on how much money you have to pay."

Ling didn't say how much the lamp oil was, but only said it was expensive, which made Ding Meimei's heart pound.

Eight catties of flour cost 64 Wen, and a catty of rice cost fifteen Wen, which is 79 Wen.You need five catties of salt first, and then you need fifteen renminbi, which is 94 renminbi. It is better to save the six renminbi and buy lamp oil for the remaining [-] renminbi.

There are two patients in the family, and the lights must be used at night.It would be very costly to light the lights overnight.It's just that I don't know how long it will take fifty words.

After thinking about it, it was wrong, so I simply didn't light the oil lamps at night, bought less oil lamps, and bought more flour.

"Sister-in-law, I want ten catties of flour, one catty of ordinary rice, five catties of salt, and 35 yuan for lamp oil!" This way, there will be more flour, and five yuan can be set aside to pay off the debt first. Let's talk.

"Okay, wait a moment, I don't think you brought an urn to put it in. My sister-in-law brought you a small urn, and you have to return it to me later."

Seeing that Meimei had suddenly bought from her, Ling was very happy.This time it was more than 100 Wen. Here, she said no more, no less. There is absolutely no problem in earning ten or twenty Wen.In addition, he sold the meat later, and made another twenty or thirty yuan in another hand.

With Ding Meimei alone, she can earn two or three days' worth of money in a day.If it was Meimei's family, it would be great if they would sell all the meat they have in the future.

Ding Meimei was glad that she came out with a pannier. There were so many things on her back, and the top was covered with a cloth. Who knew what was in it?If he had brought a basket just now, and was seen with so many things now, he might be called something else.

"Meimei, it's ready. Take a look at the 35 Wen lamp oil. Your family should use it sparingly. It should last for two or three months." Ling came out with a small urn and handed it to Ding Meimei. look.

Ding Meimei packed her things and reached out to take the remaining five big coins, feeling a little guilty.I don't know if they found out that the five coins I left behind specially, would they look down on me?
Forget it, go back and talk to them later.The provincial heart is not at ease, and I always feel that I am a bad woman.

"Is Doctor Ding at home?" Not long after, Ding Meimei came to the doctor's house, but it was still late.

"Here, it's Meimei. If you have any questions, come in and tell me!" Dr. Ding is an elderly man in his fifties. His granddaughter-in-law is already pregnant, and he will soon be a great-grandfather.

In the early years, Dr. Ding heard that he had been to the capital, and he learned all the skills there, so he was born in the country.In this market, everyone can be regarded as a smarter person.His family's children are the only ones in the neighborhood who are all literate. Even if an illiterate girl marries into their family, she will eventually know some basic characters.

In addition, it is the only medical center, so it is very respected by people.And their family, because he is a doctor, and his family background is in this Dingjia Village, no, it is in a few nearby villages, which is considered good.But fortunately, his people are more kind, so his reputation is particularly good.

"Dr. Ding, relatives have come to my house. It's just that they lost weight and are in a coma. I want to ask Dr. Ding to come to my house and help me take a look. Please, Dr. Ding."

Ding Meimei knew that she had no money now, and it was early in the morning, and many people would be jealous.I hope Dr. Ding has a better heart and is willing to let himself go.

"Is that so? It just so happens that I have nothing to do right now, so I'll go with you." Dr. Ding did not neglect Ding Meimei because of her poor family.

Wang Shiwei waited for a long time before he saw Ding Meimei bring an old man over with a medicine box on his shoulder.

Seeing her daughter coming back, Jia breathed a sigh of relief.After taking the basket from her daughter, the mother and daughter went out to the kitchen.It would be nice to have those two men around for medical treatment, they don't have to worry about it.First things first, make them some breakfast.

Seeing so many things changed, Jia sighed inwardly, knowing that there was probably not much money left.But yes, these things belong to others, so why should they keep money?

"Mother, I left five cents and came out. I thought about going to the village chief's house for a while and returning the money. But I think this matter should be discussed with the two elder brothers. After all, it is our selfishness. of silver."

(End of this chapter)

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