Chapter 379 Ancestral Ruins!

"Yes, it's here."

After Lu Zhenning and Lu Xiaoxing crossed the narrow stream, the front suddenly opened up.

Here, is a valley like a water tank, surrounded by steep rock walls, and very smooth, even very compact, as if forcibly cast by a powerful force.

Although it is in the night, Lu Xiaoxing now has the ability of perspective and night vision, and can see the surrounding scenery very clearly.

"The tombs of our ancestors are here, and the tombs of our family are all here. You should be wondering why, although our family is big, the patriarchs of each generation belong to our family, and only our family is Have you been practicing medicine? In fact, speaking of it, our family has always followed the wishes of our ancestors."

As Lu Zhenning said, he led Lu Xiaoxing to the bottom of a flat rock.

In front of him was a cave, to be exact, a very large cave.

But the situation inside the cave surprised Lu Xiaoxing.

This cave was completely dug out by hand, very flat, square like a big cage.However, the space inside is very large, covering hundreds of square meters and four to five meters high.

What surprised Lu Xiaoxing even more was that there were actually dozens of coffins piled up inside!

The light just now came from this place, because in this cave, there are still a few lights flickering with brilliance, but they never go out.

It's a few ever-burning lamps.


Lu Xiaoxing feels unbelievable, there are so many coffins here, what is this place?Is it the place where the ancestors are buried?

It should be, otherwise, Lu Xiaoxing would not have been brought here.

"Here are the ancestors of my Lu family. Since my ancestor Lu Yao created our Lu family 800 years ago, our Lu family has always inherited the medical principles of our ancestors. They have been here for generations. They are all doctors. Moreover, doctors It has always been a single generation, and your grandfather passed this profession to me, but not to your second uncle. Even, your second uncle doesn't know the situation here."

Lu Zhenning said calmly.

"In all ages, only those who have inherited my Lu family's medical skills are eligible to be buried here. Here, a total of 28 coffins have been prepared to bury my Lu family, covering 27 generations. No. 20 coffins are for me. Prepared. Then, there is no preparation for you here."

Lu Zhenning's expression was a little excited.

"Didn't prepare mine?"

Lu Xiaoxing also felt strange that there were actually 28 coffins prepared here. It seems that the ancestors back then had great foresight and specially prepared so many coffins here.

"At first, I was also wondering why only 28 coffins were prepared. I was still thinking that I should find a way to continue preparing, but now that I see your achievements, I know."

Lu Zhenning looked at Lu Xiaoxing, his eyes were obviously full of excitement.

"This means that the ancestor's prophecy has come true. He said that 800 years is a reincarnation. Maybe at that time, the Lu family will come out with an indomitable person. At that time, the glory of the Lu family will appear again!"

As Lu Zhenning spoke, his excited body trembled a little.

"So, is that person me? The ancestors actually... calculated so clearly?"

Lu Xiaoxing was very surprised. He didn't expect that the ancestors had predicted the future 800 years ago, saying that there was a person who got his inheritance?
It seems that getting the system is also predestined by God.

"Unfortunately, in my generation, the medical skills of the ancestors can no longer be carried forward, but I didn't expect that it was you who got the prophecy from the ancestors. Here is the tablet of the ancestors, and the one buried here is the ancestors."

Lu Zhenning pointed to an old copper coffin. The coffin was cold and looked rusty. Lu Xiaoxing did not expect that the ancient legend about Lu Yao he had heard was extremely powerful in the legend, and even some A big hero, someone who dared to deal with him, his coffin was right in front of him.

"Is this the ancestor?"

Lu Xiaoxing looked at the coffin in front of him, and suddenly felt a little sad in his heart.

And at this time, the system seemed to feel something, and an indescribable feeling arose in the system.

There is also a hint of sadness in this feeling.

Could it be that the previous owner of the system was the ancestor in front of him?It should be like this, otherwise, there would be no such feeling in the system.

Lu Xiaoxing can now be sure that there must be a deep and close relationship between the system and the ancestors.


Lu Xiaoxing knelt on the ground, feeling the distant majesty of his ancestors. He had never felt so lonely for such a moment.

Yes, this feeling is loneliness.

I don't know why, but the first feeling I have is loneliness, a kind of loneliness from ancient times.

"The story of the ancestors was originally the most splendid story in the world. That part was called an epic. However, as you can see now, the stories of the ancestors have almost completely disappeared."

Suddenly, Lu Zhenning said something abrupt to Lu Xiaoxing.

"Yes, the story of the ancestors..."

Lu Xiaoxing recalled the stories of his ancestors, if it wasn't for the system and Mu Xiaojing's narration, it would be difficult for him to know so many things.

I'm afraid they may not even know who Lu Yao is.

It can be seen that his ancestors were suppressed by this history.


Lu Xiaoxing understood a little bit, how did that kind of loneliness that was revealed in his bones come from.

The ancestor is a person who was abandoned by history. He rescued the people from fire and water. He is a true hero of the world. But after his life, the world does not allow his story to spread.

There are some things, some core parts about the ancestors, Lu Xiaoxing is still not very clear.

"The story of the ancestor is rarely known to outsiders, and few people know what he did back then."

Lu Zhenning sighed.

"With the common people in mind, everything I do can benefit the common people, but... hey!"

Lu Zhenning was talking, but it was difficult to continue.

"With the world in mind, ancestors..."

Lu Xiaoxing was about to say something, but at this moment, a picture suddenly appeared in the system.

"About your ancestors, I have some records here. Originally, these records were locked in the system, but I took them out today for you to see. This is about my matter, and it is also about your ancestors. It is far from enough to have the common people in mind, but it is also necessary to rescue the common people..."

The system's voice echoed in Lu Xiaoxing's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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