Plane Pet Dealer

Chapter 719 1 Arrow Shooting

Chapter 719
The third arrow, the fourth arrow, the fifth arrow... Li Longze didn't care about the mana consumed so quickly, he just continued to draw the bow smoothly, and aimed the arrow at Immortal Lord Qionghai.

Now that he has bet on this divine bow, he can no longer waver.

Fear and fear of consequences should not make the hands tremble and the flames weak.

The fire of the Golden Crow is inherently arrogant and proud. To make the power of this flame stronger, apart from carefully manipulating the Sun Shooting Bow, one should also have a state of mind that goes along with it to some extent.

Xianjun Qionghai also understood very well at this moment that the opponent had a magic bow in his hand, if he continued to attack like this, he would lose sooner or later.

However, although the enemies around him are not as strong as him, they all seem to have extraordinary heels, which can always make him very aggrieved and uncomfortable, and he can't escape.

But at this time, seeing the successive fire feather arrows missing, he had no choice but to make up his mind and attack Li Longze desperately.

Although the few guys around are uncomfortable, that's the biggest threat!
"Crack!" Even, for this, Immortal Qionghai sacrificed his left arm, which was bitten off by Qiongqi.

"Looking for death!" Li Longze sneered, seeing that Immortal Qionghai acted like this, and approached him at the expense of making his injuries worse, he was relieved in his heart.

Originally, he was just betting that with the power of the divine bow, he could shoot and kill Immortal Qionghai before his mana was exhausted.

But at this time, Li Longze was almost certain.

He didn't hesitate to make the injury worse to get close to him and attack him, so desperately, he didn't have much energy left to resist Li Longze's attack.

Qionghai Xianjun is undoubtedly betting that he can kill Li Longze first.

However, Xianjun Qionghai made a big mistake. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle. Xianjun Qionghai didn't know how many cards Li Longze had, so he made a desperate move.

The result, naturally, speaks for itself.

Qionghai Xianjun was very fast, got rid of Qiongqi Wuwu behind him, almost merged with the silver spear in his hand, and attacked Li Longze.

It can be seen that since it was a desperate move, Xianjun Qionghai used all his strength in this blow, if it hits, Li Longze definitely has no ability to resist.

But Li Longze had no intention of confronting him head-on, and summoned the newly tamed Yamata no Orochi even faster.

As soon as the Yamata no Orochi appeared, it almost subconsciously slapped the attacking Qionghai Xianjun with its tail.

Followed by a painful roar.

The thick-skinned and thick-skinned body of Yamata no Orochi was actually pierced through the entire tail by the silver gun under this slap.

And Qionghai Xianjun also flew out uncontrollably.

Li Longze had been prepared for a long time, he drew his bow fully, and poured all his mana into it. On the divine bow, under the flood of flames, there seemed to be a rough and simple real arrow made of stone.

This is different from the previous Arrow that was completely composed of Golden Crow flames.

Li Longze was a little surprised. Not long after he got the divine bow, apart from the information detected by the system function and explained by Xie Xian, he still didn't know much about the divine bow.

The shape of this stone arrow is much simpler and cruder than the arrow made entirely of Golden Crow flames, but it has a rich and rich history, which makes people feel at ease.

Simple, yet powerful!
An arrow shot out, not as exaggerated flames as before, only a tiny line that seemed to fly in the air, heading straight for the Qionghai Xianjun who was knocked into the air.

The final result was also surprising. After the arrow was shot, it did become a solid body. A stone arrow pierced through Qionghai Xianjun's eyebrows.

Plain, ordinary, nothing more.

It was as if a poorly crafted arrow killed an ordinary person.

Except for the arm that was bitten off by Qiongqi, Xianjun Qionghai's body is still intact, his eyes are staring unwillingly, he is actually dead, and his whole body has no trace of fairy spirit, as if he was shot by this arrow ordinary people.

As a result, he lost the power to fly and fell into the sea from a high altitude.

Li Longze took the Yamata no Orochi back to the warehouse. It might take a while longer to cultivate. Three heads were lost and the tail was pierced.

This battle is considered to be over, but Xie Xian and Zhuo Wu Qiongqi seem to be in a daze.

"What's the matter with you?" Li Longze asked a little puzzled.

"It seems that another figure emerged from your body just now. Could it be Hou Yi? That arrow...could it have reproduced the scene of Hou Yi shooting the sun back then." Xie Xian was still in a daze, and some seemed to be talking to himself. Li Longze replied in English.

Hou Yi has undoubtedly died. As a Wu clan, they have no soul, they cannot be reincarnated, and it is impossible to leave behind anything such as consciousness.

Just like Kuafu who chased the sun and turned into a peach forest after death, Hou Yi should return to the earth in the same way.

Perhaps, this is just Shen Gong's "memory".

In any case, this "memory" was considered to have helped Li Longze, and shot and killed Immortal Qionghai with the last arrow.

But Li Longze was not happy. He hoped that one day, what he used was his own strength, and he did not rely on others or other weapons.

This is an obsession for Li Longze, who was originally just an ordinary person who only embarked on the path of seeking Tao after getting a pet store.

Because no matter what others think, he himself always feels that these powers are too unreal, and they all rely on other things.

By the pet store, by the system, by the pet.

"Okay! Is it worth being so excited to see Houyi again?" Li Longze put his bow away and said as he fell to the ground.

"This shows that you have been approved by the Sun Shooting God Bow. I think you have a bright future if you can master an acquired treasure so quickly!" Xie Xian chased after him and patted Li Longze on the shoulder.

Li Longze only glanced at him, and put him and Qiongqi into the pet warehouse.

"Thank you!" Li Longze fell on the ruins of a tall building on the ground, and thanked Mu Zhongqiu.

"That person just now..." Mu Zhongqiu asked curiously.

"The enemy, it's none of your business." Li Longze didn't intend to explain, but just replied lightly.

"So, they've been discussing for so long, and you're the only one here?" Li Longze looked again, only Mu Zhongqiu and his "junior brother" were in front of him.

"Cough! No, that... Sensing the fierce battle here, several sects from Huashan, Kunlun, and Taishan have come, but it seems that you have subdued the Yaqi snake without help, so I went to search for some Lost the magic weapon of the Japanese kingdom." Mu Zhongqiu defended people in the Taoist circle.

"Little friend is different today. If the old Taoist is not mistaken, that person just now is probably an immortal." Tianxin sweetheart appeared out of nowhere and said.

"How many artifacts did the Venerable Master find?" Li Longze asked with a smile instead of answering.

"It's just a Tiangang sword. It was originally a treasure sent by me. If I have this opportunity, I have to find it." Tianxin sweetheart smiled awkwardly and explained.

(End of this chapter)

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