Plane Pet Dealer

Chapter 104 Dinner

Chapter 104 Dinner
Seeing this scene, Li Longze was a little relieved, but he also knew that the president at this time probably didn't have the time to take care of him, and he had to wait a few days for Xingshenlong's matter.

Forget it, let their family get together!
Li Longze left the surveillance system, and turned to search for more news about pet babies.

It was night, but unexpectedly received a dinner invitation from the waiter.

But it was a dinner specially organized by the president and his wife to welcome Anna back home.

After touching his gurgling stomach, Li Longze followed the waiter.

This is an indoor hall with a very wide space. The long tables are filled with various foods, fruits, pastries, etc., as well as various wines.

The hall was already very lively at this time, and many people in gorgeous clothes were chatting in groups.

Because it is indoors, everyone is not wearing protective clothing, but wearing all kinds of gorgeous costumes. At first glance, it really looks like the luxurious banquets of the rich and powerful on the earth, but the clothing styles are inevitably different. .

Li Longze was the only one who wore simple clothes, and still only had the earth clothes that he had just traveled over before.

Apart from these guests, the president, his wife and Anna have not been seen yet.

While muttering, Li Longze swept across the food on the table like a storm, seeming a bit out of place with the other people at the banquet.

At this time, the noisy crowd suddenly quieted down and looked in one direction.

Li Longze couldn't help but stop, the rude appearance of a starving ghost just now disappeared, and he wiped his mouth gracefully, and followed him.

It turned out that it was the president and his wife who showed up with Anna.

At this time, the president and his wife were obviously dressed up, the president was majestic and full of energy, and Angel was gorgeously dressed, dignified and gentle.

But the most eye-catching thing is Anna, who is being held by the couple.

Anna is wearing a moon-white long dress, with a flower with a streamer on her waist. The whole long dress looks simple and fresh, and when she wears it on Anna, it reveals a touch of playfulness and cuteness.

At this time, Anna inherited Angel's beauty, and she looked extraordinarily beautiful under the well-dressed and carefully painted makeup, like a goddess descending to earth, and just appeared for a moment, attracting the attention of all the guests.

Li Longze's eyes couldn't help revealing a hint of wonder. Sure enough, people depend on clothes. Although the Anna I saw before was also a beautiful girl full of energy, she was still far inferior compared to now.

However, despite being so well-dressed and facing such a big scene, Anna still looked a little timid, with a cautious expression, which made people feel distressed.

She is an orphan girl who has lived alone for 18 years. Even if she finds noble parents now, her previous experiences cannot be changed.

It may take some time to become a truly generous "princess".

"Congratulations, congratulations! Congratulations, Mr. President, for finding his biological daughter who has been lost for many years! Congratulations, Miss Anna, for finding her biological parents!"

After a short moment of amazement, many people started to congratulate and gave their own gifts.

But at this time, Anna, who was a little uncomfortable with everything, was standing beside the president and his wife with a stiff smile. With her eyes wandering, it was Li Longze who spotted the crowd.

A trace of surprise and doubt flashed in his eyes, and he actually walked towards Li Longze.

Li Longze was taken aback, and looked at the crowd following Anna's figure, and smiled wryly.

This girl, as expected, didn't know that she is the focus of this banquet, and she can even be regarded as the focus of the eyes of most people in this country!
"Why are you here? Who are you?" Anna asked Li Longze curiously.

After a period of time, the anger of being deceived by Li Longze had subsided a lot, and what was left was a strong curiosity about Li Longze's identity.

"My lord princess, the little one is just a commoner!" Li Longze felt a little uncomfortable being watched by so many people, but he still joked.

"By the way, Anna, it was the clues provided by this gentleman that allowed us to find you!" At this time, the president and his wife also came over, pointing at Li Longze and introducing to Anna.

"That is to say, he is the folk wonder who came to try to restart the Star God Dragon?" Anna asked in surprise.

Afterwards, she glanced at Li Longze suspiciously, she was a little wondering what Li Longze's real purpose was?

This fluttering and blurred feeling made her feel that Li Longze was very dangerous.

But at this time, Anna's actions inadvertently pushed aside a young man who was about to offer her a gift.

The young man's face was gloomy, and he looked at this side with some resentment, and finally gave Li Longze a vicious look. Obviously, he blamed all the crimes on Li Longze. .

Afterwards, the young man suppressed the dissatisfaction on his face, and followed him with a smile on his face again. He looked at Anna with strong desire and longing. This woman, no matter her appearance or her background, made people unable to remain unmoved. .

"Miss Anna, this is a necklace made of natural blue crystal that I managed to get. It is the only one in the world. Only a beauty like you can have such a necklace. I hope you will accept it!" The young man flattered He handed over a box he was holding in his hand.

Anna looked a little impatient, but there was nothing she could do. She took it as if she had received so many gifts before, thanked her politely, and handed the gift to a waiter next to her.

Anna's perfunctory attitude once again made the young man a little annoyed, but then he rolled his eyes, looked at Li Longze, and said with a fake smile: "It seems that this Mr. Stranger knew Miss Anna? Now Miss Anna's family Getting to know each other is a great joy, I wonder what gift Mr. Strange Man is going to give?"

"Since he is a strange person who claims to be able to awaken the star dragon, the gift he wants to offer is also very extraordinary?"

The young man blamed Anna's ignorance of him on Li Longze. If it wasn't for this guy, how could Anna be indifferent to his gift.

Hearing his words, Anna finally sensed that something was wrong. This guy seems to be aiming at Li Longze?

"Mr. Li gave me a gift before." Although Anna was very angry that Li Longze lied to her that she had lost memory, but it was not enough for others to embarrass Li Longze because of her own reasons, so Anna made a relief.

"No, the previous counts. As a good friend, how could I not give a big gift for such a happy event?" Li Longze naturally couldn't let others run over him, but he interrupted Anna's words and said.

When he mentioned the words "good friend", his tone was even more emphatic, specifically to provoke this young man who didn't know the so-called so-called.

(End of this chapter)

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