The shrew of time travel

Chapter 521 What I said before, can you still take it seriously?

Chapter 521 Do you really mean what you said before?
Soon, Mu Si came back.

What she was holding in her hand was the swaddling baby she got from Mrs. Mu that day.

"It's good to check it out. Instead of avoiding some things, it's better to solve them as soon as possible."

Ever since he got the swaddling baby that day, Mu Si didn't know what was going on in his heart, but he took the swaddling baby away properly.

Bo Yifei held the swaddling baby with both hands, and then stood aside.

"You should be very careful about this matter. Apart from you, you must not let others know. If there is news that reaches Hua Lao's ears..."

Having been master and servant for many years, Mu Weichen never wanted to leave harsh words to Bo Yifei.

Fortunately, there has been a tacit understanding between the two for many years, and the seriousness of the problem was discussed last time, so Bo Yifei naturally understood.

"Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will be able to complete the task!"

Only then did Mu Weichen wave his hand and let him go...

After Bo Yifei walked out the door, Mu Weichen stretched out his long arms and pinched Mu Si's fingers in his hands.

"Li Ji has sent a message back, and the matter of the salt boat is already in sight. I am very concerned about the matter of the jade pendant. I am afraid that they will use the jade pendant to make some articles. These days, that old dog Bai Bingxiang, even It's honest, but the more it is like this, the more uneasy it makes people feel, and I don't know what conspiracy is hidden behind it..."

At this point, Mu Weichen couldn't help tightening Mu Si's fingers, paused for a while, and then said again.

"That day Yifei already confirmed that Bai Bingxiang was involved with Yan Fu. In the past, it was only known that he had spread a lot of slander on the top of the saint. Now it seems that the person who caused public anger in the Central Plains by using salt is probably Bai Bingxiang..."

"But is there going to be a war?"

Mu Si heard the twists and turns, it was very troublesome, so he opened his mouth directly, pointing at the roots.

"Are you afraid? If one day, I really become a traitor, will you be afraid?"

The words slipped out without thinking, and Mu Si rolled his eyes when he heard it.

"You man, every question is so boring. When have you ever seen me afraid? I dare to go with you even in the Temple of Yama. Since ancient times, the success of the king and the defeat of the enemy, the history is victory If there is no rebellion, how can there be a change of dynasty? If the sky is not benevolent, it will go against the sky! Now that the emperor is confused, and the sage is no longer, so what if you raise the butcher's knife? Only in this way, I can't let it go Mudan has tossed about by herself. Now I can't afford to support your two hundred guards..."

As he said that, Mu Si pouted.

"Aren't you angry again? Why don't you raise them? You only take care of your eldest sister these few days, so you don't have time to spare. You can't let them go hungry, can you?"

She handles major events in the world at her fingertips.

She didn't know how brave she was, how dared to risk the disapproval of the world.

It's just that after hearing such bold words for a while, she suddenly pouted and became angry like a little daughter, which made him a little dumbfounded.

"That was before, but it's different now! Now the eldest sister is getting married, and someone will take care of her in the future. Aunt Qian has entered the yard, so even Fu'er doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Aunt Qian is generous, my sister Before reconciliation, I felt sorry for my sister. Now that the two of them have this relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, there may not be any troubles. Look, there is no one in the village who dares to step on my door. Do you really mean what we said before?"

Mu Si spread Mu Weichen's hand with his backhand, drew circles on his palm, pouted his mouth, and acted coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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