The shrew of time travel

Chapter 211 What's the meaning?this is to lose

Chapter 211 What's the meaning?this is to lose
Wang Dali spoke out at the right time, which immediately made Bai Qi feel more favorable.


"Pass the wooden peg to the hall!"

Wang Dali yelled loudly in response to Bai Tuo's words, and Mu Shuan came in, and Xiao Mu's hot eyes immediately cast on his face, making him feel very unreal in a trance.

"Who is in the hall?"

When the gavel slapped, Mu Shuan was startled, and immediately knelt down and said in a trembling voice after recovering.

"Grassman Wooden Hitch, knock to see your lord."

"Mu Shuan, I want to ask you, Liu San said that he never treated you harshly when you worked in his house, is it true?"

Seeing that he was trembling before he spoke, Bai Tuo's vanity was instantly satisfied.

"Reporting to my lord, Mr. Liu did not treat the grassroots harshly."

Mu Shuan didn't know the seriousness of the matter, he just thought it was just a misunderstanding, and it was fine to explain it clearly.

What's more, as he said, Liu San didn't treat him harshly, as for pouring Yexiang, it was to arrange his work, and taking so much money, it doesn't matter if pouring Yexiang.

Furthermore, he has only been in Liu's mansion for a few days, and he has no chance to meet Mr. Liu at all. Even if someone has trouble with him, it is not Mr. Liu's fault...

"In this way, it's really like what Liu San said, you were hired to work!"

Seeing that things were going smoothly, Bai Zuo secretly rejoiced in his heart, and couldn't help but relax.


Speaking of Mu Shuan, he didn't feel bad towards Liu San. After all, when he came here, Mingjun didn't follow him, so he shouldn't be a bad person if he promised him to do all the work alone.

Compared with the two, the grievances suffered before are insignificant.

"Bold Mrs. Mu! Are you guilty?!!! Sue the squire Liu San innocently, confounding black and white, do you have any evil intentions?! Haven't you brought the truth?!"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Bai Tuo immediately glared angrily, and slapped the gavel vigorously, changing his previous meek and pleasant appearance.

"Little lady, I don't know my lord, it's true that the head of the family has not been home for a few days... I beg you to be gracious, please be merciful!"

Before he could be pleasantly surprised when he saw Mu Shuan just now, he was frightened back by Bai Tuo's roar, and immediately kowtowed on the ground.

Now even Mu Shuan panicked, he just said a few words casually, why did he become like this?

"Third Master, Third Master, forgive me. They are all young family members, and they are only worried about the younger ones to cause trouble for Third Master! Third Master, please forgive me!"

Fortunately, if you are confused, you will be confused, but you know how to turn to your family at critical moments.

Not to mention Xiao Mu's panic, even Mu Si didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of Mr. Liu.

After repeated confirmation, she already knew that Mr. Liu in front of her was by no means a good person, and what happened that day was definitely a hoax.

However, how to explain the scene in front of him?

No matter how confused Mu Shuan was, he would never speak for outsiders. Besides, looking at his appearance, his words seemed to come from the heart.

Could it be that this third master Liu has some kind of magic skill to make predictions?

Or in other words, he has already seen the plan of 'Master Luo'?

All kinds of thoughts flashed by, but Mu Si didn't figure it out, but it's unwise to expose yourself to the enemy's bayonet before knowing the enemy's situation.

So Mu Si resolutely clings to Xiao Mu's side and comforts her constantly, no different from a timid peasant girl.

However, avoiding its edge for the time being does not mean being a turtle.

Where others can't see, Mu Si's resolute gaze well explains what it means to be ready to go...

(End of this chapter)

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