Chapter 835
At this moment, many sisters felt uneasy and couldn't help becoming more nervous.

They came here to pretend to attract fans in front of the national audience, not to be ashamed.

If she was given a low score by the mentor team like Zheng Yingqian, then her professional ability was undoubtedly questioned.

As a well-known entertainer, his professional ability has been questioned, which is embarrassing.

At this moment, the young ladies became nervous and dissatisfied, and some people even asked angrily, "Didn't it be agreed before that no points should be given, or just perform casually, regardless of high or low? Why has it changed now?"

"I'm also wondering, how can this score work?" Hearing the voice of this young lady, another young lady also vented her inner dissatisfaction

"It doesn't matter whether we score or not, it mainly depends on who gives us the score." Seeing what happened, some young ladies also held a compromising attitude.

Again, they are all well-known entertainers, and they are all big names in their respective fields, and they can't afford to be ashamed.

If you score, you will compare with each other. Those with low scores will not feel as good as those with high scores, and they will lose face.

Therefore, each of them is very resistant to scoring, and does not want to be ridiculed by public opinion because of low scores.

They know very well that if they rate the show, some media will definitely make a fuss about it after the show is broadcast.

Those with high scores blow to the sky, and those with low scores step into the stinky ditch.

They are well aware of the pissing nature of the media, and they know that the media will use this method to attract attention.

Only in this way, the media made a lot of money, but they were affected by it.

At this moment, the young lady could only vent her dissatisfaction with her mouth, but in fact they still performed on stage one by one.

After signing the contract, they can't help it.

It is not impossible to repent, and it is over after losing money.

Furthermore, for them, repenting will not only cost them money, but also miss this rare opportunity that may lead to a second spring.

Therefore, I can only express my dissatisfaction with my mouth, but my body is quite honest.

The second performer on stage is Huang Qian, a 37-year-old actress.

There is a representative work, but it is the representative work when he first debuted more than ten years ago.

Debut is the pinnacle. When I was young, I was lucky. I was selected by a crew with a good script and became famous in one fell swoop. Afterwards, I was tepid and even became a marginal character.

However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even though this person is not very popular now, he is a famous artist after all, so he has more reputation than a newcomer.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about this flowery face. In a place like the entertainment industry, with this face and a well-managed body, the contacts are not bad.

Huang Qian obviously had some preparations before coming here. She performed a combination of singing and dancing on the stage. Although it looked ordinary, but combined with her identity as an actor, it was quite good.

Wang Shen watched silently from the side, giving some affirmation in his heart.

He knew that among the thirty sisters, only a few were professional girl group entertainers, most of them were actors and a small number of singers, so it was reasonable that they were not very good at singing and dancing.

Although it is reasonable, the attitude is another matter.

I can't say that I'm not a girl group artist, I can't sing and dance, I just fool around and get it done, this kind of attitude is not acceptable.

It's about wanting Huang Qian to act like this, and give a corresponding attitude. She is an actress, not a girl group artist, and she is not good at singing and dancing. She came to participate in this show and was specially prepared.

With this attitude alone, Wang Shen has already given some affirmation from the bottom of his heart.

In Wang Shen's eyes, there is no difference between the thirty young ladies, whoever has a better attitude will be more favored by him.

After Huang Qian's performance, the three instructors gave their marks, but Wang Shen didn't give any comments during the whole process.

80 points!
It's not very high, and it's not low. It's an excellent score, which is better than the score of the first young lady who played.

After reading the scores, Huang Qian walked into the review room, and Wang Shen looked up.

I have to say that although Huang Qian is in her thirties, due to her good maintenance and makeup, she looks no different from a young girl in her twenties.

Moreover, due to the good makeup, she also looks like a rare big beauty.

In this regard, Wang Shen did not have too much opinion.

Because in the entertainment industry, as long as those artists go out to work, they will wear makeup. At the same time, most of them have personal makeup artists, and their makeup skills are not bad.

Therefore, no matter how bare-faced those artists are, whenever they go out to work, with some elaborate makeup embellishments, they all look like big beauties.

If these young ladies wanted to impress Wang Shen with their beauty, it would be impossible.

Because, seeing too many beauties, if it wasn't for the effervescent young lady who is equally beautiful without makeup, Wang Shen's heart would be basically unmoved.

This principle is like behind every goddess there is a XXX man who wants to vomit.

It's also like the husbands of many beauties running out for sex even though they are holding big beauties.

Aesthetic fatigue is no surprise!
(Will be updated tomorrow~)

(End of this chapter)

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