father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 807 Recording

Chapter 807 Recording
"If you think you need a reason, you need a reason!"

"If you think you don't need a reason, then you don't need a reason!"

"Everyone sees it differently, and different people think differently."

Wang Shen thought for a while, and pretended to be profound in his answer.

Hearing this, Yang Xiaoyu's expression darkened, and she continued angrily, "I'm asking you, not anyone else. I'm asking you this question, and I'm waiting for your answer."

"Haha." Seeing Wang Shen being teased by Yang Xiaoyu one after another, the others all laughed.

"That's right, Mr. Wang, we know that different people will have different ideas, but it's you who is asking the question now, and you are the only one who needs to answer." Fang Lei and others laughed and booed.


Wang Shen understood that if he didn't give an accurate answer today, the matter would be difficult, so he had no choice but to respond: "Love someone, you don't need a reason."

As soon as Wang Shen finished speaking, the people around couldn't help showing their expressions, because this answer was the most perfect answer for the public.

On the other hand, the need for a reason has a trace of materiality in it, which is an inferior answer.

However, they didn't expect that after Wang Shen finished speaking, he changed the topic and said again, "Although loving someone doesn't need a reason, but getting together in the end requires a reason."

"There are many reasons for this. It may only need a small reason, or it may need enough reasons."

"You don't need a reason to love someone, but you need a reason to get together in the end."

"To explain it in scientific terms, loving someone is just the effect of a sudden overproduction of hormones."

"After the hormones decrease, you need a reason to maintain it."

Believe it or not, anyway, Wang Shen is just talking nonsense here in a serious manner.

Wang Shen knew that this question was a minefield, and no matter how he answered it, it would be subject to controversy after the show was broadcast.

That being the case, it might as well be ambiguous and blind.

Both agree that no reason is needed, and they also agree that a reason is needed, and then cooperate with a scientific explanation to fool the past.

Apparently, Yang Xiaoyu guessed Wang Shen's mind clearly, and he couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at him.

Seeing that Wang Shen was still unwilling to say the answer in his heart, and he had already answered, Yang Xiaoyu couldn't continue to ask, so he had to give up.

The answer she wanted in her heart hadn't been asked yet, Yang Xiaoyu felt a little unwilling in her heart.

Xu Liang and the others gave Wang Shen a thumbs up, indicating that his answer was perfect.

They are all from the entertainment industry, how could they not know that this question is a big pit, and it is quite good to be able to answer it like this.

As the members toss each other, the atmosphere slowly rises, and the recording of the new episode of the program officially begins.

The first recording location was in the open space of a certain school in the capital city. The seven people were "well-dressed" and stood in the school square in school uniforms.

Now, start moving to school for classes.

The seven people walked to the classroom, and after a little tossing around again, Yang Xiaoyu walked to the podium and signaled the many "students" in the audience to listen to him.

"Today, a transfer student is coming from our class." Yang Xiaoyu smiled sweetly, "It's a girl~~"

"Oh!" When they heard it was a girl, everyone showed idiot faces.

Up to now, everyone has more or less a certain sense of variety, and knows what kind of demeanor to express at what time.

For example, now, as soon as Yang Xiaoyu said that it was a girl, they collectively entered the demeanor of idiots in an instant, so as to form a sharp contrast and highlight the effect of the program.

Following Yang Xiaoyu's words, the guests who had been waiting outside the classroom door opened the door to enter.

Seeing the appearance of the person who came, everyone at the scene suddenly screamed, as exaggerated as they looked.

Although everyone's exaggeration is a bit fake, but the card of the comer is a real actress who has become popular recently.

Because, the person who came was none other than the heroine of the second part of the hit movie "A Chinese Journey to the West", Fairy Zixia Wen Wanshu!

Wang Shen knew about Wen Wanshu's coming, but he didn't disclose it in advance.

As for Yang Xiaoyu and others, for the sake of the real program effect, they don't know.

In fact, no matter whether Wang Shen is the producer of this program or whether she knows Wen Wanshu or not, as the main MC, he will know in advance the flying guests of each episode.

The purpose of doing this is to make the recording of the program more convenient and avoid the cold scene as much as possible.

At the same time, except for the main MC, other regular members generally do not know the information of the flying guests in advance.

The purpose of doing this is also for the effect of the program.

For example, this time, Wen Wanshu's arrival made them all look shocked.

After all, Wen Wanshu is not the little actress she used to be, but has already transformed into a first-line actress, and now she is even a popular first-line actress.

Its brand name is certainly not comparable to other artists.

"Hi everyone, I'm Wen Wanshu, a transfer student!" Walking in front of everyone, Wen Wanshu didn't have the slightest airs, and greeted everyone very politely.

After Wen Wanshu said hello, a staff member who acted as the head teacher walked in and asked her and Yang Xiaoyu to choose a seat to sit down.

Including Wen Wanshu, there were eight people in total.

Eight people are divided into two rows, with four people in a row.

But now, there are three "male students" sitting in two rows, so Wen Wanshu and Yang Xiaoyu need to choose a row to sit in, so as to complete the team formation.

(End of this chapter)

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