father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 799 Soda Drink 033

Chapter 799 Soda Drink 033
As the second part of "A Chinese Journey to the West" began to hit theaters, countless film critics posted film reviews on Weibo and other platforms.

Soda 033, an online writer for qidian.com.cn.

As a writer who relies on online novels for his living, he never calls himself a writer.

Literati look down on each other. In the eyes of some people, art has high and low.

And his job is the low-level works despised by many traditional writers or people who think they are superior.

On this point, Soda 033 never argues with others, and he does not call himself a writer, but a network writer.

Keyboard warriors, typists, and code writers are all fine.

Two years ago, Soda 033 saw Wang Shen, an artist, running into the online novel industry, thinking that it might have an impact on the industry, and had an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart, so he jumped out and hated Wang Shen.

However, Soda 033 is not the kind of person who thinks too much of himself and is inflated.

Facing the situation of being slapped in the face, he chose to kneel and lick with a smile without saying a word.

As the saying goes, those who know current affairs are heroes.

Who would struggle with money?
Soda 033 has been denounced by various netizens since it pissed off Wang Shen.

He knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely get cold.

Ever since, he took the initiative to change direction and began to kneel and lick.

No, because he had pissed off Wang Shen before, his popularity has soared.

Then shamelessly began to kneel and lick. Although he lost face, the increase in popularity was real.

The rise in popularity has naturally led to the rise in the fame of his works.

The popularity of the work rises, which in turn is linked to sales.

In other words, although the operation of soda 033 has become the object of ridicule by thousands of netizens, the income has also risen accordingly.

In short, although it is embarrassing, it has gained a lot of benefits because of the immediate correction.

Soda 033, he is not only an Internet writer, but also a film critic.

Perhaps because he is a writer of novels, he often hits the nail on the head when it comes to film reviews of film and television works, so he has gained a lot of fans.

In addition, he already has quite a few book fans. Adding the two together, he can be regarded as a big V film critic with a meager following of more than 300 million.

At this moment, he also wrote a film review on "A Chinese Journey to the West" and was about to publish it.

It has to be said that netizens like to read the film reviews written by him more than the film reviews published by other film critics.

Because, Soda 033 has beaten Wang Shen before.

And this is the key point to attract netizens.

What countless netizens want to see is this soda 033, who has pissed off Wang Shen before, kneels and licks
"After listening to the theme song of "A Chinese Journey to the West", "The Love of My Life", I was deeply moved, and I can't wait to write something, and I want to share with you what I think of "A Chinese Journey to the West" from my own perspective.

"Although before the movie was released, it was rumored on the Internet that it was a comedy movie, but I think this movie should be a tragic story now."

"I watched it in the cinema with my friends. I started laughing and turned my back, and then gradually fell silent. On the way home, I was walking with my friend and discussing this movie. My friend said that at the end of the movie, the sunset samurai said Supreme Treasure on the city wall. It seems to be a dog, but it is actually implying that Zhizunbao at the beginning of the movie is Zixia Fairy's dog."

"It was then that I suddenly realized that I was completely immersed in the emotional transformation of the movie during the whole process, and I couldn't help ignoring these things."

"I watched it with several friends of different age groups and listened to their discussions, so I can roughly guess that different age groups see different things."

"If you're young, you should think it's a mess, a group of demons are dancing around, you can't see the central idea at all, and you may even feel a little scary."

"If you are a little older, you should get a lot of hidden jokes in the movie, and you will subconsciously think it is a comedy."

"Wait until the beginning of love, walk the river of love, experience emotional entanglements, and watch this movie, maybe you will burst into tears instantly. Because at this stage, you will understand: It turns out that loving someone is really painful, and Ta has always been in my heart. A tear was shed. It's just that we were too young to notice."

"As you get older and enter the society, you get up early and work hard in the society all day long. After being educated by the society from time to time, after watching this movie, you will feel a lot of emotions and be speechless. Because, no matter how young and vigorous you are when you are young , and ultimately lost to reality.”

"How should I put it? Since I went to college, I have more free time. I gradually fell in love with watching movies and writing novels. I can experience all kinds of things in the world in movies. I watched too many movies and TV works, so I started to write novels in a fit of anger."

"Finally, under the pressure of life, we forget our dreams and become the kind of people we least want to be. At this age, after watching the movie, we will have a lot of emotions, only to realize that each of us is Zhizunbao lives like a dog."

"But we don't want to be dogs. We just grow up gradually, put away our hot temper, and become less reckless. Who hasn't scolded Fang Qiu in a hundred years of life? Who hasn't made trouble in the heaven? Who hasn't lived a chic life? Supreme treasure's Our mission is to protect Tang Sanzang from the Western Paradise, and our mission is to protect the family from suffering, so we only care about the workplace and become hopeless."

"In this analogy, we are the same as Supreme Treasure. In order to save Zixia, he put on a golden hoop and escorted Tang Seng. For the sake of the family, we erased the edges and corners and supported the family."

"In the eyes of some people, this is a life like a dog. But we don't think we are dogs, just like Supreme Treasure with a golden hoop, he doesn't think he is a dog either."

"Wang Shen in "A Chinese Journey to the West" interprets two characters, Zhizunbao and Monkey King: one is cynical and unrestrained, and the other is serious and has a mission."

"When we were young, we were all Supreme Treasures. We liked to look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, hoping to become Monkey King; when we grew up, we really became Monkey King, but we began to miss the unfettered Supreme Treasure very much."

"This is the process of a man's natural transformation. It doesn't matter which one is better. Because they must all go through!"

"We all say that life is like a drama, and drama is like life. Bai Jingjing likes Monkey King, Sun Wukong likes Fairy Zixia, Fairy Zixia likes Zhizunbao, and Zhizunbao likes Bai Jingjing. In the play, they love each other again and again. miss."

"It's really a sinful fate!"

"Who is Tang Seng? Do we think of our parents, our teachers, our predecessors? Which man has not experienced their earnest teachings, and which person has not developed a strong rebellious psychology? However, Every man, when he grows up and becomes a man, will be grateful for their teachings, or regret not listening to them."

"I know that one day he will appear in a situation that attracts everyone's attention, wearing a golden armor and holy clothes, and stepping on clouds of seven colors to marry me."

"Fairy Zixia is the kind of woman who makes every boy fall in love with her. She doesn't have high demands on her lover, that's all. But let me ask, can you do it? Did Zhizunbao do it? He did it, but at a price but it is."

"Who is the Bull Demon King? He represents an invisible power in this world. He took away Zixia, Jingjing, and the happiness of Zhizunbao. This kind of power made Zhizunbao and his representative The boys lost their old Eden, and they must overcome it if they want to get back their old happiness."

"It seems to be a movie, but if you think about Teacher Wang's life experience, think about how Teacher Wang got to where he is today, and think about why Teacher Wang can make such a movie? You will find that it is I am using this film to tell my own story."

"Life is unsatisfactory nine times out of ten. Mr. Wang made his debut for the second time. He has experienced a lot just now. At this moment, the ups and downs in his heart are all contained in the movie "A Chinese Journey to the West"."

"It's just like Mr. Wang's current situation. He gave up some things, he put on a golden hoop, and just swept the entertainment circle, no one can beat him!"

"Really, this "Journey to the West" once again refreshed my understanding of Mr. Wang."

"I found that many of his works have a strong personal color."

"Others don't know sorrow, they just talk about tragedy."

"Teacher Wang injects his own emotions into the works, and then makes the feelings of the works real."

"Not much to say."

"Blow up "A Chinese Journey to the West"!"

"Blow up Teacher Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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