Chapter 750 Rest
Temporarily ending his schedule in the capital, Wang Shen returned to Jiang Hai's home.

Time flies, and Wang Xiaoying is on winter vacation in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Wang Shen finally finished his phased work, and planned to rest comfortably at home for a day, recharge his energy, and prepare for the upcoming itinerary.

However, although the work at hand has come to an end temporarily, there are other things at home that need to be dealt with.

For example, tutoring my daughter Wang Xiaoying to do homework during the winter vacation.

Wang Shen once said that he is also a high school teacher. In his eyes, the winter vacation homework for the first grade of elementary school is not easy to do?
At this moment, he sat beside Wang Xiaoying, urging the poor Wang Xiaoying, who didn't want to do homework and just wanted to watch cartoons, to do her winter vacation homework.

On weekdays, Wang Xiaoying misses Wang Shen very much.

At this point in time, I feel that Wang Shen is extremely annoying, and I have been longing for Wang Shen to go out to work instead of staying at home.

Because, as long as Wang Shen stays at home, Wang Xiaoying feels that she has lost her beloved cartoon.

Losing a beloved cartoon is equivalent to losing your soul.

Suddenly, she didn't miss Wang Shen anymore, she just wanted Wang Shen to leave quickly.

Only in this way can she regain her freedom and find her soul again.

Her cartoons, and her happiness.

There is no harm without comparison.

Through the comparison with her grandparents, Wang Xiaoying felt that her father had changed and was no longer cute.

Grandpa and grandma are the best, they can do whatever they want at home.

On the other hand, Wang Shen, a stinky bastard, had to do winter homework within two days of the holiday.

There is no humanity.

Cold-blooded and ruthless!

Wang Xiaoying was full of grievances and couldn't vent. She missed her Aunt Wanwan, she missed the scene where Aunt Wanwan took her out to play, and she wanted those beautiful days.

Instead of being like this now, you need to sit at the desk and do your homework!

"Father, don't you have work today?" The kid couldn't sit still without doing two questions, and asked Wang Shen with his head turned.

"Why are you asking this?" Wang Shen could tell what his daughter was thinking at a glance, and asked back with a smile.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious and concerned about you." Wang Xiaoying said coquettishly with a cute smile.

"Caring about me?" Wang Shen deliberately continued to ask with a faint smile on his face.

"That's right!" Wang Xiaoying stopped doing her homework after hearing the words, nodded her head in a hurry, and replied coquettishly, "It will be bad if Dad stays at home and delays work."

"The teacher said that you should be consistent in doing things, and you can't just give up halfway, or you can't play tricks."

"Dad, if you stay at home today, what if you miss work?"

"If you miss work, you won't be able to make money. If my father can't make money, he won't have money to send me to school. If I can't study, I won't be able to go to college. The teacher said that if we don't go to college in the future, we will have no food." If you eat, you will starve to death."

"Dad, I don't want to have nothing to eat, and I don't want to starve to death."

"Besides, I still want to buy rice for my dad and meat for my dad in the future."

"So I don't want to fail the college entrance examination, and my father can't delay work."

"." Wang Xiaoying talked about the great philosophy of life at a young age, and Wang Shen was taken aback for a while.

It gives people the feeling that this child is so sensible at such a young age, which is really rare in the world.

However, this is just an outsider's opinion.

As Wang Xiaoying's biological father, how could Wang Shen not know the hidden meaning of these words? ?

So many words have been said, all of which are false and irrelevant.

The only key point is to ask, why did Wang Shen stay at home instead of going out to work?

what a clever little ghost
Those who want to try to ask Wang Shen why he doesn't go out to work, those who want to know why he doesn't go out to work, and those who want to understand and move Wang Shen to go out with emotion, and blurt out a lot of life principles!
To be able to have such a sense of life at such a young age is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among people.

But is this really the case?

Wang Shen knew that was not the case.

Wang Xiaoying didn't have those insights, she just wanted to urge Wang Shen to go out to work instead of staying at home.

In this way, she is the king of the mountain in the family, and she can do whatever she wants.

Acting like a baby, the second elder in the family will indulge, and will never be severely disciplined.

At home, only Wang Shen can be "ruthless".

In other words, as long as Wang Shen is dealt with, she will gain a free soul and instantly feel the beauty of the world.

And Wang Shen, it was the stumbling block before this, it was the obstacle before this beautiful future!

"But... Dad doesn't have a job today." Wang Shen understood what his daughter wanted to express, smiled and said lightly.

"Oh." Hearing Wang Shen said that there was no job, Wang Xiaoying replied disappointedly, with a very reluctant and disappointed expression.

She is young, and any emotion is directly expressed on her face, unlike an adult who would hide it in various ways.

"Does dad have work tomorrow?" Wang Xiaoying asked again after being lost for a while.

Her question was not that she wanted Wang Shen to take her out to play.

Because she knew that it was impossible to go out to play because she just had the summer vacation and only had the result of doing homework at home.

Therefore, she asked this question because she wanted to make sure whether Wang Shen would be at home tomorrow.

As long as Wang Shen is not at home tomorrow, then she will be the king of the mountain at home.

Winter vacation homework or something can be postponed for another day.

All in all, homework is something that can be pushed for a day, and I never want to do it.

"Why are you asking so many questions? Let's finish today's homework first." Wang Shen glared at him. He also understood the hidden meaning of Wang Xiaoying's question, but he just saw it through and didn't explain it.

After being criticized, Wang Xiaoying stuck out her tongue unhappily, forced by Wang Shen's deterrent force, she had to obediently continue to do her homework.

Seeing Wang Xiaoying starting to do homework, Wang Shen took out the phone and took a look.

Since the launch of WeChat and its successful promotion, Wang Xiaoying's class teacher has created a parent group, which has attracted parents of all the children in the entire class.

At this moment, the group of parents is more lively.

Some parents posted the questions on their winter homework to the WeChat group to exchange complaints.

The first time Wang Shen clicked in, he saw a math problem for the first grade of elementary school.


After this math problem, many parents gave the answer in an instant.

Parent No. 1: 4=32!

Parent No. 2: 4=32!

Parent No. 3: 32.

Parent No. 10: 32.

According to the law, 4=32, there is nothing wrong with it.

However, Wang Shen used to be a teacher. He knew that multiplication and division were not taught in the first grade of elementary school, and he would not start learning the formulas of multiplication and division until the second grade of elementary school.

That being the case, then this rule cannot be applied to children in the first grade of elementary school.

the reason is simple.

First-grade children don't know how to multiply and divide at all, let alone whether there is a number or two digits in this multiplication and division.

This is even more impossible!

Therefore, this kind of question cannot be answered with normal thinking.

Wang Shen knew the answer with just one glance.

Because the answer has already been written on the question, there is no need to think about the rules.

(This is the last time to make a beginning. If it doesn’t work, I can only recognize the reality.)
(End of this chapter)

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