father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 736 Ghost spirit

Chapter 736 Ghost spirit
When Wang Shen returned home, it was only around 07:30 in the evening. At this time, Wang Xiaoying hadn't slept yet.

Hearing the sound of the door opening in the living room with her grandparents, Wang Xiaoying immediately ran back to the room and closed the door, pretending to have fallen asleep.

At this point in time, it is impossible for Wang Xiaoying not to know who has the key to open the door.

Moreover, she also knew that Wang Shen had just returned from attending the parents' meeting.

For Wang Xiaoying, Wang Shen's participation in the parents' meeting is not the point, but the point is that Wang Shen will talk and communicate with the class teacher. This is where she is uneasy.

Wang Xiaoying is very ghostly. She is not sure whether the head teacher told Wang Shen some mischievous and disobedient things in school at the parent meeting, and she also does not know whether the head teacher told Wang Shen about her situation at school. .

In short, whether you say it or not, it is the wisest choice to take precautions and hide first.

As long as he hides first, even if the head teacher said something bad, Wang Shen would not be able to reprimand him when he came back.

In addition, Wang Xiaoying also knows that Wang Shen has a lot of work to do, that is to say, as long as he escapes tonight, Wang Shen will go to work later, and there is a high probability that he will survive.

All in all, Wang Xiaoying had a lot of mental activities. She was worried that Wang Shen would come back to give a lecture, and wanted to solve it by hiding.

If you can hide from the first day of junior high school, you can hide from the fifteenth day.

Because Wang Xiaoying knew in her heart that with the passage of time, as Wang Shen went to work, even if Wang Shen came back because he heard something from the class teacher and wanted to give a lecture, after time passed, he would cease to exist.

At a young age, I came up with the perfect method.

It's just that she was thinking too much, and Wang Shen didn't intend to lecture her.

Having said that, there is that kind of worry and worry in the heart of the child.

For example, when it comes to exams, every time a child is worried that they will be asked by their parents when they return home.

If you do well in the exam, you will naturally not have that kind of worry and anxiety.

On the contrary, if you do not do well in the exam, you will try your best to avoid appearing in front of your parents, lest your parents find the opportunity to ask related questions.

At this moment, Wang Xiaoying was like this. She was worried that Wang Shen would come back to ask her some questions and lectures after seeing the head teacher, so she hid herself to avoid Wang Shen having the opportunity to ask her.

Although Wang Shen didn't mean that, but Wang Xiaoying subconsciously imagined the worst result after brainstorming, so the ghost responded in this way.

"Xiaoying is asleep."

Wang Dali usually hurts his grandson Wang Xiaoying the most. He didn't know what the little kid's behavior meant just now, so he started to help out.

"Sleep so early?"

Hearing this, Wang Shen was a little surprised, and said in his heart that at 19:40, there was a cartoon that his daughter Wang Xiaoying loved to watch the most?
Why did you go to bed so early today?

Isn't this like her style?

"Maybe I'm a little tired." Wang Dali replied with a hard smile.

Seeing the smile on his father's face, Wang Shen couldn't see what was going on, so he responded with a smile, "Since I'm asleep, I'll go down and rest. I have work tomorrow."

"Go down and rest, Xiaoying will be watched by us, don't worry." Wang Dali replied.

Hearing the words, Wang Shen nodded, turned around and went downstairs without any further delay.

Wang Dali heard Wang Shen's voice coming downstairs, and then shouted to Wang Xiaoying's room, "Don't hide, your father has already left."

Hearing this voice, Wang Xiaoying opened the door and took a sneak peek at the living room. After confirming that Wang Shen had indeed left, she was relieved and ran out quickly to occupy the right to use the remote control and watch the Children's Channel, which only broadcasts one episode a day. favorite cartoon of
Since Wang Shen's mother was busy with other things, she didn't notice what was happening in the living room.

If she had noticed, she would definitely not make the old and the young torment so much.

Wang Shen went downstairs and returned home. After washing up a bit, he slept until dawn and started his new work after dawn.

As a super popular artist, the end of the year will be the busiest time.

This is because, at the time of the end of the year, there are often a lot of activities, not to mention the New Year's Day party, New Year's party, Spring Festival party, and Lantern Festival party of major TV stations.

It takes a lot of time to participate in the annual ceremonies of Weibo and major platforms.

These activities are not just enough for people to be present. In order to avoid mistakes, rehearsals need to be rehearsed in advance.

The rehearsal plus the official recording will take a lot of time to complete.

Last year, due to some reasons, Wang Shen was unilaterally off the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

This year, Huaxia Variety Channel has a new director, and Wang Shen has reached a title cooperation intention with the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Of course, these are not the key points. The point is that Wang Shen will make his debut in the Spring Festival Gala this year because of his cooperation with the Spring Festival Gala.

At the same time, he did not appear in the Spring Festival Gala as a singer, but as a sketch creator and actor.

This is not what Wang Shen wanted, but the result of the negotiation between the chief director and chief person in charge of the Spring Festival Gala with Wang Shen.

Wang Shen, as a phenomenon-level singer in China, performed songs on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Although it was interesting, it was nothing new.

Last year, Wang Shen did not appear in the Spring Festival Gala. The skit "Not Bad for Money" performed at the Shonan TV's small New Year's Gala surpassed the brilliance of all the skits on the Spring Festival Gala stage and became an annual classic.

Therefore, the chief director and person in charge of the Spring Festival Gala wanted Wang Shen to come up with another interesting skit on stage.

As for singing programs, it doesn't matter if they don't perform.

In fact, among the first thoughts of the chief director and person in charge of the Spring Festival Gala, he wanted Wang Shen to perform not only songs, but also sketches.

It's just that the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is no better than that of other TV stations.

The Spring Festival Gala is the most grand gala to face the national audience on the [-]th of the new year. In order not to miss any mistakes, song programs should always be performed in the form of lip-syncing.

Even if some singers have the strength to perform real singing on stage, it will not work.

Because, really singing, there is no guarantee that nothing will go wrong.

But lip-syncing can guarantee foolproofness to the greatest extent.

Therefore, no matter whether you have the ability to sing for real, on this stage, you should always fake it.

As a capable singer, Wang Shen didn't want to be caught and attacked because of lip-syncing.

Therefore, he will basically not agree to lip-syncing.

This principle contradicts the Spring Festival Gala.

Originally, this was a difficult task.

Because Wang Shen can also perform original sketches, it just perfectly solved this problem.

That is, instead of performing singing programs on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Wang Shen can make a powerful sketch, and just perform the sketch on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Besides, on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, the most interesting programs are sketches and cross talks.

The sketch will be performed by Wang Shen, and the performance is Wang Shen's original sketch.

It must be more interesting in terms of highlights!
(I should be able to speed up tomorrow, take a rest, and my physical condition is much better. My own guess should be caused by angina, myocardial infarction and other problems.)
(End of this chapter)

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