father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 540 Concert

Chapter 540 Concert (4)

This kind of performance is easy to say, but it is difficult to do it. In the whole world, only a few phenomenal singers have the strength to do so.

And Wang Shen can do it too.

Therefore, in the eyes of countless viewers, Wang Shen has been silent for five or six years, and he has already become a blockbuster if he does not sing.

The crowd outside the arena is still gathering, and there are all kinds of people coming all the time.

Especially some people living in Jianghai, ever since they saw the video circulating on the Internet, or saw the live broadcast on the bilidili website, they were all excited. They didn't want to run over, but they started to gather around at this moment.

Not to mention all parts of the country, just the city of Jianghai has a population of tens of millions.

Although there are only a small number of these people who like star chasing, combined with the crowds from all over the country, it is really a huge crowd.

In this regard, some people who do not chase stars joke that there are holes in the heads of those who gather around without tickets.

It has to be said that they may never experience the atmosphere of thousands of fans gathering together and cheering.

Furthermore, even if you stay outside the venue and cannot see the content inside the venue, you can log in to the bilidili APP with your mobile phone to watch the live broadcast.

While being surrounded by thousands of people and feeling the heart-piercing shouts from around, he took a look at the screen from the live broadcast on his mobile phone.

Although this feeling is not as intuitive as sitting in the workshop, it is not comparable to staying at home and watching the live broadcast silently.

Suddenly, there was a whistling sound in the sky, but the relevant departments dispatched several helicopters to watch the situation around the factory to avoid accidents.

Because, as Wang Shen's concert continued, and various videos of crowds of people were posted on the Internet, more and more people were attracted to watch.

Most of them are Wang Shen's fans. Since they didn't buy tickets, they didn't plan to come to the venue, but after seeing the crowds of people outside the venue, they were immediately moved.

Seeing these pictures made them realize that although they could not enter the venue, they could go to support their idols and feel the madness of the crowd.

At this moment, according to the rough statistics of relevant departments, the crowd gathered outside the stadium has exceeded 50.

There was no other way, and the relevant departments began to block roads in large areas to prevent the people behind from continuing to surround them.

This is because, if more and more people gather, the probability of an accident will be greater.

Therefore, the relevant departments have to start emergency measures to avoid unexpected situations on occasions that are closely watched by the whole country.

However, to the surprise of the relevant departments, the crowd blocked outside the blockade did not return when faced with this situation, but gathered again in place.

From the footage captured by the helicopter, it can be clearly seen that a crowd of people surrounded the Jianghai Engineering Museum, and then expanded around the center of the circle, and suddenly appeared a circle of empty areas controlled by relevant departments.

However, behind this gap area, there was another dark crowd gathered around.

This kind of situation directly confused the relevant departments of Jianghai.

As an international metropolis, it has encountered countless major events.

But there has never been a situation where tens of 10 people gathered in one place densely like today.

At the same time, reporters from major media also sent back the materials they had shot, and immediately the entire Internet was covered with related news.

For example, the Weibo homepage pops up real-time news.

"Tens of 10 people gathered around the Jianghai Engineering Museum. In order to avoid accidents, the relevant departments had to start blocking the roads to prevent entry. However, no matter how good the countermeasures are, they cannot stop the madness of thousands of fans."

Below this entry is a picture.

The content of the accompanying picture is the picture of the sea of ​​people and the bird's-eye view picture taken by the helicopter at high altitude.

The picture clearly shows the crowds gathered in circles centered on the workshop after the relevant departments closed the road.

Once this picture was released, it shocked the entire Internet once again.

What kind of crazy scene is this?
What a magnificent scene this is?
Although some singers in the world also have such appeal, but in China, no singer has ever done so.

Therefore, Wang Shen, these two words can't help but be deeply embedded in everyone's mind.

It is true that although Wang Shen won the honor of the music grand slam before this, he was not recognized by the entertainment industry, so many artists are jokingly calling Wang Shen a superstar.

Not only that, even the fans of those artists also ridiculed them in various ways.

After all, a singer who doesn't have a concert to test his strength will definitely be criticized.

However, Wang Shen not only showed his own strength, but also let everyone in the country see what a Uranus superstar is.

Let everyone keep their eyes open to see if he, Wang Shen, is a superstar.

Praise in the entertainment industry?
A sneer.

He, Wang Shen, doesn't care about the opinions of everyone in the circle, because to him, they are all chickens and dogs.

Excuse me, do you need to care about the opinions of chickens and dogs?
It does not need!
In the center of the stage, after nearly an hour of performance, Wang Shen was sweating profusely and exhausted, so he had to return to the backstage below the stage to rest.

In order not to be cold, Wang Shen invited a dance team to perform on stage instead of him at this moment.

For other singers' concerts, many singers are almost always invited to join the show.

But Wang Shen didn't have many friends in the entertainment industry, even if he had this idea, those singers would not be willing.

Therefore, Wang Shen didn't have this idea at all, and he was the only singer in the whole concert.

If you are tired, change the dance team to perform on stage, and then go on stage after a rest, or interact a little to delay time.

It stands to reason that Yang Xiaoyu is a singer, so Wang Shen should be able to invite her.

But Wang Shen did not choose to do so.

He has his reasons and ideas.

However, Wang Shen did not invite anyone to his concert.

For example, there is a group of families in the background who came to the scene at the invitation of Wang Shen.

This group of families is none other than the girl and her parents who left a message on Wang Shen Weiwei.

Wang Shen once went to her school and told her that if there was a concert, she would be invited to come.

Time passed, nearly a year passed, and Wang Shen finally fulfilled his promise.

At that time, the girl was seriously ill and had no hope for life.

However, the appearance of Wang Shen made her continue to persevere like a warm spark.

Afterwards, the general public and some public welfare organizations learned about the situation of the girl and extended a helping hand one after another.

Originally, the girl had been sentenced by the god of death, but in order to come to Wang Shen's concert, the girl gritted her teeth and insisted on fighting against the illness.

At the same time, there happened to be the emergence of new drugs, and many public welfare people in the society extended a helping hand, and the girl miraculously gradually recovered.

Although the body is not very healthy at present, it has already walked back from the gate of hell.

According to the judgment of professional doctors, as long as the girl maintains a healthy state of mind to recuperate in the future, she will soon be able to get out of the haze of the serious illness.

Knowing this, Wang Shen was certainly happy. He originally wanted to invite the girl to perform with him on stage, but considering that the girl was still weak even though she had escaped from the gate of hell, he rejected the idea.

As for letting the girl's family go to the front of the stage to watch the performance up close, Wang Shen also denied it.

Still the same sentence, the girl's body has not yet recovered, and the atmosphere at the scene is too explosive, if there is an accident because of this, it will be too late to regret.

Therefore, Wang Shen let the girl's family come to the backstage below the stage, which can be regarded as fulfilling his promise.

To be honest, Wang Shen is really happy that the girl's condition has improved, and he is even more confident in performing on stage.

At the same time, it also confirms a wise saying.

Don't give up at any time, maybe there will be a miracle.

On the contrary, if you give up directly, there is a high probability that you will not be favored by a miracle.

Furthermore, there is true love in the world, and a healthy character will also be taken care of by luck.

(End of this chapter)

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