father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 527 Bragging

Chapter 527 Bragging
The position is different, the positioning is also different.

If it was Wang Shen before, in order to get more shots, it is essential to perform, and to grasp the direction of the recording at all times, so as to strive for opportunities to appear.

But, that was before, when he just returned to the entertainment industry and was not famous or not famous, he needed this.

But now, Wang Shen is a collection of thousands of stars, and wherever he goes, he is a spotlight.

With this equal share, he no longer needs to bother to find the camera or try to control the rhythm for a chance to show his face.

Now, as the biggest boss, he just needs to quietly stand aside and be his boss.

The rest will be done by the other guest members.

Just like in many variety shows, a boss should look like a boss.

You only need to participate in the recording as you like, and you don't need to specially consider the feelings of other members.

So is Wang Shen!

With his current status, he no longer needs to be polite and cautious in his words and deeds. He must have what he should have.

Otherwise, worthy of his status as a popular superstar singer?

Although many big-name stars do not recognize Wang Shen's status in the entertainment industry, they often sneer at it.

But in this variety show, Wang Shen is definitely the biggest star.

Although, Yang Shu is also a first-line popular star.

But even Yang Shu herself knew that her so-called first line was just based on hype.

Although there are masterpieces, there are no awards.

In other words, in front of some second-tier and third-tier juniors, Yang Shu is a first-tier star.

But compared with the first-line actors who really have awards, she is not good enough.

This is also why Yang Shu didn't have the airs that a first-line star should have after seeing Wang Shen, because compared to Wang Shen, a popular superstar who gathered stars with absolute strength, she didn't have any qualifications to be big.

In addition, Yang Shu deliberately wanted to have a good relationship with Wang Shen, so the words were naturally very low-key and friendly.

After some conversation, the six became a little familiar with each other.

Soon, the six people were sent to the recording venue by the staff, which is the live-action secret room specially built by Shonan TV.

It stands to reason that programs such as escape rooms must meet the corresponding standards in terms of IQ, physical strength, etc. in order to be able to play.

However, this is a variety show, and nothing could be more true.

Moreover, as a variety show, every guest must have a script and character design.

For example, Yang Shu's character design has a super memory.

Moreover, Yang Shu not only has a character with a strong memory in this variety show, but also a character that she has always had in the entertainment industry.

In other words, super memory is equivalent to Yang Shu's label.

But is this really the case?
Wang Shen is also a member of the entertainment industry, so he just smiled.

He is very clear that in many cases, the things shown on the camera are often tricky.

Regarding the matter of setting up people, Wang Shen subconsciously thought of a female star in his previous life memory.

The female star claimed to be a vegetarian many times in the show, and she had never eaten human beings in her life. However, after a change in the style of painting, some netizens found out that she once ate meat in another show, which is not really delicious. .

Also, in order to show how hard-working she is, the female star even said in a variety show that she has been busy for a month without sleeping.

Let me ask, is this Superman?

You haven't slept for a month, and you can still stand on the stage and record the show alive?
Well, even if she is alive, maybe she has the spirit to participate in the recording of the show with a rosy complexion like hers?

Of course, this kind of situation does not only happen to this female star.

Countless celebrities in the entertainment industry are setting up their characters, the difference is that some are at least reasonable, while others are so awesome that it is beyond description!

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the variety show that Wang Shen is participating in now, except for Yang Shuli, the others are also set up by people.

For example, one of the male artists has a cleanliness habit, the other is young and has not yet entered the world, and other various personalities.

All in all, Wang Shen was the only one among the few who didn't deceive the public to set up people for the sake of the screen image.

Although in the colorful eyes of many colleagues, Wang Shen also established himself as a person,

However, the fact is that it is not a human design, but Wang Shen's real image.

Wang Shen admitted very early on in a variety show that he is an ordinary person, he doesn't have so many fake and empty words, he can do whatever he wants, it's as simple as that.

I have to admit that in the entertainment circle, Wang Shen was ridiculed by many colleagues for cheating to gain popularity by selling misery.

Those people, because they are narrow-minded, because they judge others by themselves, and because they are jealous, they don't pay attention to Wang Shen's experience.

What they saw was only one type, that is, Wang Shen's starlight shining in a short period of time, that is, Wang Shen swept away the rare top resources in the entertainment industry in a short period of time.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the variety shows that Wang Shen participated in. For many artists, this is a rare resource.

In other words, if Wang Shen didn't appear, there would be an empty spot in those variety shows.

And this position is one of many resources.

For many artists, participating in the recording of popular variety shows is a rare opportunity to show their faces.

However, it was precisely because of Wang Shen's sudden birth that such an opportunity lost one position.

Blame it?

Naturally, the spearhead was pointed at Wang Shen.

If Wang Shen climbed to the position where the stars shine step by step through the accumulation of time.

Perhaps many entertainers in the entertainment industry are not so jealous.

But no, Wang Shen flew by like a pop star, gathering all the stars in an instant.

Not only that, but it also turned the entertainment industry upside down.

Let me ask, under such circumstances, would those artists who were already jealous of Wang Shen have a good impression of Wang Shen?

Although, there is true love in the world is a common saying that has been handed down since ancient times, and there are many examples in society to prove that it is true.

However, it does not apply to the entertainment industry.

Just imagine, an entertainment industry that is either in divorce or on the road to divorce, an entertainment industry with countless dirty stories, an entertainment industry with extremely cruel competition, and an entertainment industry that magnifies self-interest infinitely.

Does true love really exist in the world?

Perhaps, many artists have shown a very friendly gesture to practitioners in other industries in front of the camera or at other moments.

However, the key point is in other industries, not peers.

In other words, as long as you are not in the same industry, it is basically impossible to harm your own interests, so everything is easy to say.

On the contrary, if you are talking and laughing today, you will not know if you will be sold tomorrow.

The entertainment industry is not a small society full of love.

It is an extremely dark small society that infinitely magnifies all kinds of negative passions such as desire, self-interest, ugliness, deceit, and betrayal.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about those stars in the entertainment industry who can become popular.

Except for those that have their own energy, how did the rest become popular?

The general public may not understand it, but as an artist, Wang Shen knows it all.

Therefore, he said earlier that if it was time to start a new relationship, he didn't want to find a colleague in the entertainment industry.

The reason for this was clear in his heart.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Shen did not refute when confronted with Yang Xiaoyu's father's questioning.

Because, he has no way to refute!

Of course, it's not a one-shot kill. After all, there are still people like Wen Wanshu who stick to their hearts in the entertainment industry.

It can only be said that there are very few artists like Wen Wanshu, and more of them are well-known.

Entering the secret room, several people lifted the blindfolds and formally explored the secret.

To be honest, Wang Shen was not counted among the six people in the secret room. For the other five, the highest score in the college entrance examination was only around [-] points, and each of them hadn't studied for several years.

Moreover, in the process of deciphering, various problems requiring IQ were involved.

In such a situation, it is impossible for artists without sufficient knowledge to crack.

However, again, this is a variety show.

Often when the effect of the program is enough, the off-site staff will tell a certain member the decryption method, and then that person will follow the gourd to solve the difficulty, and the final effect is that the artist is very powerful.

Then apply this method to all the guests, so as to create a sense that all the guests are academic masters.

But is this really the case?
Obviously not.

Let me ask, those entertainers are all scumbags, plus they haven't been exposed to relevant knowledge for many years, how can their IQs be so powerful?
It's all show effects, nothing more.

However, in comparison, Wang Shen is different, because Wang Shen has the memory of his previous life, and also has the help of a mysterious system. Now he can be said to be a collection of thousands of talents.

Its strength cannot be compared with ordinary humans.

The six people entered the secret room, and half an hour later, they still had no idea how to crack the secret room.

Of course, Wang Shen must be excluded.

After all, Wang Shen is different from ordinary people, he has inexhaustible knowledge.

That is to say, since Wang Shenjin went to the secret room and took a few glances, he understood the general direction of cracking the secret room.

As for why he didn't say it, it's all for the effect of the show.

If Wang Shen really wanted to break it, Wang Shen could easily crack this kind of secret room that was created for the production of variety shows without much difficulty.

But there is a very important point that must be noted, that is, this is a program with six guests, not Wang Shen alone, and it is a variety show that lasts nearly two hours.

If Wang Shen went straight up and cracked the secret room with two clicks, then the other five people were almost equivalent to insignificant air, and they cracked the secret room so quickly, and there was not enough material for the broadcast time.

Therefore, it is very important to understand.

That is, although the name of this show is called Escape Room, it is not a real room escape show. In the final analysis, it is still a star reality show.

That is to say, cracking the secret room is not the main thing in this program, the main thing is the show that many stars show in the process.

That's the main thing in a reality show.

When the material needed for shooting or the effect of the program is achieved, the staff of the program group will naturally tell the way to crack the secret room.

Although the secret room arranged by Shonantai is very simple, it also depends on who is cracking the secret room.

To be honest, this kind of subject matter doesn't apply to stars.

In other words, if they have that IQ, if they understand a lot of theoretical knowledge from books that are needed in escape rooms, then their college entrance examination scores will not be too low.

Just imagine, some stars can't even use two-digit multiplication and division. Just like that, can they solve some equations that need to be used in the secret room better?
It's impossible!

Therefore, those stars in the show seem to have surprisingly high IQs, but they are all fake.

Even thinking about it can't be true.

Of course, when shooting variety shows, the most important thing is the effect.

Therefore, until the last moment, the staff of the program group will not tell the answer to crack the secret room.

The back door will not be actively opened until the required materials are almost captured.

However, if the guest cracks it independently, then this can be reduced.

However, if you wait for the guests to use their IQs to decipher the secret room, you will not be able to wait until the end of time.


"Brother Shen, as our captain, why are you always fishing?" Since Yang Shu's focus has always been on Wang Shen, she can clearly know that Wang Shen has been casually watching for a while since entering the secret room. , and entered a state of indifference.

That is, not trying to crack the Chamber of Secrets
"Hehe, Sister Yang Shu, I guess Teacher Wang is thinking." Another female member named Shen Lingling understood that Yang Shu was watching a joke to brighten up the atmosphere, so she joked along the topic.

After all, it is a topic related to Wang Shen. As long as we can find the opportunity to speak, there will definitely be more opportunities to appear on camera.

"Where are you thinking? You are obviously fishing. We have several pairs of eyes watching." Yang Shu was instructed by the staff of the film crew to continue to lead the topic to Wang Shen.

For the film crew, it seems that this kind of scene that can logically run on Wang Shen is a rare filming material, which must not be let go, and must be held until the end.

The film crew didn't hide it from Wang Shen when they instructed Yang Shu, so Wang Shen understood that Yang Shu's persistent inquiries were for the effect of the program.

Therefore, Wang Shen had no choice but to smile and said, "If I say that I already know how to crack this secret room, would you believe me?"

"Huh?" As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised, even the film crew on the side were also extremely surprised.

Just watched it for a while, and then entered the empty state, so you already know the way to crack the secret room?

How can it be?

"I don't believe it!" Yang Shu replied arrogantly after hearing the words.

Xin said it was a joke, the five of them searched for more than half an hour but didn't have the slightest clue. In the end, Wang Shen, who was most out of state, stated that he already knew how to crack it. Is this possible?

100% bragging!
(End of this chapter)

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