Chapter 517
(Strike hard, start large-scale book closures, skip the plot, and change the direction.)
Several days passed in the blink of an eye, and Yang Xiaoyu also left Jianghai and returned to the capital a few days ago.

After sending Yang Xiaoyu away, Wang Shen was once again overwhelmed with the tasks at hand.

However, Wang Shen himself was very excited about the busy things in front of him.

At this moment, he is not in Jianghai, but in his hometown county.

As for why he is here, the reason is very simple.

The three Hope Primary Schools he donated to the towns and villages in his hometown have been completed, and the local staff asked him to come to check and accept them.

The total cost of the three Hope Primary Schools is nearly 1000 million, and all expenses are paid by Wang Shen.

No matter what other artists think, Wang Shen has his own awareness.

As a public entertainer, he has gathered thousands of stars in one body, so as to obtain tens of millions of wealth.

So we must know how to be grateful.

We must clearly know that if it is not for the support of the public and fans, it is impossible to have such achievements.

And we must also clearly realize that if it is not for the great mountains and rivers of China, if it is not for the prosperity of China, if it is not for China to stand on the top of the world with a strong body, if it is not for China to create a peaceful environment, it is impossible to have the entertainment industry It is impossible to have a celebrity artist with a high social status, let alone a world-wide reputation.

Therefore, it is really necessary to know how to be grateful.

I want to thank Huaxia!
Without Huaxia, there would be no thousands of people living in peace, nor would there be the current entertainment industry!
Without today's entertainment industry, there would be no big star Wang Shen.

That being the case, as a person who has benefited from the land of China, shouldn't he do his best to give back to China?
It is precisely because of such cognition that Wang Shen started to act after gaining the ability.

At present, the capacity is limited, so Wang Shen contributed 1000 million yuan to build three Hope Primary Schools for public welfare.

When things stabilize in the future, Wang Shen will continue to do his best for public welfare.

As a Huaxia person, one must make efforts for the prosperity of Huaxia.

What's more, being in China and enjoying all the conveniences of life in China, it is natural to have a sense of gratitude.

As a celebrity, as a public figure, Wang Shen has a grateful heart from beginning to end.

For Wang Shen, gratitude starts from him!

Thank you, my motherland!
For Wang Shen, it is our duty to contribute to the prosperity of our motherland.

Although Wang Shen has suffered a lot of persecution along the way.

But Wang Shen is very clear that this is not to blame the motherland.

After all, China is so big, it has raised thousands of people of all kinds, and there are inevitably scum among them.

What these scum do has nothing to do with the motherland.

What's more, Wang Shen also deeply perceives China's justice.

Not to mention anything else, just to say that the thorough investigation of the entertainment industry is to prove that China's red power is making those scumbags suffer the punishment they deserve?
Wang Shen also knew that if it wasn't for the red power of justice, it would be impossible for him to stay in the entertainment industry intact, let alone win multiple awards and become a popular star like he is now.

From this incident, Wang Shen can also feel that Huaxia's red power is doing its best to help the entertainment industry move towards a normal path, instead of letting the entertainment industry be gloomy.

Therefore, Wang Shen must maintain respect for China and the motherland.

If it were another country, how could it be led by the red will like it is now, and the whole country has been moving towards better, more perfect, and stronger?
If Wang Shen was just an ordinary person, he might only admire Huaxia in his heart because his power is too small.

But Wang Shen is not an ordinary person, he is the most popular star in China, and he has thousands of fans.

Therefore, he is obliged to take the lead, to be a good example for thousands of people, and to guide his supporters toward the rising sun.

How is Huaxia?

This is beyond doubt!
Not to mention anything else, just say that among the Chinese people who stayed in a certain place in the world due to natural disasters or other reasons, which one would not be taken home intact by the powerful China?

Looking at people staying in other countries for those reasons, they can only be left alone like orphans, waiting to fend for themselves.

The contrast between the two is clear.

Let me ask, which country in the world can do what China does?

For all Chinese people, no matter where they are, the motherland behind them has always been a strong backing!

Even if there is a natural disaster, as long as you contact Huaxia, the red will will rush to take him home!
Looking around the world, no country can do this, only China!

Only Huaxia will not give up any citizen!
Because, we are all descendants of Yan and Huang, and we all have the same ancestor.

Even though China is so big, with a population of more than one billion, it is still a big family.

And the red will is like the head of a big family.

Parents are working hard for the harmony and health of the family.

Today's Wang Shen clearly perceives the justice of the red will.

Originally, he was ostracized by the entertainment industry, and it was already a doomed move, but the appearance of the relevant personnel representing the red will not only brought him dawn, but also brought him a broad sky.

From that moment on, Wang Shen also understood that evil can never win against good.

As long as you are upright and have a pure heart, it is impossible to be persecuted by evil spirits and heretics.

This is because, under the leadership of the patriarch's red will, Huaxia is full of light.

"Mr. Wang, we would like to ask you to name the three Hope Primary Schools you funded and built."

During the acceptance ceremony, a leading staff member said to Wang Shen with a smile on his face.

Wang Shen understood that this was a normal procedure, so he was not polite. He thought for a while and said, "Let's call it Future Primary School." After a pause, he continued, "Children are the future of the world. The three Hope Primary Schools are called One, two, and three in the future."

The staff was a little surprised when they heard the words, and asked subconsciously, "Teacher Wang, listen to what you said, will you fund the construction of more Hope Primary Schools in the future?"

Hearing this, Wang Shen smiled and said, "Currently, my ability is limited, and I can only pay for the construction of three schools for the time being. If I can earn more money in the future, I will definitely continue to pay for the construction of more schools of hope. Now that we have reached this point , then I will set a small goal. Within ten years, I will try my best to fund and build 100 Hope Primary Schools in needy places across the country. There is a saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Although I, Wang Shen, is only a star, I He is also a public figure with considerable influence. And all my income comes from the support of fans all over the country. Therefore, as long as I have the ability, I will naturally repay everything, and naturally I will do my best for the great country of China."

In front of Wang Shen and many staff members, there are countless media.

They used video cameras to record everything Wang Shen said, in disguise as a witness.

The spotlights flickered and everyone in the room was shocked.

Although there are many entertainers in the entertainment industry who are doing their best for public welfare, most of those people act after they become famous.

But Wang Shen is different. He has only made his debut for a year from the unknown, and has not yet gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, and he still has many enemies who don't like him.

A year is very short for a star.

During such a time, it is impossible to have a huge income.

However, despite this situation, Wang Shen still dedicated himself to public welfare.

Is Wang Shen stupid?

He is not stupid!
He will do this because his heart is toward the rising sun!

It's because of his sense of recognition that he is a Chinese!

It was because he wanted to dedicate his strength to Huaxia.

Wang Shen doesn't know what other people think. He only knows that when he was a child, he had to walk more than ten miles every morning and evening to go to school.

For lunch at home, I put some rice in a lunch box and take it to the school cafeteria to steam, and then put a small bottle of pickles in my schoolbag. After school at noon, I open the lunch box by the pond outside the school and eat white rice with the pickles in the bottle. rice.

As we all know, such a meal will definitely be malnourished.

But other than that, there is no other way.

Because there are only pots and stoves for steaming rice in the school.

Furthermore, even if the school supplies fresh vegetables, not many families can afford them.

Not to mention the issue of food, what Wang Shen remembers most is the distance he needs to walk to school.

Especially in winter, it takes more than an hour to walk more than ten miles after school, and it is dark when I get home.

And I don’t have time to rest when I get home, because I’m a left-behind child and I don’t have grandparents, so I have to boil water and light a fire to make dinner again when I get home, and I have to get up early in the morning when it’s dark outside to make breakfast, and then go Headed to school in the dark sky.

At that time, Wang Shen was afraid of a certain distance every day.

Because there is a huge cemetery on the road to his school. He went to school in winter, and it was still dark when he walked to the cemetery.

It is conceivable how scared I am every time I pass by that area.

However, these are already things in Wang Shen's memory.

Nowadays, Huaxia is getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more convenient facilities for the people.

For example, the children in Wang Shen’s hometown now no longer have to walk more than ten miles to school in the dark like they did in their time. They are picked up by the school bus every day, and the school provides meals. The difficult conditions of the past are no longer there.

It is obvious that Huaxia has worked hard for many years to achieve such results.

With such efforts and determination, Huaxia will definitely get better and better.

So Wang Shen admired Huaxia very much. Although he didn't enjoy the convenient conditions of today when he was in school, future generations could enjoy it.

Furthermore, China's prosperity is the joint efforts of generations.

Wang Shen realizes that in this era, as the most popular artist in the country, as an artist with thousands of fans, he is obliged to make efforts for the prosperity of the motherland.

Even if it is insignificant, it is what a Chinese descendant should do.

What's more, it is not absolutely necessary to do something.

It is an attitude, an attitude that one should have as a descendant of Chinese Yanhuang.

Wang Shen dares to say that he has this attitude and will never deviate!
As a Chinese, die as a Huaxia ghost!
No regrets in this life!

(The starting point is to seal books or block chapters on a large scale! This time I’m not talking about that, but the relevant departments have come to an end. For example, is the best-selling son-in-law in history missing? This writer, this book has a clear attitude, Never shifted! Thanks to the motherland!)
(Articles with entertainment settings are high-risk areas, and I am also afraid that I will step on the line inexplicably when I write them. As for why some book friends asked why they clicked -1, the reason is that all temporarily unsealed books at the starting point click on the Android end Both are -1, and the IOS side is 0.)
(End of this chapter)

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