father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 495 Cowardly?

Chapter 495 Cowardly?

As for the so-called "Sweet Honey, Ashes Like Frost" that would not be able to produce a large-scale TV series with more than 60 episodes within more than a month under normal circumstances, this also does not apply to Wang Shen.

It is undeniable that in the production of a TV series, countless shots will be shot, and unnecessary shots will be edited out in the end, and then produced into a film.

However, based on the memories of previous lives in his mind, Wang Shen skipped this stage and directly shot the shots used in the film, which can reduce a lot of workload and greatly reduce the time spent in the production process.

In addition, Wang Shen is working on the special effects in the post-production while shooting, which can save more time.

For example, when Wang Shen was filming the tenth episode, because there were almost no redundant shots in the previous episodes, the workload of editing and other aspects was saved, so he could already shoot the previous episodes while he was still filming. The shot is complete.

It is impossible for anyone to imagine that because Wang Shen has the memory of his previous life, he used the duck-feeding shooting method to make the inherently cognitive impossibility possible.

To be honest, no matter whether it is the Chinese film and television industry or all the film and television circles in the world, no crew of a large-scale TV series like "Sweet Honey, Ashes Like Frost" can complete the production within a month.

This is impossible, unattainable by manpower.

Because there are too many factors in it, these factors will infinitely magnify the production period.

All I can say is, who made Wang Shen such a fool?
It's like playing a game. Originally, players could only walk on the ground. As a result, some players started to hang up and suddenly flew to the sky and escaped to the ground to be omnipotent.

There is no need to play.

In a blink of an eye, the first episode of "Sweet Honey, Ashes Like Frost" finished broadcasting on Shonan TV, and all the viewers who watched the content in front of the TV suddenly realized that this was a bad movie that the whole network had previously agreed to?

If there is a picture, if there is a contradiction, if there is a contradiction, if there is a joke, this is a bad movie?
Nima, why are you looking forward to the content after watching the first episode?
Especially the male protagonist played by Wang Shen drank the female protagonist's footwashing water. The rhythm is tight, the laughter is dense, and it is fascinating!
Sure enough, as long as it is produced by Wang Shen, it must be different.

Not only the general public, but also those in the entertainment industry were equally shocked.

A terrible feeling hit my heart, and disbelief was written all over my face.

As practitioners in the entertainment industry, they dare to conclude that one month is not enough time for Wang Shen to produce a qualified TV series.

But the eye-catching content of the first episode of "Sweet Honey As Ashes Like Frost" is in front of you. How can this be explained?
At this moment, many practitioners in the entertainment industry are connecting with each other through mobile chat software.

"According to my guess, only the first few episodes of Wang Shen's TV series are not bad. As the number of episodes increases, the later episodes must be so bad."

"I think so too, because a month or so is simply not enough to produce a 66-episode large-scale TV series like "Sweet Honey, Ashes Like Frost". Can't keep up."

"Don't panic, everyone, Wang Shen will definitely hit the street in the end, just wait and see."

"I hope so."

"Why, when I think that the other party is Wang Shen, I feel a little panicked?"

"I'm a little panicked too."

While the practitioners in the entertainment industry were discussing one after another, the audience was also talking about everything.

"Dig! Teacher Wang is 6, blow up Teacher Wang's new play, blow up "Sweet Honey, Ashes Like Frost"!"

"Those people in the entertainment industry are very bad. I believe you are a bad old man. Before, I saw that you analyzed each and every one of them well, so I believed it. Now I really want to slap you."

"Teacher Wang deserves to be Teacher Wang. He has never been a disappointment, and it is the same this time."

"Wow, wow, Mr. Wang's new play is so good, I can't wait to watch the next one."

"Have you noticed that the ending song is sung by Yang Xiaoyu. If it is said that Yang Xiaoyu and Teacher Wang have no affair, I don't believe it."

"Believe me, Wen Wanshu is still the heroine, what do you say?"

With more and more heated discussions, Shonan TV finally launched the second episode, and it was also the last episode of the day.

After the two episodes were finished, most of the audience sitting in front of the TV were still unsatisfied.

Although the audience found that "Sweet Honey, Ashes Like Frost" is not as interlocking and brain-intensive as "The Haunting of Ghosts", but it gives people a sense of joy.

All in all, a weird feeling.

No matter what it is, if it is gathered into two words, it is beautiful!
In the evening, at [-] o'clock, the three video sites of Koukou Video, Shonan Video and Bilidili launched "Sweet Honey as Ashes as Frost" simultaneously.

As for why "Xiangmi" was broadcast on these three websites, apart from the fact that bilidili is Wang Shen's own, and because Wang Shen had a cooperative relationship with Koukou Video and Shonan Video before, he naturally wanted to bring them this time.

Besides, there are many users of Koukou Video and Shonan Video, and the launch of these two video sites can further increase the popularity of "Xiangmi".

Although Wang Shen can play "Xiangmi" exclusively on bilidili to attract users for bilidili, but at the same time it will greatly reduce the popularity of "Xiangmi".

Therefore, Wang Shen thought very clearly.

For the time being, I will use the drama "Xiangmi" to stabilize my reputation. If I make a TV movie in the future, the network will be played on bilidli, so that I can gather more users for bilidili.

Koukou Video, as one of the three major video websites in China, has already exceeded [-] million users.

Therefore, when Wang Shen's new drama "Xiangmi" officially landed on Koukou Video, the number of bullet screens already filled the entire screen.

"Come here only for Wang Shen!" 1W+ likes
"Come and see Wang Shen!" 2W+ likes
"Wang Shen, I love you!" 5W+ likes
A user can only have one chance to like it, which means that "Xiangmi" has only been online for a while after the Koukou video, and tens of thousands of people have liked some bullet screens.

At the same time, many people know that most viewers will only watch the drama silently and will not send barrage, nor will they like some barrage.

It can be seen from this that there are so many viewers watching "Xiangmi" online at the moment, it is definitely an extremely terrifying number.

Moreover, the number of clicks on "Xiangmi" on the three video sites including bilidili is also rising rapidly.

Only an hour later, the number of broadcasts has exceeded tens of millions, and it has blinded countless people.

If Wang Shen hadn't relied on Ai Dongdong's hype before, 100% of the audience would not have so many viewers watching "Xiangmi" on the Internet at this moment, let alone such a huge popularity in an instant.

It has to be said that in many cases, a little hype will bring out quite a few surprises.

The next day, Shonan TV cheered after receiving the ratings report.

Viewing rate is 5%!

What is this concept?
Under normal circumstances, the ratings of popular TV dramas on Shangxing Satellite TV will only fluctuate by three percent at most.

However, the launch of "Xiangmi" broke this inherent cognition and directly broke through to the unattainable level of 5% of various satellite TV stations.

In the same way, the popularity of "Xiangmi" can naturally bring countless benefits to Shonan TV. With such benefits, why not cheer?
Soon, the ratings report of "Xiangmi" spread throughout the Shonantai building, shocking all the staff for a while.

"Teacher Wang is really amazing!" Some people couldn't help but marvel, and Wang Shen's face appeared in their minds, and they were even more amazed.

"Turning the impossible into a possibility. Before this, everyone was optimistic about Mr. Wang's new drama. Who would have thought that in a blink of an eye, Mr. Wang's new drama would break the ratings record once it was launched, sweeping the same audience with overwhelming momentum. All the TV shows that are online on time."

"5%, this is breaking the ratings record of Shonan TV in the past 20 years. And more than 20 or 4 years ago, unlike now, various types of TV dramas were flourishing. At that time, because the competition was relatively small, it was normal to be able to create a ratings record. But in this era, major TV stations use high-quality content to seize market share, and it is almost impossible to see TV dramas with ratings exceeding [-]%. However, the appearance of "Xiangmi" not only broke the insurmountable horizontal gap, but also It is far beyond, so terrifying!"

"Let me tell you, it's more than that. When I went out in the morning, I took a look at the number of clicks and plays of "Xiangmi" on Koukou Video and Shonan Video. In just one night, the number of hits on both websites was equal. There are hundreds of millions. Think about it, this is just one night. Compared with other TV series, dozens of episodes are almost over, and the number of hits is only tens of millions. But "Xiangmi" only took one night. Breaking through hundreds of millions in just one time, this is an unprecedented feat, and it definitely ushered in a new era in the entertainment circle!"

Soon, Shonan TV's ratings report on "Xiangmi" was leaked, and it was no longer Shonan TV itself that was shocked, but the entire entertainment industry was shocked.

Moreover, the bigwigs in the entertainment circle learned from the inside of Shonan TV through their connections that "Xiangmi" is not a bad film that everyone thought was brilliant in the early stage and crazy in the late stage, but an excellent work that fits the market very well.

After receiving this news, the hearts of those bigwigs in the entertainment circle who wanted to step on Wang Shen felt cold.

Because they know that as long as Wang Shen's new drama is not the bad movie as expected, then all the previous actions are undoubtedly helping Wang Shen to hype, and boosting Wang Shen's arrogance from another aspect.

Thinking of this, some of the bigwigs who were a little bit older were almost hospitalized because of a thorough investigation by the relevant departments.

If Wang Shen could be hit in the process, then I would feel better.

But now, as a professional making money in the entertainment industry, how could he not be aware that Wang Shen was using them to make hype.

Thinking of the fact that Wang Shen's film was bad and complacent, he found that the other party was watching a joke silently.

Feeling this way, the bosses who knew what they really thought about all felt embarrassing and angry, wishing to skin Wang Shen and cramp.

According to the structure of the entertainment industry, once upon a time, there was absolutely no artist who would dare to play with those in power in the entertainment industry like Wang Shen.

This is challenging the rules of the entire entertainment industry and the authority of the major capitals. This is life and death.

However, Wang Shen did just that.

And he did it knowing the consequences and ignoring it.

May I ask the many bigwigs in the entertainment industry, are they angry?
More than anger?

I can't wait to smash Wang Shen to ashes on the spot!

Shonan TV has the finished film of "Xiangmi" in its hands, and originally planned to conceal the content of the whole drama, so as to let the entertainment industry continue to work, so as to achieve the effect of hype for "Xiangmi".

However, there are so many staff members in Shonan TV, it is unavoidable that some young people will naturally reveal the news of "Xiangmi" under the trend of interests, thus exposing the fact that "Xiangmi" is not a bad movie.

At the same time, some bigwigs in the entertainment industry who got the news kept silent.

Suddenly, the crazily artificial voice weakened a lot.

Some small coffees who had no channels to get news saw the big bosses disappearing one after another, realized that the situation had changed, and also chose to play dead.

And as the voices of running on Wang Shen's new drama become less and less, more and more practitioners in the entertainment industry have reacted and no longer release meager ones.

Therefore, when the voices of Wang Shen's new drama are reduced and there is no rhythm of the navy, the entire network, whether it is Weibo or forums and communities, is praising "Xiangmi", and they are all shocked by Wang Shen's great popularity middle.

Wang Shen also discovered this situation, and his expression suddenly changed. He knew that someone at Shonan TV must have leaked the news, otherwise, relying on the endless conflicts between the two sides, those people in the entertainment circle would be 100% impossible to just do it after they caught the opportunity. Quit the flags and drums.

So there must be tricks in it.

Wang Shen could think with his feet that Shonan TV must have leaked the news, otherwise, when "Xiangmi" only aired two episodes, those people in the entertainment circle would never be cowardly.

Wang Shen thought for a while, and thought that those people in the entertainment industry should not be cowardly.

Although the first broadcast of "Xiangmi" was very popular, Wang Shen is not a professional director after all.

However, China's domestic market is huge, and a large number of people don't pay attention to the entertainment industry. They only think that Wang Shen is a professional singer, and Wang Shen's ability in film and television production is temporarily a question mark in his heart. A large number of people don't follow dramas, so they won't watch Wang Shen's new dramas.

Therefore, even if "Xiangmi" is already very popular at this time, if you can use the negative voices of the entertainment circle to meet the audience's praise, it will naturally bring topical hotness to "Xiangmi".

Just imagine, many people who don't follow dramas very much for various reasons will definitely be very curious when they see the two voices after watching "Xiangmi", and most of them will want to take a look.

In this way, the effect of promoting "Xiangmi" to a greater extent can be achieved.

On the one hand, I have always tried my best to think that "Xiangmi" is a big bad movie.

On the other side, they crazily praised the beauty of "Xiangmi".

Two completely different voices started arguing with each other. "Xiangmi" couldn't have a topic or a hot topic!
(End of this chapter)

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