Chapter 474
"Wang Shen, the well-deserved No.1 in China's entertainment industry, not to mention the kings and queens, movie kings and queens, even many heavyweight old-timers can't compare. Not only is the only Grand Slam singer in the Chinese music scene, Even the works that set foot in the film and television industry are classics among the classics. With such a powerful existence, Wang Shen must be the lifetime achievement award in various awards this year."

"Compared to Wang Datianwang, I feel ashamed. If it were me, I would definitely not have any objections to Huaxia TV. But Wang Datianwang is different. Who is he? He is the hottest star in Huaxia. , is Huaxia TV able to neglect at will?"

"I heard that Wang Datianwang's strength in the music world is astonishing, a hundred times stronger than the great heavenly kings and queens?"

"That's right, how can Wang Datianwang's talent and strength be compared to other entertainers in the entertainment industry? They can't even compare to flattery."

"Huaxia TV, do you know that something happened to you? Could it be that you don't know who Wang Da Tian Wang is? Dare to fight against Wang Da Tian Wang, do you want to seek death or something?"

"Huaxia TV, I kindly advise you, if you want to appease the anger of Wang Da Tianwang's hundreds of millions of fans, you should hurry up and apologize in front of the people of the whole country at this time!"

"Hey, China TV doesn't want to mess around anymore or something? What an important person Wang Datianwang is, how can you ask to get off at will?"

"Wow, Huaxia TV has offended the legendary Wang Da Tian Wang, this is a cool rhythm."

The entire entertainment circle, all ghosts and monsters, all posted Weibo together.

Some people's words and sentences were deliberately flattering, while others mocked Wang Shen in a weird way, and some were deliberately stirring up shit.

All in all, at this moment, Wang Shen has been rubbed against by the entire entertainment industry.

Wang Shen was lying on the bed in the hotel, watching the various remarks of many colleagues, he felt a burst of haha.

Anyway, Wang Shen is also a person who has been in the entertainment industry, so he naturally knows what flattery is.

For artists, flattery is extremely difficult to deal with.

Because anyone who is praised and killed will be rubbed in front of the spotlight.

Want to explain?Want clarification?
Sorry, in this case, the more you explain, the darker the picture.

Speaking of which, Wang Shen never participated in the rhythm on the Internet this time.

And now, he has been hung up.

So, is Wang Shen innocent?
Obviously very innocent.

But the matter has come to this point, and it can no longer be solved by showing innocence.

After all, the current situation seems to be that those people in the entertainment industry want Wang Shen to have a good drink.

Before, it was just some netizens who were tempted to mock Huaxia TV.

Originally, there were no artists involved, and it was a trivial matter that was harmless and unremarkable.

But now, with the fate of hundreds of employees in the entertainment industry, a small incident instantly expanded infinitely.

Not only did it make the situation very serious, but it also made the relevant leaders of Huaxia TV very unhappy. It had no good influence on Wang Shen at all, and even pushed Wang Shen to the cusp of the storm and was ruthlessly rubbed against.

What can only be said about hatred and resentment?
Using it so endlessly?

It is conceivable that in the entertainment industry, has there ever been such a situation where hundreds of artists are united?
Only today, this time when he hated Wang Shen, such a scene happened.

This is also the case, so it has become a hot news on the Internet at the moment.

However, no matter how clamorous these hundreds of practitioners are, most netizens still see through everything clearly.

Therefore, many netizens did not hate Wang deeply because of this, but cheerfully watched the huge performance in the entertainment circle as if they were watching a play.

Not to mention the entertainers in the entertainment industry, how have netizens seen such a battle?One by one, they turned into melon-eating crowds and waited to watch the show.

And in the hearts of netizens, I have to thank Wang Shen.

This is because, if it wasn't for Wang Shen's appearance, there wouldn't be all kinds of melons to eat.

Not long ago, the relevant departments thoroughly investigated the entertainment industry, and the new year's drama was presented.

It didn't take long, and now another big drama followed closely.

To be honest, at this moment, many netizens are full of expectations for those hundreds of people who came out to hate Wang Shen.

They wanted to see the combat power of those people like monkeys, and wanted to see if they could beat Wang Shen in the end.

The reason why they think so big is obviously because netizens know that those people's remarks are made out of nothing to deliberately smear Wang Shen.

So none of them took it to heart, just wanted to play monkeys.

Of course, some netizens who don't know the truth will still be driven by this rhythm and have great hostility towards Wang Shen.

However, many netizens who understand the situation and Wang Shen's fans are not vegetarians, and they have explained popular science in various places, so that netizens who don't understand can understand the truth of the matter.

In this way, in an instant, the combined punches of hundreds of employees in the entertainment circle seemed to hit the cotton, which was soft and had no effect.

There is a saying that those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

Wang Shen's journey along the way has never given a more positive impression to netizens. Many netizens even regard Wang Shen as an idol in life, as a living chicken soup to motivate and move forward.

Therefore, it seems impossible to use this method to fool the majority of IQ online netizens
What's more, netizens know that the current situation is the result of Wang Shen's exposure of the yin-yang contract, which caused the rebound of many hemorrhaging practitioners after the relevant departments thoroughly investigated the entertainment industry.

In short, the relevant departments belong to the mysterious oriental forces, and those people dare not really attack them even if they bleed heavily.

But Wang Shen is different, he is just an artist after all.

As the saying goes, persimmons look for soft ones.

So if you want to vent your anger, you can only take the next best thing and pinch Wang Shen, a soft persimmon.

Besides, after the yin-yang contract incident, so many practitioners in the entertainment circle suffered a lot, how could they let Wang Shen go as if nothing happened?
It can be said that as long as you find an opportunity, you will definitely bite like a mad dog.

Let's just say that the cause of this incident was obviously the rhythm brought by some people who were not at ease.

As for why this is necessary, obviously it has been a long time since he couldn't find a way to piss off Wang Shen.

There is a saying that when a tree is moved, it dies, but when a person is moved, it lives.That being the case, then take the initiative to find opportunities, so there is a rhythm at this moment.

That's why Wang Shen didn't respond when he saw this.

Because Wang Shen knew that those people were waiting for his response.

As long as there is a response, it will inevitably be a 360-degree interpretation out of nothing.

Therefore, Wang Shen did not respond on purpose, to piss off those people!
When Wang Shen thought that those people were waiting for him to respond with full expectation, and they were all indifferent, but in the end they were ignored, so he couldn't help feeling extremely happy.

To be honest, Wang Shen is not stupid. At this moment, hundreds of colleagues are staring at him all the time, waiting for him to post a response on Weibo.

It is conceivable that no matter what Wang Shen responds to, all sorts of strange things will happen.

Besides, as another protagonist of this incident, Huaxia TV has never made any statement, why is Wang Shen so eager to speak?

Since those people like to be clowns, let them do it.

In fact, the leaders of Huaxia Taili are not stupid, so how could they not know their obvious intention to use them as gunmen?
And Huaxia TV is a carrier with a red will, how can it be easily reduced to a gun in the entertainment industry?

It can be seen from this that if those people want to pull Huaxia into the water, it is absolutely impossible.

Although some leaders of Huaxia TV did have a lot of opinions on Wang Shen, they would never say it out, they would only experience it in future resources.

For example, it is almost impossible for Wang Shen to participate in Huaxia TV's programs in the future.

However, it was limited to certain programs of the three sets of Huaxia.

After all, Huaxia TV station has a lot of divisions, with a total of more than ten columns.

Among them, Huaxia Three is a variety channel, and it is also a TV station that hosts the Spring Festival Gala.

That is to say, Wang Shen has only overlapped with the three channels of Huaxia TV from the beginning to the end. As for the other channels of Huaxia TV, Wang Shen has never been in contact with them, let alone overlapped.

Wang Shen got a general idea through his mobile phone, and when he saw that the netizens were not fooled, his expression was much more relaxed.

In short, if netizens don't understand right and wrong, then Wang Shen can't sit still and not respond.

But now, many netizens not only have online IQs, but also specially popularize science for many cute new netizens, making Wang Shen invincible.

In this case, Wang Shen didn't need to respond at all.

Just ignore it.

Besides, jumping out to respond seems relatively low.

And seeing it as invisible is even more domineering.

After a night of nothing to say, Wang Shen happened to meet Yang Xiaoyu when he went out for breakfast the next day, and the two immediately ate breakfast together.

Yang Xiaoyu sat across from Wang Shen, glanced at Wang Shen, and couldn't help asking: "Wang Shen, why are you so calm? It's as if nothing happened."

"Huh?" Wang Shen looked up suspiciously upon hearing this.

"I mean, don't you know what happened on Weibo yesterday?" Yang Xiaoyu said immediately.

"I know." Wang Shen nodded, and then continued to eat breakfast without taking it seriously.

"Ah?" Yang Xiaoyu was startled, and said, "Since you know, why didn't you respond?"

"What kind of reaction do you want?" Wang Shen asked in confusion, "I was shocked, overwhelmed, or what?"

"Uh..." Yang Xiaoyu was speechless, stroked his forehead and said, "Why are you so big-hearted? So many people tweeted and killed you, and you didn't take it seriously?"

"Do you need to take it seriously?" Wang Shen replied calmly, "Didn't you see that the netizens knew each and every one of them and treated them like monkeys? In this case, why should I worry? And , Those people must be eager for me to respond. If this is the case, I will not respond, and I will piss them off."

"!" Yang Xiaoyu heard the words, his face was full of black lines, he paused for a while, and then said, "Wang Shen, why are you so black-bellied?"

"What's a black-bellied person?" Wang Shen was unwilling to listen, and continued to explain, "Have you noticed that Huaxia TV has not made any statement from the beginning to the end, so it is obvious what Huaxia TV's attitude is. If I respond, I will hit the target instead. I'm not that stupid for someone's trap."

Yang Xiaoyu heard the words, looked up at Wang Shen, and couldn't help saying: "Wang Shen, I found that you are really smart."

"." Wang Shen rolled his eyes, and replied very straight, "It's not that I'm smart, but you are too stupid."

"!" Yang Xiaoyu didn't expect Wang Shen to be so merciless, and her pretty face instantly pouted angrily.

"Hehe." Seeing this, Wang Shen subconsciously smiled.

The breakfast ended in a happy atmosphere, and the two went to the Shonan TV station building for the final rehearsal together again.

Under such circumstances, time often passes quickly, and it is time for the evening competition in the blink of an eye.

Before the competition, Wang Shen needed to be interviewed by the program staff as always.

"Mr. Wang, do you know that many netizens call you the Great Demon King?" Sitting in front of Wang Shen was a woman in her thirties, and I was the director of the singer program group.

"Know a little." Wang Shen responded modestly with a standard smile on his face.

"Then what do you think about this? Or what do you think about the title of Great Demon King?" the female director continued to ask.

"Uh..." Wang Shen seemed speechless for a while, and then said, "If you ask me what I think, of course I will just sit and watch."

"Pfft!" Hearing Wang Shen's answer, the female choreographer was stunned for a few seconds, then burst into a smile when she realized it, and said, "Mr. Wang, you made a bad joke when you disagreed, and I was a little caught off guard."

"Hehe." Wang Shen simply smiled and did not answer.

The female choreographer covered her mouth and smiled, and continued to ask: "Mr. Wang, as far as I know, you have tailored a song for the new replacement song this time. Is there such a thing?"

Wang Shen nodded when he heard the words, and replied without stopping: "Yes, there is such a thing."

"Then, Mr. Wang, have you considered that your behavior will pose a great challenge to your ranking in this competition?" the female director asked softly.

"To be honest, I haven't thought much about it." Wang Shen replied calmly, "Because my ranking in the previous period was good, so relatively speaking, I am relatively safe in this period, so there is no need to think about it." too much."

The female choreographer nodded, and then said: "Mr. Wang, as far as we know, you rarely write songs for others, but why did you suddenly write songs for other singers this time, especially for your opponent?" ?”

"I don't know how to answer the question you asked." Wang Shen smiled slightly and said, "Let me tell you this, because the replacement singer is my friend, so writing a hand song for her is a piece of cake. matter."

"Efforts with little effort?" The female choreographer said in surprise, "Mr. Wang, from what you said, it seems that creating a song is a very simple matter. If I didn't happen to know something about it, it would be really easy."

"Hehe." Wang Shen showed a slight smile, and said, "As the saying goes, there are specializations in arts, so there is nothing surprising."

(Thank you for the 500 starting coins from Xinhua City, book friends, and the 8858 starting coins from book friend Happy 200, thank you, thank you very much!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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