Chapter 438
"Mother Liu, if what you said is really Wang Xiaoying, I think you must have misunderstood. Let me tell you this, your daughter clings to Wang Xiaoying's back every day, but Wang Xiaoying also refuses. And Wang Xiaoying has already reacted to me before. I also tried to separate your daughter from Wang Xiaoying about these issues, but your daughter is unwilling. So it is not Wang Xiaoying who is bullying your daughter, but your daughter is annoying others."

Although the parents didn't know that Wang Shen was also in the Koukou group, let alone that Wang Xiaoying in Sunshine Elementary School was Wang Shen's daughter, it didn't mean the class teacher didn't know.

Seeing a parent talking about Wang Xiaoying at this moment, the head teacher was so frightened that he immediately replied and explained.

In fact, the head teacher is also very tired of this.

how to say?

Since the children in the class knew that Wang Xiaoying's father was Ultraman, many children became Wang Xiaoying's followers, and Wang Xiaoying was unanimously promoted as the monitor by the whole class.

Actually, for these, Wang Xiaoying really refused.

This is because many children follow her and chatter every day, which annoys her a lot.

Moreover, Wang Xiaoying also reported this situation to the class teacher, but nothing can change it.

Having said that, Wang Xiaoying usually likes to have a bunch of followers behind her.

It's just that if it's like this every day, there will be no novelty, and it will slowly become irritated.

Especially some children like to cry, which makes Wang Xiaoying even more uncomfortable.

"Ms. Yao, are you saying that my daughter is a bitch?" Looking at the information in the button, Liu's mother was furious and asked immediately.

You said it was nothing to do with yourself, and when Liu's mother was talking to the head teacher, Teacher Yao, some of the other family members in the group interrupted.

"Huh? Wang Xiaoying? Why does this name sound familiar?" A family member asked suspiciously among the crowd.

"It's really familiar, I think I've heard it somewhere!" Another parent echoed.

"Wang Xiaoying? Wang Shen's daughter seems to be called Wang Xiaoying. Good guy, she has the same name and surname as Wang Shen's daughter."

"Hehe, the population of our country is more than one billion. There are too many people with the same name and surname. What's the fuss?"

"Huh? I remember that Wang Shen's daughter seems to be in the first grade of elementary school, and also lives in Jianghai. It seems like a coincidence."

"It's true. Although there are many people with the same name and surname across the country, there are still very few people like this who have many similarities."

"Huh? Hearing what you said, I remember my daughter came back from school some time ago and told me that there was a child in her class whose father was Ultraman."

"Huh? I remembered it too, and my kid said it too, but I didn't take it seriously at the time, and then I forgot."

"My name is Wang Xiaoying, she lives in Jianghai, she is in the first grade of elementary school, and she claims that her father is Ultraman. How does this look so similar to Teacher Wang's daughter?"

"You guys, if it's really Wang Shen's daughter, she will never come to our Sunshine Elementary School. Nine out of ten she will be sent to a noble school for training. Although Sunshine Elementary School is really good in Jianghai, Jianghai is an international metropolis with many With Wang Shen's current financial resources, how could it be possible to send his daughter to an ordinary elementary school in a high-end aristocratic school? Let me tell you, if I had the conditions, I would definitely send my child to the best aristocratic elementary school in Jianghai."

"Is aristocratic primary school good? Let me tell you? There is no good or bad, only suitable. Before Wang Shen became popular, his daughter Wang Xiaoying must have studied in an ordinary school. If she rashly sends her to those aristocratic schools, it may be bad for the children." Alright, so even though Wang Shen is rich now, it is not likely that he will send his daughter to a noble school."

"That's right, not everyone is so vulgar."

In the button group, many parents expressed their opinions and chatted enthusiastically. Liu Sisi's mother only cared about her daughter and sent a message saying: "Mr. Yao, whether it is campus bullying or not, if this continues, it will definitely affect my child's physical and mental health. So I want to change my daughter’s class, but I don’t know if it’s possible? If Teacher Yao has no objection, I’ll go to the school leader tomorrow to change my child’s class.”

Teacher Yao, the class teacher, saw that the other party was talking about this point without reason at all, and was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to answer.

However, at this moment, Wang Shen sent a timely message and interjected: "Mr. Yao, as the saying goes, twisted melons are not sweet. Mother Liu has already talked about this. If you don't agree, won't it be more difficult for Liu? Mom is worried? If it is difficult to change shifts, you can tell the school leaders to let them sell me."

Seeing Wang Shen come out to speak, teacher Yao, the head teacher, was taken aback, and quickly responded: "Okay, Mommy Liu, there is no problem with your request, and you don't need to come to the school to find the school leader. I will report it to the higher authorities. Give your daughter a shift."




The parents in the button group saw the head teacher Yao's sudden 180-degree change in attitude, and they were all very surprised. One by one, they sent questions or ellipses or emoticons to express their feelings at the moment.

Everyone was shocked by the identity of the person who suddenly jumped out to speak. With such a face, he might be related to a certain leader in the school.

"@. Let the school leaders sell your face? Awesome!"


how to say?

Wang Shen used the alias he had specially applied for in the Koukou group, and the name was a random period. As long as Mr. Yao, the head teacher, didn't expose him, no one would know his true identity.

As for why Wang Shen interrupted suddenly, there was actually a reason.

Speaking of which, for Wang Shen, he has to thank Mother Liu for this request. After all, his daughter Wang Xiaoying is also scared by Liu Sisi's little friend.

Originally, Wang Shen was also thinking about changing Wang Xiaoying's shift, but he realized that some followers behind his daughter's ass seemed to be a bad thing that could not be justified.

It would be inappropriate to switch shifts because of this.

So Wang Shen is still waiting and watching.

However, if Wang Xiaoying told him again that she was annoyed by the followers at school, Wang Shen would definitely take action.

Unexpectedly, it happened that the other party's parents also had the same idea, which fell into Wang Shen's arms.

Therefore, Wang Shen hurriedly voiced his support, and he would not let this opportunity slip away.

After Wang Shen sent this message, he did not chat and spank with many parents in the group, nor did he answer questions about many parents.

After a while like this, the parents changed the topic boringly.

Wang Shen silently glanced at the screen for a while, seeing that what he was talking about later had nothing to do with him, so he didn't pay any more attention.

"Oh, it's not good for a kid to be too attractive at school." Wang Shen smacked his lips and sighed helplessly.

About Wang Xiaoying's status in school, Wang Shen actually learned a little from the head teacher, Mr. Yao, and said that it is not an exaggeration for the children in the class to look up to her.

And there are several followers behind the buttocks, the kind who follow wherever they go, making the little kid very annoying.

Wang Shen knows Wang Xiaoying's character, and she is also willing to play with other children when she wants to play.

When I don't want to play, I also don't like to be disturbed.

It's just that with a lot of followers behind my butt, there is no time to be alone.

Speaking of which, Wang Xiaoying's popularity in school is inseparable from Wang Shen.

After all, Wang Shen is Ultraman Tiga, and in the hearts of the children, there is no more prestigious existence than this.

As the daughter of Ultraman Tiga, Wang Xiaoying is naturally also very popular in the class.


By chance, a matter in his heart was resolved, and Wang Shen continued to be busy at home with the matter in hand.

Now that a few months have passed, the production of animation and comics is gradually on the right track, and the associated platform website has also been built.

In addition, Wang Shen also received the quarterly income of those songs in Koukou Music.

As for the income from serialized novels, unlike the quarterly settlement of song income, Wang Shen can receive it every month.

In other words, now that Wang Shen has money again, he can do what he wants to do with confidence.

Of course, the income from songs and novels is not enough for Wang Shen, he needs to use the money to generate more money.

Only in this way can he do what he wants to do in this life.

For example, build the largest dreamland in Jianghai that is open to the outside world and make a profit, and build a manor with a pleasant scenery next to the park, and then build a castle to live in the manor.

From now on, the family will live in the manor, and as long as Wang Xiaoying wants to play in the playground, she can go in anytime and anywhere.

It has to be said that Wang Shen's idea is very good, but he just wants to realize it. In Jianghai, it would be difficult to realize it without billions.

However, since there is a goal, it is necessary to act on the goal.

This is also the reason why Wang Shen is so desperately planning to make money.

After all, her daughter is growing up day by day, if she can't complete these in a short time, then Wang Xiaoying will definitely leave regrets when she grows up.

To be honest, for Wang Shen, money is not important.

As the saying goes, what life does not bring, death does not take away.

Wang Shen has always felt that as long as the money he earns is enough for the whole family, there is still a surplus.

No matter how much money you earn, you can only enjoy those aspects, and you can't take it with you in the end.

That being the case, why not use the money you earn to do something meaningful in your lifetime?

It stands to reason that spending billions of dollars to build facilities such as amusement parks and manors is completely unnecessary for a star like Wang Shen.

But in Wang Shen's view, there is no need or not, only whether you want to or not.

To be exact, he wants to give her daughter, he wants to give Wang Xiaoying, and give her his unique love.

Indeed, the most precious love is companionship.

Wang Shen thinks that the time spent with Wang Xiaoying has been shortened due to work reasons this year, but compared to most families across the country, it is still within the normal range.

That being the case, do something more important with your lifetime.

To be honest, the reason why Wang Shen seldom took Wang Xiaoying to large playgrounds was not because he didn't have time, but because the consumption in Jianghai's large playgrounds was too expensive.

For Wang Shen at that time, it was okay to take Wang Xiaoying there several times a year.

If you go there from time to time, it will be too much.

After all, Jianghai's consumption is in front of him, and Wang Xiaoying's tuition fee in Jianghai is also a huge amount, not to mention there are two elders in his hometown.

Various factors such as these made Wang Shen understand that he must be careful and budgetary in life.

So at that time, Wang Shen usually took Wang Xiaoying to the park or a small playground to play.

To be honest, all the past events were regrettable to Wang Shen.

Now that a choice has been made, it is necessary to make up for those regrets as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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