father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 366 Entertainer of the Year

Chapter 366 Entertainer of the Year

"Are you very proud?" Ai Weiwei heard the words, stopped and responded with a sneer.

"Of course. To be happy in life is to be happy, and who would not be happy if you can win the annual award for influencing China? If I say I'm not proud, I'm afraid you won't believe it yourself?" Wang Shen said with a faint smile.

This is the grand ceremony venue, Ai Weiwei suppressed the anger in her heart, and didn't let herself explode.

Regardless of the problem of Wang Shen winning the grand prize, just Wang Shen's flat attitude has already made Ai Weiwei very upset.

how to say?

Ai Weiwei is the queen of music, famous and powerful.Usually when I meet artists in the circle, who doesn't take the initiative to lower their posture in front of her.

However, Wang Shen's plain attitude, in her eyes, seemed to be looking down on her.

"Hehe, I would like to congratulate you." Ai Weiwei gritted her teeth in response with a gloomy face, and then turned and left without shaking Wang Shen.

From Ai Weiwei's point of view, Wang Shen came up to talk to her, as if he came here deliberately to mock her, which made her very angry.

"The little man succeeds!" Ai Weiwei groaned while walking, not forgetting to find the place.

Of course, Wang Shen didn't hear these words, otherwise he would definitely respond back.

Just 10 minutes after the Influence China Annual Ceremony ended, relevant news on the Internet was already everywhere.

Among them, the reports of the largest domestic media are the most conspicuous.

This is because there is a mysterious oriental will behind several major media.

That is to say, if these major media all issued press releases of praise, it indicates that Wang Shen has been affirmed by the mysterious oriental power.

"Six years ago, I debuted as an idol singer. It didn't take long before I fell into a vortex, my career entered a trough, and I even left the entertainment industry for a while. This year, Wang Shen made a new debut with a variety show and became a new star in the entertainment industry this year. , he dared to show his truest side, and let everyone see his hard work, helplessness, transformation, talent and transcendence. As a single father, he not only shoulders the social responsibility of raising children, but also emerges from the abyss Climbing to the top step by step, the attitude towards life and the unyielding and uncompromising spirit shown in it, let us witness the arduous journey from scratch. He is a well-deserved star idol this year, and a well-deserved one at that time. Affect Huaxia's annual entertainer. - Influence Huaxia News Weekly."

"As the popular star with the most topics and the most popularity this year, he has shown all-round talents in music, variety shows, literature and other fields. This new star in the entertainment industry who insists on spreading positive energy has won more and more achievements with his hard work and attitude. More and more people’s affirmation. At the beginning, when people talked about him, most of them were middle school music teacher dads who could sing. Now, people are more and more willing to use multiple identities as a creative singer, planning producer, writer, teacher, etc. Look at his growth and changes. And he also demonstrates his transformation and maturity with high-quality music aesthetics and planning and production that everyone praises. And he said that he has been working hard to be an artist who spreads positive energy and insists on being an artist Be your best self and share your positive energy with everyone. Chase your dreams and never give up. He is Wang Shen, the winner of this year's China Performer of the Year Award. ——Huaxia News General Magazine."

"Influencing China's Annual Entertainer Award winners said at the awards ceremony that success lies in many aspects such as IQ, EQ, endurance, teamwork, and cultural background. Of course it is not absolute, but these are indeed essential factors for success. Especially It is the cultural background, which is really perfect. The great China, the 5000 years of cultural precipitation, has created our long-standing belief in survival. Now, we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors to open up a new era. No matter how far we go in the end , Wherever you go, you must not forget your roots. Cultural heritage is an inexhaustible treasure left to us by our ancestors from generation to generation. —— Huaxia Youth Newspaper.”

As several major media outlets with a red will published articles and voices, a large number of other media news websites washed their articles and speeches one after another.

As if they had contacted each other in advance, all the voices were boasting and praising Wang Shen.

Of course, not all media are one voice.

Most of the media controlled by Wang Shen's opponents chose to remain silent, or published some implicitly smearing manuscripts.

It's not that they don't want to suppress Wang Shen, but that several big news with a red will are the first to speak, and the limelight is getting tight, so they dare not make mistakes.

Only after the limelight passed, they dared to resort to means.

If you go out and sing the opposite at this time, you will be slapping those big media in the face.

Although even if you slap your face, there won't be any real consequences, but if you are hated, then you might capsize in the gutter.

"Damn it! Mr. Wang won the award for the most influential entertainer of the year in China, you're awesome!"

"It's really awesome! This award is a super award! It is an honor that every artist wants to get. Because this award is an affirmation of the artist's popularity and influence."

"666666, I have witnessed the rise of Mr. Wang all the way, and I am finally proud this time."

"Go to his national music charts, isn't it embarrassing this time? The Popular Singer Award was not awarded to Mr. Wang. In a blink of an eye, Mr. Wang won the influence that symbolizes the highest popularity and influence of entertainers in the national entertainment industry." Entertainer of the Year Award. This face is slapped."

"@国际音乐条件, come out and talk about your impressions? We really want to know, Mr. Wang can't even get a personal popularity award with you, why is he able to win the super award that symbolizes the artist's highest popularity in an even more awesome awards ceremony? ? Come on, give you the microphone, we will quietly listen to your explanation and wait for your performance."

"Wow, it really affects the Huaxia Annual Entertainer Awards. All major official media have published articles to praise Mr. Wang. For Mr. Wang's die-hard fans, this wave is enough for us to boast for a year."

"What is it for a year? You underestimate this award, right? At least it can last for several years."

"You don't understand, do you? Our teacher Wang is pursuing the stars and the sea, and it is impossible to stop here. What's more, this award is the first award that Mr. Wang has won, so next year, Mr. Wang will leave farther."

"Not much to say, now I'm going to post bars, communities, forums, Weibo and other places where Ai Weiwei's fans gather. Didn't they mock Mr. Wang for not having any awards, is it just a vain name? Now, I want to see if they accept Come down and say."

"GOGOGO, everyone follow."

It didn't take long for the news that Wang Shen had won the Most Influential China Performer of the Year Award to spread throughout the Internet.

The top three most searched entries on Weibo were directly occupied by Wang Shen's popularity, and all major portals, communities, and forums were all posting on this topic.

In a short period of time, the entire Internet was full of Wang Shen's words, so that the popularity reached its peak again.

Before that, Wang Shen's popularity reached the peak of the Internet several times.

Only those few times, it was all because of the negative news that was smeared.

Only this time, it was the positive honor that made his popularity rise to the top!

Bull ratio!

(End of this chapter)

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