Chapter 319
"Mr. Wang, are you ready? It's your turn to appear soon." Backstage at the venue, a staff member from the organizer came to ask respectfully.

Wang Shen is now a popular traffic superstar. Even though he has no airs, some staff members still subconsciously lower their posture after seeing him.

This situation is not limited to Wang Shen.As long as you are a big coffee in the circle, you will basically enjoy this kind of treatment.

This is the effect of popularity and status.

Because in the eyes of others, they are big bosses.

"Okay." Wang Shen responded softly, then got up and walked towards the entrance of the venue stage.

Regarding the performance at the charity gala, the organizers had already communicated with Wang Shen before.

how to say?

Since they were doing charity work, Wang Shen didn't refuse and agreed.

As early as before, he had taken time to come to the scene for rehearsal.

So, he didn't come to the set because there just happened to be time for the The Amazing Race postponement.

Rather, he had already confirmed that he would come to this charity auction.

Even if Speed ​​Forward was recorded as scheduled, he would take time off work to attend the party.

In the final analysis, whether a star artist can stay popular for a long time still depends on the support of fans.

And you can also enjoy the pursuit, bathe in the starlight, and get the favorable conditions that many people can't get.

That being the case, as a public figure, it is necessary to fully support such public welfare activities that benefit the country and the people.

Although there are many unspeakable things in it, as long as the original intention of public welfare is there.

Especially Wang Shen's background, he has personal feelings about many things.

That's why he was willing to come here and perform on stage without receiving any compensation.What's more, he had another idea in his mind.

In the center of the stage, the host warmed up the stage, and then said loudly: "The next stage is the stage of the performance, and the first guest will be invited to perform on stage."

As the host's voice sounded, Wang Shen, who was waiting at the backstage entrance, took a deep breath and walked out with his head held high.

When the stars in the venue saw that he was the first to perform on stage, they were all a little surprised.

Of course, some of them had already guessed that Wang Shen was away from his seat for a long time, and guessed that he had gone to the backstage waiting to perform on stage.

It's just that he took the lead, which still surprised many people.

As we all know, the two most important stages of a performance similar to this kind of occasion are the opening and the finale.

If the opening is not good, the effect on the whole performance will be greatly reduced.

And Wang Shen's ability to take on important responsibilities and appear on the stage as an opening guest all shows the trust and recognition of the organizers in him.

In the past, the opening of this kind of large-scale public welfare activities has not been performed by first-line superstars and other high-level celebrities.

However, this time, Wang Shen, a new traffic superstar, is in charge.

I have to say that no matter whether it was a big-name superstar or a less popular celebrity artist, everyone was quite surprised.

All kinds of changes in eyes, some envy, some high regard, some...

At this moment, besides being surprised, Wen Wanshu also had some resentment, her little mouth pouting because of makeup and lipstick.

"Heh, you lied to me to go to the bathroom." Although Wen Wanshu looked at Wang Shen with soft eyes, she let out a slap in her heart, feeling extremely dissatisfied.

This is because she was still worried about Wang Shen, but in the end she found out that she was kept in the dark.

This kind of taste made Wang Shen want to take a few bites.

Wen Wanshu thought to herself, no wonder Wang Shen said he had a sense of propriety, so he would go on stage.

However, even if he went to the stage, the auction is still over, right?

Unable to figure it out, Wen Wanshu didn't bother to continue thinking, and concentrated on looking at Wang Shen who was walking towards the center of the stage with a guitar on his back.

Wen Wanshu knew that Wang Shen knew many musical instruments.

After all, Wang Shen's trainee career was not in vain.


"Carrying a guitar, is Teacher Wang going to play and sing by himself?" Wang Ya and others were also very curious.

However, there is still anticipation in their curiosity.

Because based on their understanding of Wang Shen, they know how powerful Wang Shen is, and they have a clear understanding of Wang Shen's talent.

Therefore, they couldn't help thinking, could it be possible, perhaps, there will be another original song in this performance?
After Wang Shen walked to the center of the stage, he bowed to the audience first as always.

This is not about Wang Shen lowering his profile, but about the attitude and quality of a performer.

In the center of the stage, there is a stool prepared by the staff.

Wang Shen got up and looked at the stool, and then said: "Next, I will bring you a song, I hope you will like it."

Originally, after Wang Shen came on stage, he needed to interact with the celebrities watching in the audience, but he glanced around and found that few of them knew each other.So I was too lazy to interact and started to perform directly.

Hearing Wang Shen's speech, the celebrity entertainers sitting in the audience, no matter they are big or small stars, gave Wang Shen warm applause very respectfully.

At the same time as the applause sounded, Wang Shen had already sat on the stool that had been prepared, and then put the guitar on his lap.

Immediately afterwards, the applause subsided, the melody sounded, and the music began.

When the beat came, Wang Shen began to play and sing by himself.

"When you walk into this joyous place

Carry all your dreams and thoughts

different face makeup

No one remembers what you looked like
Three rounds of wine have passed you in the corner
Stubbornly singing bitter songs
Hear him drowned in the noise

you pick up the glass and say to yourself

A glass of toast to the sun, a glass of toast to the moonlight
Awaken my longing, soften the cold window
So you can fly against the wind without looking back
Don't be afraid of rain in your heart and frost in your eyes



A toast to tomorrow, a toast to the past
Brace my body, thicken my shoulders
Although I never believe in the so-called mountains and rivers

Life is too short to forget
A toast to freedom, a toast to death
Forgive my ordinaryness, dispel confusion
Well, always scrawled out after dawn
Sober people are the most absurd
Well, always scrawled out after dawn
Sober people are the most absurd. "

How does it feel to sing this song to relieve sorrow in front of most of the stars and entertainers in the entertainment industry?
Wang Shen could answer clearly without any feelings.

Because, counting, he was not familiar with many of the celebrities present, so he didn't have much friendship.

So, he only has his own feelings.

To be honest, this song, although Wang Shen is a good song to carry the memories of his previous life, but it is undeniable that he personally likes it very much.

That's why he was willing to find opportunities to sing.

However, although Wang Shen looked very calm, the star performers at the scene were not so calm.

The reason why they are not calm is not because this is another original song by Wang Shen, but the content and artistic conception of the lyrics, as well as the emotions expressed through Wang Shen's singing.

(End of this chapter)

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