Chapter 181 Thighs

With Wang Xiaoying's help, Liu Qian's grocery shopping task was successfully completed.

As for the other cute babies, the staff of the program group saw that it was getting late, so they asked some staff to pretend to be passers-by to help these cute babies complete their tasks.

Not long after, the recording scene about the cute babies shopping for vegetables has ended.

After completing the task, the cute babies are very happy, and all of them have happy smiles on their faces.

This is a sense of accomplishment of achieving a goal. Although these cute babies are still young, it is something that people are born to be satisfied with.

What's more, the cute babies also want to tell their dad about completing the task, so as to get his dad's praise, which is even more important to them.

The cute babies here have finished their tasks, and the dads on the other side have also completed their tasks one after another.

Because Wang Shen finished his mission early, he happened to run into "cleaner" Huang Tao on the way back.

What's more, the two were also guests of the same program group, so Wang Shen, who had easily completed the task, felt embarrassed and left just like that, and immediately joined Huang Tao's ranks.

Regarding this, Huang Tao is still very happy, after all, there is strength in numbers.

Then again, as the recording of Dad Where Are We Going and I Am A Singer is now facing its final stage, many viewers can find that Wang Shen's status among the five guests where Dad is going has skyrocketed.

In the past, when Wang Shen first joined Papa, he was a younger brother compared to the other four guests.

Now, he has become an existence that Huang Tao and others look up to with envy.

In the show, he seemed to be on an equal footing with the big brother Zhang Yang.

In the past, Huang Tao and others basically treated Wang Shen with a slight contemptuous attitude.

Now, from the daily communication or just a few words, it can be found that it has completely changed its appearance and is much more polite.

Although this is very realistic, it is generally the case between people. As the status changes, the attitude towards outsiders will also change.

This is also the reason why many people want to stand out. Who doesn't want to be looked up to by the world?
Huang Tao is a former idol singer. After Wang Shen's talent was revealed and his popularity soared, he thought about asking Wang Shen to make an appointment to sing, but he couldn't hold back his face.

The reason why he couldn't hold back his face still had to go back to his father's contempt for Wang Shen at the beginning of the show. Now that Feng Shui has taken turns, he regrets it.

According to the thought in his heart, it would be much better to embrace Wang Shen's thigh than to make public.

However, there is no medicine for regret in the world, so there is only embarrassment left.

He could clearly perceive that whenever he showed favor to Wang Shen, Wang Shen would find various reasons to reject him.

This also made him realize that it is okay for the two of them to be ordinary friends, but it is impossible to become that kind of life-and-death friendship.

In this way, it is basically impossible to ask for a song.

To be honest, Huang Tao has an urge to cry.

There is nothing more painful than this in the world. When the other party is right in front of you, you dismiss it.Looking back, the other party has already become an existence to look up to, and if you want to make friends, the other party in turn dismisses it.

This feeling is as painful as piercing the heart.

Huang Tao thinks he doesn't have much talent, so it is obviously impossible to stand up on his own, so he can only save the country by curves, looking for thighs that can be hugged, and relying on the energy of the thighs to realize the idea of ​​turning over again.

Originally, Wang Shen's thighs were unbelievably thick, but the fact is that he just missed it.

Can you feel the despair?
Despair where dreams pass by!
Sometimes, when Huang Tao saw Wang Shen, he would inadvertently show a sad expression.

Originally, if Wang Shen extended a helping hand during his trough, the other party would definitely be grateful to Dade in the future, but now, everything has been missed, an excellent and great opportunity has just been missed.

Why, God made such a joke?
Huang Tao is a little broken, compared to Zhang Yang, Wang Shen is really big!

Even if it's a piece of leg hair, even if it's a random song by him, as long as it's managed well, it's not a problem for Xianyu to turn around.

It's funny to say, even though Wang Shen joined Huang Tao's cleaning crew, but after the program team's signal, one person cleaned at the east end of the town and the other at the west end of the town.

In this way, what Huang Tao had planned to say to Wang Shen was aborted.

Originally, he was hoping that in the last episode of Where Are Dad Going, relying on these heartfelt words, the two of them could become true friends.

Now it seems that there is no chance.

Huang Tao became an idol singer in his early years.Due to the fierce competition among idol singers, within a few years, he, who was not very popular, was shot to death on the beach by his younger generation.

Now, when a person is middle-aged, he has nothing to do in the music world other than relying on walking around for a living.

He also wanted to turn over, and also wanted to rekindle the fire.

However, he has no talent or talent, and his singing level is only average. Therefore, he felt that it was necessary to find another way, so he embarked on the road of finding thighs, and he has been struggling on this road for many years. experience.

In fact, his behavior is not uncommon in the entertainment industry.

For example, whether it is the world Wang Shen is in now, or the world of his previous life, if a certain actress disagrees, she becomes the goddaughter of a certain superstar.

Of course, this is talking about female stars, but it doesn't mean that there are no male stars who do this.

For example, in the memories of Wang Shen's previous life, an actor named Huang Jiaozhu worshiped Long Wu, the elder brother of Xiangjiang, as his godfather.

And he regarded himself as a godson.

A godfather, just ask you if you are embarrassed?
At this time, if there is a song, it would be great.

A very indescribable song.


son son i am your father

Come and sit down, let's have a talk today
First of all, you and I are friends, right?

Besides, we both have to save face for your mother.

Son, I am your real father
Everything I say and do is not for your own good.
Don't worry, I won't talk big things to you

But after listening, you have to digest it carefully
How can you be kind?

You work, you don't play tricks, right?
You learn from that good example
I want to learn from your father, I love humility

One, son, I am your father, so I ask you if you are afraid?
Not long after, the tasks of the dads were all over, and the five dads returned to their residences in the village. After a short rest, they began to prepare dinner.

The five fathers had communicated with each other beforehand. Because they shared a table, each made four dishes, and each dish was different.

Of course, the four most difficult dishes must be cooked by Wang Shen. Who made Wang Shen the best cook among these dads?

In this regard, Wang Shen is also willing to help.

The last episode, the last meal on the show, is bound to go perfectly.

When this meal is over, I will say goodbye to my father somewhere.

Suddenly, there was some reluctance.

(End of this chapter)

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