father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 177 Mission

Chapter 177 Mission (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass!)
There was nothing to say all night, Wang Xiaoying didn't talk to Wang Shen because she was angry, and just fell asleep like this.

Seeing this, Wang Shen could only smile faintly, then covered his daughter with a quilt, and fell asleep silently beside her.

In fact, it is perfectly normal for parents and children to have conflicts, but it is not good if there is a conflict in the heart.

Obviously, the father and daughter Wang Xiaoying and Wang Shen have no ties.

The reason why there is no knot is not only that the conflict between the father and daughter is very small, but also that Wang Xiaoying is still young and doesn't keep many things in mind.

No, after waking up early in the morning, Wang Xiaoying started clinging to Wang Shen. As for the lollipop that she was thinking about last night, she had already forgotten it.
The breakfast was prepared by the program team. After eating, the celebrity dad and the cute babies will separate again to complete their tasks.

The task given to Mengwa this time is to go to the market in the town to purchase ingredients, and after purchasing, bring them back to cook a sumptuous dinner for their respective fathers.

Immediately afterwards, each group of families brought the prepared meals to the long table arranged at the head of the village, and then gathered together to finish the last supper.

When all this is over, it will also herald the end of this season's father.

The cute babies go shopping alone in the town, so every dad is quite worried.

After all, young children have no concept of money in their hands.

The cute babies have their own tasks, and several celebrity dads also have their own tasks.

However, this time, the program team did not release the task directly, but prepared five envelopes and sent them to them for drawing.

The program group was mysterious, which made Zhang Yang, Wang Shen and others very curious.

The five randomly took out the envelope, Huang Tao opened it first to have a look, and then said in surprise with an unknown tone, "How many hours will you be the cleaner of Zhaohe Town?"

After Huang Tao cried out in surprise, Sun Yingjie followed closely, "Being a matchmaker for a couple who are dating for the first time?"

Following their surprise, Wang Shen and others also saw the contents of the envelope one after another.

Sun Yingjie went to a store to work as a clerk, while Zhang Zhicheng needed to work as a ticket collector on the bus in the town for a few hours.

As for Wang Shen, the envelope in his hand said that he was going to give a charity performance in the old people's home in the town, and he decided on the content of the charity performance.

The five celebrity dads have five different tasks. To be honest, the five of them are a little confused at this moment.

Because there was no such task at all in the past where is Dad going, but this time, in the final season, it suddenly appeared.

At this time, the village head of the program group came over and explained with a smile: "It's already the last episode, so the program group is going to play something different, so we have prepared these tasks for all the celebrity dads. And, in While carrying out the task, there will be no accompanying VJs to follow, the program group will send a special team to shoot with hidden cameras, so I hope all celebrity dads can take it seriously."

Hearing the words, the fathers looked at each other and smiled wryly at the same time.

Although they smiled wryly, they couldn't tolerate their refusal. After all, this was a request from the program group, so they had to follow the arrangement.

In this way, the five dads set off to complete the tasks arranged by the program group of the last episode of Where Are We Going, Dad.

After a while, the five of them drove to Zhaohe Town, where the mission started.

Guided by the staff, Wang Shen soon arrived at the Ankang Nursing Home on the edge of Zhaohe Town.

To be honest, walking in the town along the way, people came and went, most of them were uncles and aunts, and no one recognized him as Wang Shen.

This is very worrying.

Although I knew it would be this kind of result, after encountering it, I was still unavoidably disappointed.

If he had an accompanying vj carrying a camera to shoot by his side, it might attract the attention of many people.

But now it is a hidden shooting, leaving him alone, so he is not very conspicuous.

This situation confirmed what he had always thought in his heart.

Don't look at him becoming popular after participating in I Am a Singer and Where Are My Dad Going, but in fact, he became popular at some level.

If he really came to this kind of rural town, I am afraid that some people would recognize him only when he wrote on his face that I am Wang Shen, I participated in I am a singer and where are I going to my father, and I am a star.

Otherwise, everything else is useless.

Walking through the town, it didn't take long for him to see the dilapidated building of the nursing home.

To be honest, Wang Shen is very happy to be able to come to the nursing home for charity performances.

Because, for an artist, it is a very meaningful thing to come to this kind of place for charity performances, and it also reflects the value of a person's life in this world.

Wang Shen knew that most of the elderly in nursing homes in villages and towns were households with five guarantees and widows and widows without children.

To be honest, this is very sad for some old people, because they have worked hard all their lives, obeyed the law, and made contributions to society, but their old age is not very pleasant.

Of course, some old bad guys are definitely not on this list, most of them are just old bad guys...

In the past, Wang Shen sometimes thought about what would happen when he was old?Will he also live in a nursing home, and will he live a stable and comfortable life by then?Will anyone come to visit by then?
He thought a lot, he thought about the present and the future.

If it is said that he is destined to live in a nursing home in the future, then the life of these old people now is his future life.

Therefore, to treat the elderly with kindness is to treat yourself kindly.

Of course, those old villains are another matter.

It's very simple, everyone is destined to grow old, if you don't respect the old and love the young when you are young, then when you are old, this kind of experience will repeat to you.

Respecting the old and loving the young, although it is a traditional virtue on the surface, it also has a deeper thought, that is, if many people can do this, then those many people will also be respected by young people when they are old .

Repeatedly, generation after generation.

That is to say, in a macro sense, respecting the old and loving the young is actually caring for oneself.

Of course, important things still have to be mentioned again, except for the old villains.

Wang Shen is a rural person. He has seen too many villagers who have worked hard all their lives, and when they get old, they don't enjoy any happiness.

He has also seen conflicts between the children and their parents in many families, so that the old and frail parents lead a miserable life.

As everyone knows, when you treat your parents like this, your children are silently watching from the sidelines, then decades later, this scene will be repeated, and the miserable protagonist will be replaced by you.

Conversely, if you treat your parents well, then your children will grow up under your influence, and when you are old, they will treat you well.

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(End of this chapter)

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