father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 145 Long time no see

Chapter 145 Long time no see
While Yang Xiaoyu was talking here, Wang Shen had already left the stage, and at the same time, Li Siwen stepped onto the stage.

She was the sixth singer to sing, and after she finished singing, it was time for the other two replacement guests to compete.

The order of appearance of the two supplementary singers is also determined by lottery, which is fairly fair.

"Mr. Wang, you made me cry just now." In the aisle, Wang Shen's exclusive manager Wang Lele said with admiration.

"Crying? I don't think your makeup is good?" Wang Shen teased on purpose as he was recording a show.

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Lele's face darkened, and he said resentfully: "Mr. Wang, you will have no friends like this."

"Haha." Wang Shen chuckled softly.

"Mr. Wang, after singing, what do you think your number will be this time?" Wang Lele will definitely not be angry because of Wang Shen's dismantling, so she continued to ask.

"Well, if I answer this question first, it will appear that I am inflated. If I answer it lower, it will appear that I am hypocritical. If this is the case, then I will answer more seriously. I think I will be the first. .” Wang Shen thought for a while, and replied in embarrassment.

"Mr. Wang, I just want to say that you are still bloated." Wang Lele said with a chuckle.

"Haha, it's all for the effect of the show. In fact, I am not such a person. I am very humble and low-key." Wang Shen also laughed.

In this regard, Wang Lele gave him a look that only believed in you.

The two walked to the shared lounge where the competing singers needed to go after singing.

At this time, when Jessica and the others saw him coming in, they subconsciously got up and greeted him politely.

There was absolutely no such battle before.

But now, Wang Shen can already enjoy this kind of treatment.

This world is such a reality.

If you are strong, you will win respect, if you are weak, then you will only be looked down upon.

When Wang Shen first participated in the recording, no one expected that he would be so powerful. He was just a young singer with little popularity and his career was at a low point, so the communication was just simple politeness, and he didn't want to get in-depth with him. understanding.

But now, everything has changed, he is no longer the little singer who was underestimated before, but has become a powerful person who has to be taken seriously.

For example, now, when Wang Shen enters the lounge, Jessica and other big names will greet him with respect, and will also give them goodwill, and even have meaningful conversations.

Why is there such a change?
Wang Shen's talent is there. Every original song by Wang Shen can be called a classic. If he can sing a song composed by him, there will definitely be a lot of repercussions.

This is the reason why they want to befriend Wang Shen, because they want to have a song with Wang Shen.

Good songs are hard to find, but with Wang Shen's talent, it is obvious that he has good songs.

Enjoying this kind of treatment in front of the camera, Wang Shen will definitely not accept it with inflated eyes, but bows politely one by one to show that he dare not do it.

Not to mention a small singer like Wang Shen, even a first-line singer would not dare to expand in the face of this situation.

After all, this is in front of the camera, and the most important thing is not to leave a bad impression in front of the audience.

After some courtesy, everyone sat down and watched the remaining singers' performances intently.

This issue has a replacement singer, so they are also very curious about who the replacement singer is.

After Li Siwen sang, the replacement singer came on stage.

The debut music played, the lights flickered, and the replacement singer stepped onto the stage. Slowly, everyone saw the replacement singer's face clearly.

At this time, Wang Shen also saw her appearance clearly, and was a little surprised, because he knew this person, and it was Yang Xiaoyu.

Seeing Yang Xiaoyu, he couldn't help but think of the past.

At that time, although it was unbearable to look back on, it was also the time when the faith was the strongest. For the dream, no matter how hard or tired, there was no regret.

That was his lost youth.

If you ask him, does he regret his lost youth?

He would be silent for a moment, and answer, he would not.

Why don't you regret it?

Because he bet everything on him at that stage, even his ridiculous dignity.

He clearly knows that the weak have no dignity.

If you insist on dignity, it will only make the strong laugh.

Youth is no longer, lost, confused, and decadent, but so what, as long as there is faith, there is still hope.

Wang Shen silently closed his eyes slightly, from now on, no matter what others think, he just wants to live out himself, live out what he wants.

Isn't there such a line of lyrics?

Keep running, with the pride of a child, how can you see the brilliance of life if you don't persist?Rather than lingering on one's last breath, it is better to indulge in burning.

Although Wang Shen hasn't paid attention to the entertainment circle for many years, Yang Xiaoyu is familiar with him after all, and Yang Xiaoyu is one of the hottest singers among the younger generation, so he still knows a thing or two.

Today, after several years of development, Yang Xiaoyu has a famous song, so his reputation in the entire music scene is resounding, and he has many fans and is extremely popular.

Compared with Wang Shen, it is not a one-time measurement at all.

Speaking of which, Yang Xiaoyu was a member of the super popular girl group Oneto before.

Well, how should I put it, under normal circumstances, many idol groups do not exist for a long time.

Oneto disbanded, Yang Xiaoyu made a solo debut as a solo singer, and her first album became a hit after her solo career, which made her famous among the younger generation in the music industry.

Looking at Yang Xiaoyu's face in the camera that hasn't changed much for so many years, Wang Shen sighed slightly. He is a trainee in the same period, and he has already become a super popular singer with tens of millions of fans.
After Yang Xiaoyu sang, he was followed by a veteran singer.

Most of the veteran players are stable characters, and their singing is quite satisfactory. There is no special praise, and there are no shortcomings.

At the same time, Yang Xiaoyu also came to the backstage lounge.

First, he politely greeted everyone one by one, and finally walked in front of Wang Shen.

"Long time no see." Yang Xiaoyu said with a faint smile on her pretty face, staring at Wang Shen.

"Long time no see." Wang Shen replied subconsciously, with a smile on his lips.

"You guys know each other?" Zhao Da asked in surprise.

Before Wang Shen answered, Yang Xiaoyu responded unabashedly: "We used to be trainees of the same company, and I'm still his senior sister, because by chance, I debuted a year before him. "

"Ah?" Zhao Da was quite shocked, saying that he didn't know that there was such a relationship between Wang Shen and Xiao Yu.

Not only him, but the rest of the people were also quite surprised.

Although some people knew that Wang Shen and Yang Xiaoyu belonged to the same company, they didn't know that they were already familiar with each other when they were trainees, let alone that they were trainees in the same period.

(End of this chapter)

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