father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 142 Official Recording

Chapter 142 Official Recording (2)

"Ah!" In the lounge, a professional judge exclaimed the moment Wang Shen spoke.

At this time, they did not start the commercial mutual blow mode, but listened to the song attentively.

Just the sound of speaking has already surprised them.

The opening melody was full of sadness, and they expected in their hearts that this was another song with Wang Shen's characteristics.

An original, never-before-heard song.

Without comparison, they dare not comment on themselves.

Not only them, but all the participating singers were engrossed in staring at the TV screen.

Because Wang Shen's previous performance was so eye-catching, Rong had to pay special attention.

The moment the melody sounded, they already knew the number of the song, the number of which is very characteristic of Wang Shen.

"I didn't expect that he has changed a lot in these years." In a certain lounge, a female singer was surprised. From her tone of voice, it seemed that she was familiar with Wang Shen before.

She looked at Wang Shen who was singing on TV, and there was an inexplicable light in her eyes, as if she was regretful, sad, and with various emotions.

This female singer is one of the new replacement singers. Since it is the first issue to participate in the recording, the online singers don't know their identities at all.

The singing continued, and Wang Shen's face could not be seen clearly under the dim light. At this time, the camera came to Wang Shen and gave him a close-up. This close-up zoomed in on his entire face.

When this scene appeared, everyone was surprised to find that there were tears in Wang Shen's eyes.

Accompanied by his hoarse and crying singing, it was as if a heavy hammer hit the bottom of the listener's heart instantly.

In the past, Wang Shen's emotions were tumbling, basically because he was moved by what the fans did.

And this time, he is not, he is because of his song.

In the past, it was the audience who felt his life experience through the lyrics and singing.

This time, the artistic conception of the singing made him unable to recall the bits and pieces of the past. After his emotions rose, he could no longer control it.

Maybe some people don't understand how the original singer was sung to tears by his own song. It can only be said that every time he sings this song, Wang Shen will see himself and his past life.

As sung in the lyrics, I just bid farewell to my home at the foot of the mountain. I really don’t want to let the tears fall easily. I thought I wasn’t bad and wouldn’t be afraid. I just took care of myself and grew up. low.

When Wang Shen was a child, left-behind children from rural families learned to take care of themselves without their parents around since childhood, and then left their hometown to go to a new world.

Family conditions, family status, powerless, he was bullied in Xintiandi, and he was powerless to resist and could only endure. He will never forget these humiliating experiences for the rest of his life.

So what if there are memories of previous lives?

These experiences are not fake or non-existent, but are actually imprinted in his heart.

Therefore, whenever he sings this song, he will feel deeply, and those past memories will appear in his mind page by page like a slideshow.

It was not easy, it was difficult, it was bitter, everything in the past came to mind one after another.

These emotions crushed his heart, and he couldn't help but couldn't control the tears he shed.

In the lyrics, I don't want to bow my head because of reality.

A strong statement, but what about the end result?Still humiliatingly low.

This is why the song has a sad melody, because the thoughts in the song are all in fantasy, and there is too much helplessness and unwillingness in the cry, and there is nothing to do.

"I don't want to bow my head because of reality
I thought I wasn't bad at learning to fake
How to see through the lies behind the mask

Don't let my heart scatter like sand
If one day I become more complicated

Can you still sing the picture in the song?"

As the song came to an end, Wang Shen performed with all his strength.

He didn't just sing this song for the audience, he sang it more for himself.

Although the lyrics are sad, every time he hears it, he will have an inexplicable feeling.

He didn't know how to express this unique feeling.

It seems that he is the tragic tramp in the song.

The one who makes people bad at commenting.

Throughout the scene, not only the singer Wang Shen shed tears, but also some audience members who also felt the same empathy and had relatively low tear points also shed tears.

This song hit their hearts directly, and their so-called strength collapsed in an instant, making them cry uncontrollably.

At the same time, the camera was shown to the audience, and the three public judges and competing singers all saw quite a few audience members whose eyes were drooling.

At this moment, they were all silent.

As a singer, being able to infect the audience with singing is an achievement that every singer wants to accomplish.

But, if it wasn't for a good song, if it wasn't for the magical power of the singing, how could the audience shed tears?

Although this is just a matter of one sentence, it is not an ordinary difficulty to complete this achievement.

Not to mention anything else, just say that many popular singers do not have this ability.

From this, it can be seen that Wang Shen is powerful.

Suddenly, all the singers felt a pressure.

Even though Jessica doesn't understand Chinese, the emotions of the audience have already made her realize the power of this song that she doesn't understand.

If it wasn't great, would the audience at the scene behave like this?Will someone shed tears?
Obviously, the singing infected them, and that's why they were like that.

This situation also made Jessica quite uneasy, because it already indicated that she would be able to get No.1 resistance.

It also made her have an illusion that Wang Shen will be the first one this time.


Among the entire group of competing singers, the one who was most nervous was none other than zz.

Because Wang Shen's performance also foretells the final ranking that zz will get.

Obviously, when the footage of the audience and the emotions of the audience appeared on TV, she was full of despair, and she no longer had much hope for the final ranking of this issue.

(End of this chapter)

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