father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 117 Wang Shen's Name

Chapter 117 Wang Shen's Name

The lyrics start from the endless night, it is high pitched.

At this moment, the entire studio was filled with Wang Shen's heart-piercing shouts.

This song My Sky, Wang Shen not only sang it for the audience, but also sang it for himself.

He is venting his inner emotions, he is expressing his inner voice, so he is tearing and shouting, roaring heart-piercingly full of emotion.

In the endless night, everything is about to be destroyed, at least I still have dreams.

This line of lyrics, as long as the audience knows Wang Shen's past, can clearly understand the meaning expressed in the lyrics.

This is not grandstanding, nor is it moaning about illness, nor is it clamoring slogans.

Some viewers who know Wang Shen's experience, or those who have their own experience, can instantly feel the soul in the lyrics.

Wang Shen, a singer from the countryside.

After working hard for many years, I finally made my debut and became an idol, but in the end I failed due to various reasons.

As the lyrics say, in the endless night, everything will be destroyed.

Even though it has entered the trough like this, it is difficult and difficult.

He still did not give up, did not give up his dream.

His musical dream!
There is unyielding in the desolation.

There is faith in grief.

The creator's heart can be seen through the lyrics.

The appearance of this high-pitched voice caused all the participating singers staying in the lounge to be dumbfounded.

I am a singer's stage, which is a stage that pays attention to the atmosphere of the scene.

Hearing Wang Shen's roar, several big names in the music industry already knew that the emotions of the audience must have been aroused.

The simple lyrics contain an inspiring spirit and give people the motivation to work hard.

Obviously, the guesses of several big names in the music industry were correct. The audience was already amazed by Wang Shen's roaring high-pitched voice.

If it's dry roaring, maybe it's nothing.

But the audience could hear that there was Wang Shen's emotion in the roar.

That is to say, Wang Shen sang this song with emotion, endowing the song with soul.

The treble ends, followed by a rap.

Idol singers, unlike solo singers, have obvious recognition.

Idol singers can dabble in almost every singing style.

The disadvantage is that its professional level is not as strong as a solo singer.

As Wang Shen, who used to be a member of an idol boy group, of course he can rap.

Although his rap is so-so, there is no pressure to sing it as an embellishment in a song.

"Frustration and parting are but embellishments in life
Loved deeply even though she didn't love me
How to learn to bear the blow if there is no parting
How can you learn to get up if you don’t fall down”

After the rap was sung, another high-pitched roar followed, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to another climax.

The song has been sung to this point, anyone can hear it, this song is also very characteristic of Wang Shen.

People can't help but think deeply about how miserable Wang Shen was back then, and what he experienced during the five or six years of silence.

What kind of feeling can make him write such a song.

No one doubts whether the song is Wang Shen's original, because this kind of song with Wang Shen's characteristics is obviously his painstaking effort.

Obviously, among these songs with Wang Shen's characteristics, there is his shadow.

In other words, he wrote such songs based on himself as the creative prototype.

Therefore, the audience can only think about how miserable Wang Shen's experience in these years is, which is why he is so sad.

No, it cannot be said to be desolate, because these songs hide the spirit of striving and never compromise in the desolation, and people can get endless motivation from them.

From the ordinary road, to exaggeration, and now to my sky, every song has his perception of life, although these perceptions have his own characteristics.

However, no matter which song it is, it can make people gain motivation after listening to it.

It can also be seen from this point.

Wang Shen, even though he has been silent for five or six years, he never gave up his music dream.

He has been working hard for his dream.

Such an artist is a real artist.

"Teacher Wang is too strong." During a certain break, the kicking singer was dumbfounded, only feeling that the pressure in his heart was suddenly magnified infinitely, and he was stunned by Wang Shen's singing.

The kicking singer is a girl in her early twenties named Li Muzi.

Despite her young age, she is already a well-known solo singer.

Originally, she came here full of confidence, worked hard, and planned to enter the semi-finals and get a seat.

Now, Wang Shen's opening speech directly suppressed her.

At this moment, she felt Wang Shen's power firsthand, and she opened her mouth involuntarily, showing a shocked expression.

As a solo singer, she knows that there are countless singers with perfect voices or skilled skills in the whole country and even the world.

But there are not many singers who are talented and can sing songs well.

Not to mention the world, but domestically, many heavenly kings and queens, or first-line singers, the lyrics and music of the songs they sing are all created by others, and they just have a good voice or skilled skills.

But like Wang Shen, there are clear personal characteristics in the display of talent.

Such singers are rare in the whole world.

"Teacher Wang is not only talented, but he is also very devoted in singing, perfectly interpreting the emotions in the songs. Sure enough, he himself is the most perfect interpreter of the songs he created." Li Muzi said in amazement There is a look of worship in the bright eyeballs.

After being shocked by Wang Shen's performance, she felt more and more uneasy about her final ranking.

Although she had long expected that her ranking would not be high, such a sudden blow made her little fantasies fall to the bottom of the valley.

Li Muzi admired her from the bottom of her heart. As a solo singer, she clearly knew how important talent was to a solo singer.

She thinks she has so many talents, but now, she knows that compared with Wang Shen, she is far inferior.

"It seems that the Chinese music scene, which has been silent for a long time, will cause some waves." Sitting in the lounge and watching Wang Shen's singing, singer Zhao Da, who is at the level of Xiangjiang King, couldn't help but be silent in his heart.

To be honest, he has been in the music industry for so many years, and he has seen countless singers of all kinds.

But it was the first time he had seen a singer as talented as Wang Shen with extremely distinctive characteristics.

This kind of singer stands out from the crowd in the entire music scene and is destined to stir up some disturbances.

As for how big the storm is, it depends on how strong his talent is.

An ordinary road may only be short-lived in the end.

Another exaggerated song, maybe it's just showing off.

It is not easy to connect several original high-quality songs one after another.

Ruuo's subsequent songs are still so amazing.

Then, the Chinese music scene will definitely have his name.

With the name of Wang Shen.

(Thank you for your rewards, I am very grateful.)
(Muzi Li is a trick requested by book friends, so don't think too much about it.)
(End of this chapter)

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