father-in-law of the nation

Chapter 115 I Still Have Dreams

Chapter 115 I Still Have Dreams
In the third issue of I am a singer, Wang Shen's mood can be described as ups and downs.

I am a singer's stage, and audiences across the country know that no matter how Shonan TV conceals it, this program has the nature of testing the strength of singers.

In the first period of replacement, he was the last from the bottom, in the second period from the bottom to the second, and in the end it was because of a singer's injury that he barely managed to be the last to last, and he narrowly escaped the promotion.

To be honest, although Wang Shen looked fine on the surface, he was extremely disappointed in his heart.

He is a singer, singing is his profession.

In other words, his ability to beg for food is being rubbed on the ground, which is self-evident for an adult.

Moreover, not only being rubbed on the ground by people of the same profession, but also the despair of not being recognized by the audience.

With the broadcast of the two episodes of I Am a Singer, audiences across the country can see it, and thunderous applause when other singers appeared on stage.

When Wang Shen came out, there were a few scattered applause, and most of the audience did not have much reaction after a song was sung.

The contrast is so stark.

For a professional singer, this is undoubtedly a nightmare feeling.

Not recognized, not accepted.

That's why Wang Shen decided to finish singing a glorious song, a fan song, because he planned to sing this song as a gift to the fans who have always supported him, and then pack up and go home.

At that time, he had already accepted his fate, so he remained calm.

But with the recording of the third episode of the replacement, his heart boiled again and rolled again.

The endless applause has been filling his heart, giving him boundless motivation and hope.

He told himself that he is a singer, he will continue to sing, and he will bring good songs to audiences all over the world.

Yes, people have different tastes.

Some people don't like it, but that doesn't mean everyone doesn't like it.

Even if there is still one person who is willing to listen, he will continue to sing.

At that moment, he thought of himself ten years ago.

For the dream of music, in order to be able to embark on the road of music, I live like a dog wagging its tail.

Now, already on this path, how can I give up?

Are you willing?
Not reconciled!
Extremely unwilling!

Once I chose salted fish, it was because my heart was tired.

Now, see?Isn't there still fans silently supporting and shedding tears.

Are you still tired?

Not tired anymore.

wrapped in a belief.

I'm a singer!The aura of idol fades away, I am no longer an idol, I am a singer.


Shonan TV I am a singer program studio, the recording has started.

Talk singer Li Siwen took the lead on the stage with flashing lights to open the show.

Li Siwen has a quiet demeanor, wearing a black dress, which amazes everyone.

With a faint smile on her pretty face, facing the [-] audience and the camera, she said: "First of all, I must introduce the first singer to sing on stage. Who is he? He, as I am The first replacement singer in the singer show. The songs he sang in each episode are original, and each capital is very amazing. Some people say that he has been silent for five or six years, which has created his inner precipitation. Now that he appears, He is full of talent, just like a dazzling star. Some people say that he was born with talent and worked hard to pursue his music dream. Some people say that he is a dad who was delayed by singing. Who is he? Everyone should already have the answer in their hearts This time, as the first singer to appear in the competition, what he brings is still his original work."

"Now, let us invite you to compete as a singer and come on stage!"

Of course, what Li Siwen said was not what she thought of, but prepared by the program team. She only needs to express it based on the cards in her hand and the subtitles.

The purpose of the program group preparing such words is simple.

Praise a singer to make the audience feel that the singer is very powerful, so as to highlight the grandeur of the show from the side.

In fact, this is just a routine of some variety shows, and there is nothing unusual about it.

As Li Siwen stepped off the stage, the music of competing singers began to play.

Wang Shen, who was waiting in the background, picked up the microphone and stepped onto the stage firmly.

As soon as a figure appeared in the aisle, the scene burst into warm applause.

"Wang Shen!"

"Wang Shen!"

"Wang Shen!"


Not only applause, but also violent shouts.

"Wow, it's like having a concert."

Seeing this scene, the singers in the lounge were all shocked, and their exclusive manager was equally shocked watching all this.

As the admiring singer said, the restless shouts and the boiling atmosphere at the scene were like his personal concert.

"The audience likes him." Jessica exclaimed in English, with an invisible pressure rising in her heart.

In the previous two episodes, she did not regard Wang Shen as an opponent, but after the recording of the last episode, her team got to know Wang Shen in depth.

Internet celebrity, she doesn't know if this word is reasonable, but it can be described like this.

During this period of time, Weibo and various areas of the Internet are all topics about Wang Shen.

And many of these topics are his songs.

Therefore, Jessica can already think that the audience likes him and his songs.

It also made her realize that this is a powerful opponent.

Despite this, Jessica still has absolute confidence in herself.

Her confidence comes from her strength.

Surrounded by applause and shouts, Wang Shen's heart boiled.

But the program team has requirements, he can't talk much, the only thing he can do is to bow deeply and thank you.

This bow, he did not get up for a long time.

He was very moved by the support of the audience.

He didn't know what to do to express his gratitude, he did it instinctively, to express his inner emotions.

It took him a while to get up, and at this moment, the applause from the audience was even more enthusiastic.

Why is the applause so thunderous?
The reason is obvious.

The broadcast of where is Dad going made people across the country know about this difficult single father.

With the broadcast of several episodes of Where Are We Going, Dad and I Am A Singer, especially among the songs I Am A Singer, the obviously very high-quality songs fell to the bottom.

It was already tragic, such a powerful song, but it was still tragic.

This made too many viewers who watched the show feel uncomfortable.

They all felt that Wang Shen shouldn't count down and be so miserable.

The applause from the audience was very pure, purely affirming Wang Shen, encouraging him, and approving him.

After a long time, with the intervention of the staff, the mood on the scene calmed down.

And Wang Shen also entered the final preparations, preparing for this episode of singing.

When the music started, he opened his eyes suddenly and began to sing.

"Goodbye my love I wanna say goodbye
Goodbye to my past I want a new life
goodbye my tears fall and failure
Goodbye to that youthful and frivolous era

goodbye my troubles no longer alone
Goodbye my cowardice no more crying
Now I wanna say
Hello Hello My Future (Hello Hello)

in the endless night
everything is about to perish
at least i still have dreams
also touched by you

The beginning of the original dawn

right in my heart

as long as i have dreams
will see the rainbow
in my sky"

(End of this chapter)

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