All professional Valkyrie

Chapter 261 Throne

Chapter 261 Throne


Suddenly, Shaggis felt movement behind him.

It hurriedly turned around, and saw a dark hole behind itself, on the shattered wall.

"Wow wow wow!"

"woo woo woo woo!"

The hollow dragon danced and danced, seemingly very happy.

Hu Yang also nodded silently and gave a thumbs up to express his gratitude to Wadilong.This little guy is really not bad!
At the beginning, Hu Yang thought that Wadilong was looking for trouble for Xia Jisi.Judging by its posture, it seemed that it was about to throw Shaggis to death.It is only now that I understand that the Wadilong used Shaggis to smash out the hole.What Sharjis suffered was purely an indiscriminate disaster!
Having been commended by the master, the Wadilong showed even more joy and encouragement, circling around the two beauties, Luo Ning and Dai Xiuya, and even ran to rub Madam Ju's legs from time to time.That's going too far.Hu Yang couldn't help being ashamed, and explained a little dumbfounded: "This little guy is like this, he can't hold back when he sees a beautiful woman..."

Both Dai Xiuya and Luo Ning were angry and funny, and they didn't know how to deal with the Wadilong.

Fortunately, Populus euphratica quickly issued an order to throw the Wadilong into the cave.

After a while, Wadilong came out of it, expressing that there was a situation.

Hu Yang and others came in cautiously, and found that there were white corpses all over the place.

Luo Ning and Dai Xiuya were relatively timid, and they couldn't help turning their heads, not daring to look any further.Only Mrs. Ju managed to take a few extra glances.

Populus euphratica looked around and found that this is a naturally formed cave with not much space.For advanced cultivators, it is a bit difficult to use.Such a powerful martial art feels like it cannot be used at all.However, the surrounding walls of the cave have traces of the impact of sizing up weapons, and the number of corpses is also a bit alarming.Obviously, these are traces left by powerful martial arts.Obviously, there are top cultivators fighting here.

He roughly inspected more than a dozen corpses, and found that the bones all had traces of being cut by sharp knives.If there is no mistake, they were all killed by one move.However, whether it was massacred or martyred in a fierce battle is temporarily unclear.It is estimated that it is mostly the latter.After all, on the walls of the cave, there were obvious marks left after the fierce battle.

Going forward, a large number of corpses without heads were found, probably the heads had been chopped off.All were chopped off with a knife.The swordsmanship of the striker is very domineering, and he will never show mercy.However, King Luo Xing himself was not known for his sword skills.In other words, there were other people who had broken into King Luo Xing's tomb and were still killing people there.So, who is this person?

"Is it from your Luo family?" Hu Yang asked slowly.

"I'm not sure." Mrs. Ju replied shaking her head.

Hu Yang frowned, waved his hand, and let Paul Nayingmu explore around.

As a result, after a while, Paul Nayingmu found more corpses and a dilapidated throne in the innermost part of the cave.

When Hu Yang and others came to the deepest part of the cave, they found a huge throne.It stands tall on a platform at a height of 9000 meters, overlooking the surroundings.The cave where the throne is located is also super vast, bigger than the Golden Valley City.It is conservatively estimated that even if the entire Golden Valley City is to be moved in, there is still a lot of vacancy.Such a vast space, such a towering throne, is indeed mighty, domineering and majestic!

"The throne?" Hu Yang felt very strange, how could there be a throne in this mysterious cave?Could it be that these killed practitioners are all related to that throne?What does the throne represent?
"It's the ancestor of our Luo family!" Luo Ning suddenly said surprisingly, "The master of the throne should be our ancestor King Luo Xing."

Hu Yang said dubiously: "What evidence do you have?"

Luo Ning said: "This throne was bestowed on the ancestors by the Galactic Empire in the past."

She explained eloquently that the Luo family had existed for tens of thousands of years.It can be traced back to the era of the Galactic Empire.

In the human society of the starry sky world, there were not so many countries and forces at the beginning.Human beings who started from the earth are desperately expanding their territories, and have no intention of establishing so many countries or forces.At the beginning, there were only a few countries such as the Galactic Empire, the Galactic Republic, and the Galactic Federation, and there were not so many factions and forces among practitioners.Later, it gradually fell apart and regrouped.

The era in which King Luo Xing lived happened to be the heyday of the Galactic Empire.In that era, practitioners were very powerful.Wu Zong is like a dog, Wu Zun walks everywhere, Wu Emperor often has it, Wu Emperor is coquettish enough, Wu Sheng Shenlong sees his head but never tail, why can he stand out from the crowd and win the title of "King of Fighting" ?The reason is the existence of Nine Yin Dragon Killer.

Not everyone can practice Nine Yin Dragon Killing. It needs to meet very strict conditions, and ordinary people can't practice it at all.King Luo Xing happened to meet all the conditions.Because King Luo Xing was able to gain extra lethality when facing non-human creatures during the expansion of the Galactic Empire.In the expansion of the human world, the main opponents are all kinds of non-human creatures.Therefore, his military exploits were very great, and he was finally crowned king.

This dilapidated throne was bestowed upon King Luo Xing by the former Emperor of the Galactic Empire.This is one of the important witnesses of the throne.It stands to reason that such an important thing should be buried with King Luo Xing, should be displayed, and should be admired by future generations.However, it happened to appear in this mysterious cave, nameless, silent, and decayed with the years.

After a moment of emotion, Hu Yang and others continued to search, hoping to find more discoveries.It's a pity that in this cave, apart from the dilapidated throne and corpses everywhere, there is nothing special.Wadilong kept shaking his head, expressing that he really didn't have any treasures left.

"Go out!" Hu Yang said a little disappointed, and gave Wadilong a gloomy look.

Needless to say, he was complaining about the wrath of the hollow dragon.

There is obviously no treasure in the cave, why did you bring us in?

"Oh oh oh!"

As a result, Wadilong quit immediately.

It decisively jumped out of Dai Xiuya's arms and jumped onto the throne.

It waved its short and thick legs, and beat the dilapidated throne vigorously.That meant it couldn't be clearer, that the baby was inside the throne.

"Don't lie to me." Hu Yang urged Yuan Neng half-believingly, and directly shattered the throne.

Sure enough, in the dust of the throne, Hu Yang found a secret book.

"Nine Yin Dragons Kill! "

They need to find the Nine Yin Dragons to kill!

Almost without any difficulty, he found the exercise cheats left by King Luo Xing.

"Isn't this coming a little too easily?"

"It can't be fake, can it?"

Hu Yang secretly became suspicious, and decided to check the authenticity first.

He carefully read the formula for killing the Nine Yin Dragons, but found nothing wrong with it.It appears to be true.

He began to practice habitually.As a result, the hourglass is spinning very quickly.In a short while, he had cultivated the Nine Yin Dragon Killer to above the tenth level.Obviously, there is no problem with the formula, and this is indeed the original Nine Yin Dragon Killer.During the cultivation process, Shangguan Loulan did not respond at all.

"Strange, why is she silent?" Hu Yang secretly felt strange.He was worried that Shangguan Loulan would not cooperate and would not let him continue to practice with the help of the hourglass.Now it seems that Shangguan Loulan is not so difficult to talk to.She eventually lent him the hourglass to use.

From the beginning to the end, Shangguan Loulan did not respond at all, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep again.Or pretending to be asleep.With the help of the time compression of the hourglass, Hu Yang abruptly raised the Nine Yin Dragon Killer to the No. 18 floor, but Shangguan Loulan still didn't make any sound.

"Last time, someone seemed to have mentioned that Shangguan Loulan would not be fully awake until I reached the eighteenth level of the star soul. Sobriety is short-lived, accidental, unexpected, and cannot last too long?"

"Hu Yang, the Nine Yin Dragon Killer belongs to our Luojiabao...Look..." Luo Ning said with a frown.

She originally thought that Hu Yang would definitely not return the exercise secret book to her so readily.Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened her mouth, Hu Yang handed it to her.

He has already reached the eighteenth level of "Nine Yin Dragon Killing", what else does he need formulas for?
"Um...thank you! Thank you!" Luo Ning said in a daze.

She flipped through the cheat book and found that she couldn't understand it at all.Can't understand a single word.

Mrs. Ju brought the cheat book over, flipped through it briefly, and found that she couldn't understand it either.Can't understand a single word.

As for Dai Xiuya, she didn't intend to read it at all.This little girl is very self-aware.Seeing the faces of Luo Ning and Madam Ju, she resolutely gave up the idea of ​​reading.

 I'm sorry, I had some urgent business during the day, and I was exhausted when I came back, so I fell asleep and fell asleep. I just woke up now, and I will update Chapter 10 as compensation...

(End of this chapter)

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