There are always bad guys trying to rob my husband

Chapter 206 Just Want To Stay By His Side

Chapter 206 Just Want To Stay By His Side

"I won't keep you waiting for long, I'll be back soon, you've been waiting for 1000 years, now give me a little more patience, you'll be reunited with Tinker Bell soon, I'm leaving." It was already cold enough, and he still put on such a cold expression, Huo Luan shuddered, and quickly turned and left the ice room.

one by one
Duanmuxiu knew that he couldn't escape for the time being, so he was not in a hurry to escape, he rested at ease, healed his injuries first, and he also wanted to know why they wanted to arrest Xiaoyue, if he didn't figure out this matter, Even if he escapes, maybe there will be a next time.

He was lying on the bed, dozing quietly, and when he was thinking secretly, there was a sound of knocking on the wooden fish and chanting scriptures in his ear.

The smell of burning sandalwood, and now the sound of knocking wooden fish and chanting scriptures, Duanmuxiu already knew where this place was.

Could it be that the person who wants to catch Xiaoyue is a monk?What the hell are they arresting her for?Could it be for the relic of the Buddha's heart, but the relic has been taken away by the ghost owl.

Duanmuxiu twisted his wrist forcefully, but he didn't expect that the rope became tighter and tighter with his force, and soon, traces were left on his white wrist.

"Little girl, don't struggle. This rope is not an ordinary rope. The more you struggle, the tighter it becomes." The man who came to see him in the morning came in again and saw the rope in his hand. Knowing that she had struggled, she reminded her.

"Who the hell are you?" Duan Muxiu snorted coldly.

"Have you really forgotten me? You begged me to undo the spell for your young master." There was a hint of doubt in the man's voice.

"Undo the curse?" Xiaoyue begged him to help him undo the curse?When did this happen, he didn't know at all, damn it, how many things did she hide from him, Duanmuxiu couldn't help cursing in his heart.

"No, have you really forgotten? Or do you not want to save him anymore? But it's no wonder you backed down. Saving others with your own life is difficult even for the closest person, let alone the relationship between the host and the guest." Master." The man said with a chuckle.

She knew the truth about how to help him break the curse. Duanmuxiu felt cold all over his body. Recalling what she said before, he couldn't help being angry and distressed. He didn't doubt at all that Xiahou Xiyue would sacrifice herself for him , but if she thought that he would be happy if she did this, she was very wrong. He suddenly felt a little grateful for the kidnapping this time. what an idea.

"Don't think so much, remember, don't struggle anymore, or you will suffer from flesh and blood." The man saw his face livid, although he didn't know what he was thinking, but it was not important anymore, He only needs to take care of his body now, and other things are secondary.

Duan Muxiu was still shocked by what happened just now, he didn't even know that the man had left, until he heard an exclamation.

"Who is it?" Hearing that the voice seemed to be a girl's exclamation, Duanmuxiu immediately asked vigilantly.

"I'm not human." The girl's voice sounded faintly in his ears.

"Then what are you?" Duanmuxiu's back suddenly felt chills, but when he was in Xuening Mountain, he had seen all kinds of monsters, so he wouldn't be very afraid at the moment.

"I am a soul. I was attracted by the incense in this temple. How could you be tied here?" the girl asked curiously.

"I also want to know why they kidnapped me here." It turned out to be a ghost, but aren't ghosts afraid of Guanyin Buddha?She actually came here so boldly, isn't she afraid of losing her mind?

(End of this chapter)

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