Your Majesty, the Empress is resigning

Chapter 175 Typical Full Stuffed

Chapter 175 Typical Full Stuffed
Han Jinnian specially reminded Nangong Moyan that he brought back the beauty jade glass, why not let go of the little ingot?

He is the emperor, what kind of woman does he want, so why fight with him for a small ingot?
If Han Jinnian hadn't mentioned it, Nangong Moyan would have forgotten that there is such a character as Yu Liuli. After thinking about it, he replied, "I will arrange a time to visit her. Three days later, it happens to be the Mid-Autumn Festival. At that time, I can arrange A trip out of the palace. You, Rong Wei, and Linger, all go out to see the fun together."

The Mid-Autumn Festival in Longyue Kingdom is different from the modern Mid-Autumn Festival. Instead of eating moon cakes, dragon boat festivals and lantern festivals will be held here.

What Nangong Moyan thought of was that there would be a dragon boat race outside the city during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he could take Xiao Yuanbao and the others to see the excitement.

"Okay, I can make arrangements in advance."

After Han Jinnian bowed, he didn't intend to leave. Nangong Moyan asked again, "Does Han Aiqing have anything else to do?"

"Yes! There is one more thing I want to tell His Majesty."


"Before I came here, I received an invitation letter from Jiayin Kingdom. They Jiayin Kingdom will hold a six-nation song and dance competition, and invite other five countries to participate. We, Takiyue, are also specially invited. Your Majesty, look... ..."

Nangong Moyan got angry when he heard about the competition, and the Fengqu country's affairs were settled. Now Jiayin country has set off another singing and dancing competition, which is typical for people who are full.

However, Han Jinnian has always been in charge of this kind of competition, Nangong Moyan said, "The other countries are all participating, we Longyue naturally can't be a coward, Han Aiqing, let you take charge of this matter, how about it?"

"Your minister should be thinking hard, but this competition is of great importance, representing the face of the country, and there is absolutely no chance of losing, so I have something to ask."

"what's up?"

"I want to ask the emperor for someone to assist me in organizing this competition."

"Whoever you want just speak up."

Han Jinnian lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then raised his head and said courageously, "I want Xiao Yuanbao to help me."

"..." Nangong Moyan stopped talking, and his face darkened a little.

Seeing through Han Jinnian's small thoughts at a glance, he wanted to get close to Xiao Yuanbao and say it directly, but he turned such a big detour.

Han Jinnian raised his eyes to observe the emperor's face, worried that he would not agree, and continued to persuade, "Your majesty, last time Xiao Yuanbao pretended to be a monk and helped me out of the siege of Longyue. I think you should know her ability. If this competition can have her If you make suggestions, I believe that you will get twice the result with half the effort. I know the emperor's concerns, but I really don't have any selfish intentions. I also said that I want to compete fairly with the emperor, and I hope that the emperor will treat this matter fairly."

Nangong Moyan was not worried that Xiao Yuanbao would be abducted by Han Jinnian, because he trusted the little girl, she was already his, and she would not be able to escape even if she tried.

"Okay! I am going to play, from now on, let Xiao Yuanbao help you cope with this competition together. However, I also have a request, you must ask for her consent, if she is not willing, you can't force it."

"Sir, obey the order."

The gloom in Han Jinnian's heart has become much brighter. If he can take this opportunity to get to know Xiao Yuanbao better, maybe he still has a chance.

The interview time in the morning ended here, Nangong Moyan drove back to the palace, and Han Jinnian went to look for Xiao Yuanbao.

Hearing that Xiao Yuanbao had gone to Xiulan Garden, Han Jinnian came all the way here, and saw Xiao Yuanbao standing in the middle of the courtyard of Xiulan Garden from a distance, surrounded by a group of maids, what are they doing?


(End of this chapter)

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