Sweethearts are like lollipops

Chapter 690 You Are Not Her Destiny

Chapter 690 You Are Not Her Destiny

The mother said, let him choose a girl of similar age to be his maid, take care of his life, and also be able to talk with him, because mother spends most of her time in the nunnery and cannot always accompany him.

A few days later, the housekeeper brought a few little girls for him to choose, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that sister Nian Jin was among them.

He smiled at Sister Nianjin, who also smiled slightly.

He chose sister Nianjin without hesitation.

When Sister Nianjin was nine years old, her parents both died while carrying out a mission, and Sister Nianjin was very sad.

He told her that he would always be her brother and always protect her.

After hearing his words, sister Nianjin cried.

Now Xiao Nianjin's parents in name are just members of Yan's family, forming a family like a family to facilitate the execution of tasks.

Since he was five years old, sister Nian Jin became his maid, and they have never been separated.

His five to 12 years old was his happiest time.

But when he was 12 years old, the relationship between him and sister Nianjin changed.

It was all because he held a solemn ceremony and became the young master of the Yan family. From that day on, sister Nian Jin called him "Young Master Yan", but she never called him "Brother Mu Lin".

Until just now, she knelt on the rocks, called him "brother Mu Lin", and begged him to let Xia Jiujiu go.

Yan Mulin's heart felt empty and painful as if it had been gouged out.

Sister Nianjin's father once came to see his daughter, and Uncle Xiao knew fortune-telling. That day, he secretly listened behind the screen.

Uncle Xiao said that a younger boy will accompany his daughter in the future.

He was seven years old that year, and Uncle Xiao's words made him happy for a long time. He thought that he would always be with sister Nianjin and would never be separated.

To this day, he believes that Uncle Xiao's fortune-telling is only the person who accompanied Sister Nianjin, the boy who was younger than her was not him, but someone else!
remorse?Let sister Nianjin leave like this?Originally, he had a better chance than Ye Jiulan to make sister Nian Jin fall in love with him!

No one understands the pain in his heart!
At the age of 12, he and sister Nianjin were still together every day and saw each other, but they changed from siblings to master and servant.

And his mother began to teach him how to control the power of the Yan family.

The mother's hatred for his father was also passed on to him.

His mother's misery, contempt for love, and despair of marriage made him gradually resist the opposite sex, and his feelings for sister Nianjin turned into torment in his heart.

He wanted to love her so much, but he contradicted the word love.

He thought it would be good to be with him, not to love.

He thought that he and sister Nianjin would always be together for the rest of their lives.

Then under the instruction of his mother, he gave birth to the heir of the Yan family.

But Ye Jiulan appeared, and his mother turned her eyes to him, and gave the order to sister Nianjin to get close to Ye Jiulan.

Seeing her with Ye Jiulan, his heart felt strange, but he didn't go against his mother's order.

He watched her and Ye Jiulan fall in love and live together, and even found out that she was pregnant with Ye Jiulan's child just now!
A quiet person like Sister Nianjin must know the heavy punishment for giving birth to this child, but she still wants to give birth to Ye Jiulan's child.

She loves Ye Jiulan so much!The man surnamed Ye gave her love that he couldn't give!
What is love!
But why does his heart hurt so much?
He said that when sister Nianjin lost her parents at the age of nine, he said that he would protect her for the rest of her life.

(End of this chapter)

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