Sweethearts are like lollipops

Chapter 672 99 is not your girlfriend, is it?

Chapter 672 Jiujiu is not your girlfriend, is she?

"Ah—" Yu Muqing exclaimed happily, "Uncle won! Uncle won!"

Xia Jiujiu couldn't believe that Yu Zhiyan beat Zeya by a distance of a horse.

Yu's family members and herdsmen cheered. Yu Zhiyan and Zeya's horse race was evenly matched, which was wonderful.

Yu Zhiyan and Zeya turned their horses around and trotted back.

The two boys looked at each other, Yu Zhiyan was calm and composed, Zeya smiled, he was surprised: "Zhiyan, you ride a horse really well!"

"You're not bad either!" Yu Zhiyan didn't say anything more, he is a VIP member of the equestrian club, and the annual membership fee is over one million.

Yu Zhiyan rode his horse and came back again. He jumped off the steed and walked in front of Xia Jiujiu.

Xia Jiujiu was still surprised, she said happily: "I was worried that when you fell off the horse, you had already won!"

Xia Jiujiu's words made everyone around him laugh.

Yu Zhiyan put his right hand on Xia Jiujiu's small head, rubbed it harder, and said in a bluffing voice: "You can focus on my vigorous posture, okay? How can you think that I will get on the back of a horse?" fall down!"

Xia Jiujiu stuck out the tip of her tongue and made a face, making everyone laugh even more playfully.

Zeya also came over, and he said, "Speaking, shall we add another competition? Poker, horse racing, and archery are the three major sports of our Mongolian people. Since wrestling and horse racing are compared, archery should also be compared? "

"Okay, okay!" It was Yu Muchen, Yu Muxin, and Yu Muqing, the three brats who agreed, and my uncle won the round, and they were in high spirits.

The herdsmen also cheered and looked forward to another match between Yu Zhiyan and Zeya.

"Okay," Yu Zhiyan said, "I know a little bit about archery, but it's not the bow and arrow with this structure here."

"It's all right," said the herdsmen. "We have an observation game, and let the archers explain the main points to Zhiyan. Zhiyan is so smart, he knows everything."

Xia Jiujiu: "Hehe." In the first round of wrestling, I couldn't get through my words, but it is also meaningful to come to Inner Mongolia and experience the three major sports here.Winning or losing doesn't matter.

The herdsmen have already arranged the target plate, and then took out their bows and arrows.

According to the usual practice, the herdsmen's exhibition match was first, and Yu Zhiyan stood aside to watch carefully and listened to the archer's explanation.

After that, after trying a few arrows, the match with Zeya began.

In the previous wrestling and horse racing, Yu Zhiyan and Zeya had a one-to-one tie, and archery was considered a decisive victory.

Both Yu Zhiyan and Zeya were concentrating. In addition to their technical level, there was also the interference of the outdoor wind.

A round of ten arrows, Zeya won the first round.

The three little guys stood by, more nervous and excited than they were on the stage, and they kept calling on the uncle to cheer.

Later, Yu Zhiyan found the hand feeling and became familiar with the method of using this type of bow and arrow. He had the foundation before and won the next two rounds in a row.

"Uncle wins, uncle wins!" The three little guys cheered.

Zeya walked up to Yu Zhiyan's side, stretched out his right hand to him, said "Congratulations", then lowered his voice in a half-joking tone: "Jiujiu is not your girlfriend, is it?"

"Don't worry, it's not!" Yu Zhiyan said firmly, "Jiujiu is my fiancee!"

Zeya: "..." Yu Zhiyan, you will be awkward talking like this!

The observation match of Shepherd's House is over, because the match between Yu Zhiyan and Zeya has been added, making it more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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