Sweethearts are like lollipops

Chapter 480 Xia 99 Dates President Y?

Chapter 480 Xia Jiujiu Dates President Y?

In the era of advanced information, it is still rumored that someone in school has been admitted to Feifeng Entertainment's artist training class before morning reading.

At the end of the morning reading, rumors of a certain girl dating the president of a listed company spread like wildfire.

When the first class is over, more details are in the supplement, that girl is a trainee named X of Feifeng Entertainment, and she is dating the president named Y in a certain club.

This kind of gossip is very topical, and the wild fire of rumors is burning even more vigorously. Everyone is spreading and guessing.

The list of students in Feifeng Entertainment's artist training class can be checked on the official website, and it was narrowed down to the X surname. Xia Jiujiu was within the scope of suspicion.

It was rumored that the male lead was named Y, and the gossip crowd quickly locked on the target, Yuan Zichen, the president of Yuanqi Group!
Because at the previous appreciation party of the Mortal Angel Foundation, Yuan Zichen and his girlfriend Xia Jiujiu performed a show that was on the news, and the video of the show received a lot of hits.

After that, it was only natural for Xia Jiujiu and Yuan Zichen to develop further, or even date.

Therefore, the rumored male and female protagonists were Yuan Zichen and Xia Jiujiu, and they became the main objects of suspicion.

The whole school was full of voices talking about Xia Jiujiu.

Some girls who had long disliked Xia Jiujiu wanted to step on her even more at this moment.

When get out of class was over, Bai Tangtang whispered to Xia Jiujiu: "Jiujiu, those people's words are so ugly, should you report it to the teacher and clarify it on the school website or radio, so that they don't spread it indiscriminately?"

Can gossip be blocked?I'm afraid it will spread more and more fiercely, and the more it spreads, the more outrageous it will be!

Of course Xia Jiujiu knew the reason, besides Su Xingya, who else could maliciously stir up the muddy water?
During the parting meeting with Yu Zhiyan in the early morning, Yu Zhiyan told her that no matter what happened, no matter what kind of gossip, she should stay calm and treat it as nothing to do with her, and believe that he would handle it well.

Reminiscent of last night when Yu Zhiyan didn't eat dinner and hurried out with a bad complexion, maybe Su Xingya was looking for him and blackmailing him with what happened in the Yuanfan Club.

But now that Yu Zhiyan is filming on the set, the public opinion in the school is undercurrent, and he is beyond his reach.

But Xia Jiujiu wouldn't confess to Su Xingya, because she was afraid of her!
Xia Jiujiu said calmly: "Things that others speculate are not facts. Those who are clear will clear their own minds, just ignore it. I won't be afraid, and I even want to walk around to see the excitement."

Xia Jiujiu really stood up, and Bai Tangtang said, "Jiujiu, I'll accompany you out. But I want to go to the bathroom, shall we go together?"

"I want to go to the bathroom too." Yuan Xiaoai, who was at the same table as Bai Tangtang, also stood up from her seat.

Yuan Xiaoai didn't know that Su Xingya was the instigator, but she was not happy that the gossip spread about her brother like this.

Her brother didn't have a girlfriend, so what if he dated a girl?It's just that the rumored girlfriend is not full, and some nonsense things are said too harshly, as if her brother is a demon who tortures underage girls, that's too much!
If she ever catches someone speaking ill of her brother, she'll punch her to put it back in her mouth!

The three girls chatted and left the classroom as usual.

Xia Jiujiu didn't want to shrink back in her seat, as if the rumored heroine was really her, so she didn't dare to show her face.

Xia Jiujiu's appearance made the students all look at her.

Ordinary students saw her calm and composed appearance, and Yuan Xiaoai was by her side, so they naturally wouldn't believe the rumors that she deliberately seduced the CEO and wanted to marry into a wealthy family.

In the classroom of Class A of the second year of high school, Su Xingya soon got the news that Xia Jiujiu had appeared in public!
 (There is still a chapter that has not been coded out, and will be posted later.)
(End of this chapter)

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