Sweethearts are like lollipops

Chapter 452 A few minutes away, you will have a young daughter-in-law

Chapter 452 A few minutes away, you will have a young daughter-in-law

"Woohoo," Yu Muqing said while clutching her right foot, "My foot was stabbed, it hurts so much!"

Yu Zhiyan picked up Yu Muqing, put her on the bed, and checked that there was no bleeding.

Xia Jiujiu lifted up the bed cover hanging on the floor.

Yu Muxin exclaimed in surprise: "My little puppet!"

Yu Muqing remembered now: "I hid the little puppet at the foot of the bed."

Yu Muxin regained her beloved toy after losing it, and was so happy: "Qingqing, I see you are still hiding my doll, and my doll crushed your feet!"

Yu Muqing pouted and stopped talking.

Yu Zhiyan and Xia Jiujiu laughed.

"Qingqing! Xinxin!" Shen Qingyun eagerly appeared at the door, seeing the two cute babies in the room of the youngest son, Yanyan and Qiuqiu were woken up.

If you're not careful, the two little cute babies won't do anything bad, right?Shen Qingyun looked at Yu Zhiyan with a hint of deep meaning.

Yu Zhiyan acted as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't seen it.

"Hehe," Shen Qingyun greeted as if there was nothing special, "Yanyan, Qiuqiu, Xinxin, Qingqing, let's go have breakfast!"

Yu Muxin happily ran to grandma's side and told grandma: "I found the little puppet, grandma!"

"Xinxin is so good!" Shen Qingyun coaxed.

"Morning, Aunt Shen." Xia Jiujiu was embarrassed, everyone knew by now that she slept with Yu Zhiyan last night, right?

"Good morning, Qiuqiu." Shen Qingyun smiled kindly.

Xia Jiujiu took Yu Muxin and Yu Muqing downstairs.

Yu Zhiyan also walked out of the room, Shen Qingyun asked with a suppressed voice: "Yanyan, is my youngest daughter-in-law my youngest daughter-in-law?"

Yu Zhiyan: "Mom, just keep an eye on those two little troublemakers for a few more minutes, and that's it!"

"Hehe," Shen Qingyun smiled embarrassingly, "I thought they were sitting obediently in the dining room waiting for breakfast, but I didn't expect Xinxin and Qingqing to rush upstairs to look for you! Keep up the good work, Yanyan!"

"Sure!" Yu Zhiyan said firmly.

Yu Langzheng, Yu Zhiye, Mu Yixi, and Yu Muchen also came to the restaurant one after another. Everyone greeted happily and sat down to have breakfast together.

Let's talk about Xia Jiujiu taking the exam for the actor training class of Feifeng Entertainment Company the day after tomorrow.

Yu Zhiyan told Xia Jiujiu the general process.

Yu Muxin and Yu Muqing, two cute babies, blinked their big bright eyes and listened half-understood.

"Sister Qiuqiu will become a big star in the future?"

"Will sister Qiuqiu film with uncle?"

"Yes!" Mu Yixi gently told the baby girls to listen, "Sister Qiuqiu will also film in the future, and she is also a big star. She will play the leading role and leading role with your uncle. Do Xinxin and Qingqing want to watch it?"

Yu Muqing's eyes widened: "Uncle and sister Qiuqiu will take a kiss?"

In the restaurant, the atmosphere suddenly froze for a few seconds, and then there was a low "hehe" laugh.

Yu Zhiye raised his eyebrows at his younger brother, and said with a smile: "You can have this! If it's with Qiuqiu, the rule that no kissing scenes and bed scenes are allowed will be cancelled."

Shen Qingyun: "Agreed."

Yu Langzheng: "Agreed."

Mu Yixi: "Agreed."

Yu Muchen imitated the example: "Agreed."

Yu Muxin and Yu Muqing still didn't understand what was going on, so they followed everyone and said with a smile: "I agree."

Yu Zhiyan also smiled: "Resolutely execute."

Yu Muqing was dissatisfied with her uncle breaking the formation: "Uncle, why don't you agree? Sister Qiuqiu, do you agree?"

Xia Jiujiu blushed and bowed her head: "...and... I don't know yet, whether I will pass the exam or not."

(End of this chapter)

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