Chapter 271

There was no way to hide secrets in the circle. By now, many people knew about her relationship with Li Chenglang.But Xu Muzhou didn't need to listen to other people's rumors, as soon as the relationship was established, she admitted it to him personally.

Yixi was a little surprised, but also a little conflicted, "Why do you ask that?"

"Guess." Judging by their various attitudes towards the scandal, it seems that they don't intend to continue to hide it.

Yixi poked the fish in the bowl with chopsticks, "Probably."

The answer and the tone were not quite right, Xu Muzhou seemed to realize something, "You...are you fighting?"

Yixi raised her eyes, "So obvious?"

Xu Muzhou: "It's better to say, I understand the way you quarrel with others."

Yixi smiled "chih", "That's right. After all, we were in a relationship that had been in a cold war for more than half a year."

There was a faint human voice downstairs, it was the proprietress who was greeting the new guests.Xu Muzhou asked: "So, why are you arguing?"

Yixi was silent for a moment, "I'm not happy that he spoke for that person this time."

As expected, it was because of Shen Yilu.

Xu Muzhou discovered many years ago that whenever Shen Yilu was involved, Yixi would easily become irrational.After all, the relationship between Li Chenglang and Shen Yilu still affected them.

He poured a glass of plum wine, just as he was about to drink Yixi, he snatched the bottle, filled it up for himself, and raised his glass to him: "The wine made by the proprietress herself, come on, finish it!"

The two drank it down.Yixi rubbed her cheeks, although she had a good capacity for alcohol, she was still a little hot from drinking too quickly.She took a long breath, "Tell me, am I very capricious sometimes? In fact, I understand that Li Chenglang intended to defend me, and she has been supporting me all this time. But I was just angry with him. I must have been spoiled by him, he was too good-tempered, so I became a bad-tempered woman..."

Xu Muzhou said, "I don't think you have a bad temper."

"That's because you have a worse temper than me." Yixi drank another glass of wine and lay down on the table, "But he is different from us. He is really a gentle, gentle person who tolerates all my little things." Temperament, many times even made me feel that he is not a boyfriend, but a father, a life mentor..."

"He's so nice, it doesn't make you angry." Xu Muzhou said, "Xiaoxi, most of the time you are a very easy-going girl, there are only a few things you care about, I have only dated you for a year You all know, why doesn't he know? It's his fault, not yours, to make you angry in this matter. "

Yixi tilted her head to look at him for a while, giggled, "Your new girlfriend must have taught you a lot. It's amazing, you speak much more likable now than you did back then."

"I don't have a new girlfriend." Xu Muzhou said lightly.

Yixi was stunned, "Huh?"

"After breaking up with you, I haven't dated anyone else. You are my first girlfriend and the only one. So Xiaoxi, no one is better than you."

Yixi was completely stunned, and Xu Muzhou looked at her calmly, with such an expressionless face, a bit of the sense of sight of the high-cold school grass back then.But his eyes are so gentle, exactly the same as when he was in love.In fact, she always thought it was amazing that such an indifferent him would show tenderness when facing her alone.

Before meeting him, she never believed that such a thing as "love at first sight" really existed in this world.

She stood up suddenly, "I've finished eating, and I have to go back to the hospital to take care of Dad."

He was silent for two seconds, then stood up calmly, "I'll see you off."

Yixi opened the door and went out first, stepping on the stairs with her high heels, making a sound of "dump, tread, tread".She walked in such a hurry that she forgot the proprietress' instructions, and she didn't wake up like a dream until she got to the end of the stairs and was bumped into by seven or eight people coming towards her.

Those guests who came to eat were stunned when they saw Yixi, and they almost suspected that they had made a mistake.But before they recovered from the excitement of "meeting a popular actress after a casual meal", they were shocked twice by the man who followed him.

The girl standing at the front widened her eyes, her voice changed, "...Xu, Xu Muzhou? Yixi? You two? Am I blind???"

The proprietress was sweating, and immediately explained, "Well, they are actually not..."

Before she could finish her nonsense, those people had already swarmed up and surrounded Yixi, "Senior Sister! Senior Sister Yixi! We are all students of Shouying! My God, I can see you here! Senior Sister, you are so beautiful! And Brother Xu!"

The movement here attracted other people in the store, and soon, everyone noticed that there were actually two big stars hidden in this small fish store!

Yixi was pushed against the handrail of the stairs, looking at the excited faces of everyone, she quickly collected her thoughts.They must be calmed down first, and then whether to sign autographs or take a group photo is negotiable.But how to explain her and Xu Muzhou appearing here?Ex-boyfriend eating together?I feel like there's no excuse...

Afterwards, the guests who rushed over all took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures. Just as Yixi tried to stop her, her right foot was trampled hard, causing her to cry out in pain.Suddenly a force came from behind, Xu Muzhou forced his way into the crowd, grabbed her hand and walked outside.

"Yixi, Xu Muzhou, wait a minute..."

Xu Muzhou simply hugged her with his right arm, and put the peaked cap on her head to prevent those people from taking pictures of her face.People behind him chased and shouted, and he escorted her to the car, then quickly closed the door.

The fans were all crowded outside, Xu Muzhou calmed down, turned to Yixi and said, "It's okay, I'll take you back right away."

Yixi suddenly remembered that two years ago, she and Li Chenglang had their first date, and they were recognized by fans in the end.After escaping from danger, she cried to him, and he touched her cheek and said softly: "In the future, if this kind of thing happens again, you just need to hide it. I will find you. No matter where I am, I will find you."

Li Chenglang, at this moment, I really miss you.

"Yixi and Xu Muzhou's tryst at a small shop, the resurgence of old suspicions!" "

Early the next morning, this news occupied the headlines of the entertainment sections of major newspapers, and everyone was talking about the relationship between the old lovers.At this time, Yixi is actually very inappropriate for scandals to break out, after all her father is still seriously injured.But Wang Anhui couldn't help it. According to Yixi's description, there were too many people in the store at the time, and they were all outsiders. She couldn't deal with it. The Reuters photos were posted on the Internet at night, followed by news.

(End of this chapter)

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