Chapter 261

Different from blindly bad-mouthing before, when "Flying Phoenix" was actually shortlisted, the media changed their attitude 180 degrees as if they had made an appointment, and began to praise the film crazily.In the end, even Yixi felt that if he could not win the award, he would have failed the expectations of the people of the whole country.

The pressure was already great, and they came to add fuel to the flames. I really wanted to beat him to death with one stick!

She touched her obviously accelerated heart and asked, "What about you? Are you nervous?"

I thought he would smile lightly and say something to comfort her, but unexpectedly he nodded calmly, "Nervous."

Yixi blinked, and suddenly realized that this was also the first time that Li Chenglang's film was shortlisted for an Oscar that really had some weight, rather than technical awards such as best photography and costume design.

When we met again after growing up, he stood high on the clouds. Yixi was used to his indifferent attitude towards honor, and never expected to see him nervous because of unknown results.

She thought he was so cute like this, patted him on the shoulder, and untied him instead, "It's okay, this is not a personal award, of course it is an honor for all of us to win a movie, but don't take it too seriously .”

"You mean, if I'm nominated for an Oscar winner today, I can be nervous?"

Yixi nodded, "If you were nominated for the Best Actor Oscar, then I must be so nervous that I couldn't sleep for three days and three nights."

Li Chenglang bent his lips, pulled her hand and kissed the back of it, Yixi stuck out his tongue, his lips were still on her skin, and looked up at her, "You misunderstood, I'm the most nervous The main reason is that it is related to whether I can get my name corrected."

Yixi didn't expect that he was still thinking about that matter now, and after a few seconds of being stunned, he pulled out his hand and glared at him angrily, "Forget me worrying for nothing!"

Fake anger is really shy, Li Chenglang saw it, and raised his eyebrows and smiled again.Holding her shoulders and letting her look out of the window with him, he said, "What do you think?"

The wide avenue was crowded with foreigners of various hair colors, crazy fans, well-protected stars, and the media running around with cameras.This is Hollywood, the temple that filmmakers all over the world yearn for. She has known this place since she was a child, but she never thought that she would come here so soon.

Not as a tourist, but as an invitation, as a filmmaker.

Her eyes softened unconsciously, and she said softly, "I'm surprised, so we can go this far together."


It was so easy for these four words to touch his heart, her thoughts and his always coincided.Compared with Oscar, what is more rare in his heart is that they came here together.

A step so important to both of their careers was accomplished together.

Yixi suddenly smiled softly, "However, it was only when I came here that I realized how small I am. There are so many big names, real world superstars, compared with them, I am really far behind."

He was noncommittal, "Have you thought about coming to Hollywood to make a film? Your English is good, there will be no language barriers here, you can give it a try."

"Are you going to be the background board now? To play soy sauce in an American movie? Let's forget it."

"But you just mentioned the Oscar for a single person. If you don't come to Hollywood to make a movie, you will never get your own Oscar."

Yixi was silent, as if lost in thought, she shook her head after a while, "I really hope to have my own Oscar, but I prefer acting, maybe one day I will come to Hollywood, but there must be a good one Opportunity. I wouldn't just rush in foolishly just to win a prize."

Li Chenglang looked at her with a smile, Yixi felt that his expression was a bit weird, and said anxiously: "What are you doing? Did I say something wrong?"

"No. I just feel that you have grown up."

Soberer than before, I understand what is really important, and I am no longer overheated in order to surpass anyone.This kind of her is the smart and strong Alice in his heart.

She did not live up to her natural talent.

The car stopped slowly, and he grabbed her hand again, stronger than before.Someone opened the car door outside, and Li Chenglang said softly, "Are you ready? We're going out."

The car door was opened a crack, the noise outside became more and more obvious, and there was a girl screaming vaguely.Yixi felt that this scene was so miraculous, as if a whole new world had opened up in front of her, but she was not afraid.Not only because she was looking forward to this day so much, but also because she had him by her side.

"I'm ready," she smiled.

"Come here!!! Appeared!!!"

The part of walking the red carpet has already started for 10 minutes. Jiang Lu and the others watched dozens of foreign celebrities they may or may not know, but they still didn't wait for the person they wanted to meet.Just when everyone began to worry that maybe Chinese actors were not taken seriously and the live broadcast did not show the camera at all, they saw a figure coming from the end of the red carpet.

Yixi took Li Chenglang's hand and waved gracefully to both sides.She was wearing a water-blue dress, which was long and dragged to the ground. The shoulder straps on both sides were as thin as cicada wings, shaped like magnolia flowers, so dreamy, like light clouds.She has a fair complexion, a slender frame, and a slender figure, and this color further accentuates her advantages.Because of their innate body shape, Caucasian people basically have a large skeleton. The stars have deliberately slimmed down, and they are also graceful when viewed alone, but now being compared by Yixi, it immediately reminds people of the words "big arms and round waist".

She is so slender, with long untied hair, draped softly behind her back, revealing her beautiful ears and bright diamond earrings.You don't need to rely on symbols such as cheongsam, just such a quiet and elegant appearance, you can get the essence of an oriental woman.

Like a clear stream, everyone yearns for it, but no one dares to go forward and defile it.

Beside her is Li Chenglang, who is slender and tall in a black suit. Because the male stars can play limited tricks on the red carpet, the public's expectations for styling are concentrated on Yixi.But seeing Li Chenglang now, he couldn't help but his eyes brightened. Unlike his usual gentleness and calmness, today's Li Chenglang seemed particularly happy, his dark eyes were full of smiles.With him like this, he actually looks a bit like a radiant young man!

Is it really too exciting to walk up to the Oscars?
Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed that Li Chenglang on the screen lowered his head and looked at Yixi tenderly.Yixi then looked over, the two of them exchanged eyes, and the corners of their lips curled up at the same time.Such tacit understanding, such tacit tenderness made Jiang Lu's heart beat faster in front of the screen.

Really... so pink! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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