Chapter 252

Although an internal trial screening was held, "Flying Phoenix" does not plan to be screened nationwide immediately, and the schedule is set for December.But in contrast, the movie also landed in several theaters three days ago, and it was screened in a small area for seven days. Only a small part of the audience could see the movie.

After doing this, outsiders may not understand, but people in the industry immediately understand Jiang Bingqi's goal.Oscar has a rule that the films registered for competition must be screened in commercial theaters for at least one week between October 10st of the previous year and September 1th of the current year. He spent a lot of time doing this, and there will be no second reason!
Over the past decade or so, major Chinese directors have rushed to win the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, but none of them succeeded.Some people even ridiculed that the regular project every year is to see how these famous directors fail in Hollywood. This year, Tan Weidong has no work, and everyone thought there was nothing to look forward to. Who knew that Jiang Bingqi would take over this big banner.

In terms of status, no one can compete with Jiang Bingqi except Tan Weidong. Since he wants to go to the Olympics, this year's mainland selection quota belongs to "Flying Phoenix".In this way, the media paid more attention to the quality of the film, and those who had watched the film, whether professional or not, had their evaluations found out.

In fact, as soon as the internal preview is over, there will be various film reviews, but because the professional film reviews in China are too watery, 80.00% are public relations drafts, so basically no one will believe them.But this time there are some exceptions, because Dai Changzhi, who had spoken ill of Yixi before, not only gave good comments to "Flying Phoenix", but also praised Yixi's performance in it, saying that she "is the core of the whole movie in terms of setting. , and her performance is also worthy of this identity, a well-deserved soul figure"!
"...So, you just washed away your shame?" Xia Xintong took a sip of coffee and looked at her with interest.

Thinking of what happened that day, Yixi still felt agitated. She really didn't expect that Dai Changzhi would take the initiative to talk to her. This was even better than she expected, "It can be said that. Admittedly, it was indeed because of some special reasons that he was extremely harsh on me before."

This special reason is of course Shen Yilu. Xia Xintong knew it well, and sighed with a smile, "I'm so jealous. When we were in school, we also watched a play written and directed by Mr. Dai together, which was amazing. I didn't expect You got his level of approval so quickly."

"Yeah, I feel like I've accomplished a big thing, so even if the movie doesn't do well in the end, I don't have any regrets."

Xia Xintong said: "Isn't the audience's feedback pretty good? It should be pretty good."

"Now there are only a few people who watch it. They are all die-hard fans of the director or actor, or they are veteran movie fans. Their evaluations cannot represent the opinions of ordinary audiences."

Xia Xintong held her face in her hands, "Never mind it! Even if the box office is not good, so what, Oscar, Xiaoxi, how old are you, and you have become the heroine of the Olympic film!"

"I'm 24." Yixi said calmly.Shen Yilu is the queen of Cannes at the age of 28.

Xia Xintong gave her a blank look, "You don't have enough hearts, and you don't even look at me, your good sister. I'm still filming a small fresh literary film in Wanwan! Shut up!"

After being with Cai Jiehong, Xia Xintong's focus of work simply shifted to Taiwan. Cai Jiehong didn't want his girlfriend to waste her career, and used his contacts to help her open up the Taiwan market.Xia Xintong took over some low-budget movies, and it seems that she plans to become a goddess of literature and art in Baodao first.

In fact, Yixi was not as calm as she appeared. Ever since she knew that Jiang Bingqi wanted to win the Oscar, her mood had been very complicated.I hope he succeeds, but is it easy to knock on Oscar's door?She didn't want to put too much expectation on this matter, so as not to affect the normal work and life.

Yixi and Xia Xintong's meeting today was not entirely a private event, the two received the announcement that they would be on the same show, so they simply went there together.When they were in the car, they sent the questions to be asked in advance, and Yixi found that someone wanted her to answer the question about her acting skills a while ago, and before that, she had faced this question many times.

"What's the matter with these people, didn't you see Teacher Dai and the others complimenting you? Are you still doing nothing?" Xia Xintong said dissatisfied.

Yixi shrugged.Sure enough, although "Flying Phoenix" changed the minds of professionals, it did not help Yixi's impression in the hearts of the public much.

Just like the spread of TV dramas in China is wider than that of movies, a successful popcorn movie will cause more sensation than most movies with depth. Although the former will be forgotten soon, the latter may be remembered by movie history. But at the moment of its release, more people know about the popcorn commercial film.

So Yixi was questioned about her acting skills because of "Glass Shoes", and the audience followed suit, creating the impression that her acting skills are very bad, but it is difficult to wash away this impression with the same group of people, even Dai Changzhi who took the lead in scolding her It doesn't work either.

And as the saying goes, good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Scandals are easier to attract attention than praises.China is not like foreign countries. The general public does not pay attention to the opinions of film critics. The reason why the negative reviews of "The Glass Slipper" can spread so widely, apart from Yixi's own topicality, the most important thing is that the movie is too popular.In comparison, "Phoenix Flying to the Sky" hasn't even been released yet, and relying on the praise of a few people to make any big news is tantamount to nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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