Chapter 159

She has such a beautiful degree and worked in various big companies, but in the end she chose to be a small owner of a ceramics shop.I also tried to date a few boyfriends, but every time she broke up on my own initiative because she was afraid.Such a beautiful relationship can be changed, she doesn't know one day she will be left where she is again, so once there is a crisis, she is always the one to give up first.

She treats people kindly and gently, but her eyes show melancholy from time to time.Because she couldn't forget her first love, and because the wound was deeply rooted in her heart, even when she was the happiest, she felt regretful.

Time passed by, and Memorial lived to be 27 years old alone.

It was another afternoon of making porcelain, the door of the ceramic shop was pushed open, and the wind chimes were crisp and sweet.Memorial smiled and turned around, saying welcome, but froze when he saw the person coming.

The 27-year-old Bai Quan's appearance hasn't changed much, but his temperament has calmed down a lot. He holds the briefcase in his left hand, and his gaze falls on Memorial in a daze.She was still wearing an apron, and her hands were dirty with mud, but she didn't notice it at all, she just looked at him with wide eyes.

In the middle shot, the two stared at each other silently, only the wind chime was still shaking.

I don't know how long it took before Memorial finally spoke, but the four words were mixed with countless complex emotions, "Bai Quan, is that you?"

Li Xiaoxuan let out a soft sigh.They finally met again, because of the beginning of the plot, she always knew that these two people would meet again, so now, let's explain how they reconciled, right?After all, Bai Quan is planning to propose to Memorial.

However, what surprised her was that the movie did not tell what happened after the reunion, but directly cut back to the opening scene.The two sat across the table, and the diamond ring in the ceramic box was dazzling.

Memorial whispered: "Marriage proposal?"

Bai Quan nodded, "Yes, you have seen it too, my girlfriend. I plan to propose to her."

Li Xiaoxuan was dumbfounded.Because of the voiceover at the beginning, Li Xiaoxuan always thought that Baiquan and Memorial were going to get back together, and this ring box was made for her.

But it turns out, isn't it?
She turned her head to look at Xia Yuan, and found that although she entered the play, she was not surprised. It seemed that the original book was going in this direction.

There is a soft voice from Memorial, "You asked me to order a porcelain box just to hold this ring?"

Baiquan said: "She likes chic little things, so I inquired here... I didn't know you were the boss."

It turned out to be the case.There were sighs of astonishment and regret in the broadcast hall. It seemed that there were quite a few people like Li Xiaoxuan who had been deceived.

The two chatted for a few more words, Bai Quan said goodbye and left, Memorial watched him put away his things, and said with a smile: "Remember? You took me to make ceramics back then. I didn't expect that after so many years, I would be able to do it for you with my own hands. Ring box."

Bai Quan smiled and said, "You still remember what happened so long ago? If it wasn't for this box, I wouldn't have known you had returned to Xiamen."

She said: "I remember many things, but thinking about it now, maybe I shouldn't remember so clearly."

After a moment of silence, she suddenly asked, "Is your girlfriend the same person from back then?"

After he realized what she was asking, he immediately became embarrassed, "No, no. I broke up with her two years after graduation. She is going abroad, but I want to stay in China, so..."

Memorial oh, did not express any views.Bai Quan said seriously, "Xiao Nian, actually, I've been wanting to say sorry to you all these years. I hope what happened back then didn't make you too sad."

She looked at him for a long time, and finally smiled softly, "No, I didn't feel sad a long time ago. That's all in the past."

I have to say, Xu Muzhou and Yixi's feeling at this stage is too right!This kind of embarrassment of reuniting with an old lover after many years, this kind of mixed feelings, and the chemical reaction between the two people is completely correct, which makes people almost doubt that they have really had a relationship!

There is still a lot of space in the novel after this, but the movie has been greatly deleted and edited, and only a few plots are kept.

Bai Quan successfully proposed marriage, and invited Ji to attend the wedding, but she refused.On the day of his wedding, she walked all the places they had been to that year by herself.The street where he saved her for the first time has changed a lot now; the high school has also been expanded, but the shadow of the past can still be seen; she still went to the old house, and she moved to a new house within a few years after returning to Xiamen. This place was also sold to someone else. Bai Quan often hid here 10 years ago, waiting to go to school with her.

Memorial stood downstairs for a while, and took out a porcelain from his pocket, with a white background and red glaze, it was a very simple heart.He made it for her with his own hands back then. The workmanship was clumsy, but she regarded it as a treasure.After the breakup, she wanted to throw it away, but in the end she kept it until today.

She still remembered that when he gave this thing to her, he said that he had hidden a surprise in it, and when the right time came, they would open it together.She also thought about breaking it secretly, but after all, she was reluctant to break the agreement with each other and endured it.

But now, she can no longer wait for the day when the agreement will be fulfilled.

(End of this chapter)

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