Chapter 153

Boys and girls swarmed up, it was the first time for Yixi to meet so many fans without security guards, and she was at a loss for what to do.She tried to keep everyone in order and take pictures together, but they seemed to be afraid that she would run away, so they pushed forward desperately.Yixi's feet were trampled on several times, and even her hair was pulled. She was in so much pain that she burst into tears.

Surrounded in front and behind, she couldn't even breathe, and finally decided to run away.The crowd became even more excited when they saw this. A girl failed to stand firmly and fell on the back of the girl in front. Suddenly, like a domino, the people in front fell down.

Yixi stood at the forefront, and was about to be crushed to the ground by seven or eight people...

When Li Chenglang drove back, he already realized something was wrong.There were unexpectedly many people in the originally quiet street, they were discussing something enthusiastically, but Yixi didn't wait for him at the same place.He stopped the car and opened the window, just in time to hear a girl calling excitedly, "Yes, yes, that's the one playing Wu Mei Niang, she seemed to be here just now! I heard about it after watching a movie nearby. Oh my God, I like her very much. It’s a pity that I didn’t meet her! But it’s okay if I didn’t meet her. I heard that the scene just now was quite chaotic, and some girls were pushed to the ground. Maybe they were injured. ...Wait, Yixi won't get hurt, right? Don't!"

His heart suddenly rose, he took out his phone and pressed her number.Shut down, he repeatedly called three times to shut down.Li Chenglang became more and more nervous, opened the car door and jumped out, and began to look for people along the street.

His palms were sweating, and he suddenly remembered that there was a time more than ten years ago, when he had just become famous, he was recognized by passers-by on the streets of Hong Kong.He caused a commotion that day, and the final result was very bad. Not only were three passers-by trampled, but he himself lay in the hospital for two days and was severely criticized by the newspaper.

If something happens to Yixi, if she gets hurt...

He suddenly felt regretful.He shouldn't have brought her out. It was because he wanted to experience the way of a normal couple with her, watching movies and taking walks together, and that's why he put her in danger.And just now, he shouldn't have left her alone by the roadside, they should have gone there together!

He kept on stepping, and soon he would finish running the whole street. Too much cold wind was sucked into his throat, and his whole lungs were burning and aching.Li Chenglang stopped panting, and looked around, but there was no one around, only the orange light of street lamps shining on the street.If you can't find it here, is she really injured?Or have you been sent to the hospital now?

He pressed her number with little hope, only to hear a familiar ringtone a few seconds later.His eyes were wide open, and he followed the prestige, but saw the billboard on the opposite side of the road, and Yixi walked out slowly.


When she said this word, she also saw him on the opposite side, and her originally calm expression immediately changed.Biting her lip, she looked like an aggrieved child finally seeing an adult, her entire eye sockets were red.

Li Chenglang hung up the phone and ran over a few steps, hugging her into his arms, "How is it? Are you all right?"

Yixi shook his head, rolled up his sleeves and showed him his arm, which was red in several places, and scratches were scratched on his neck, "I still have my legs, they stepped on them several times, and they still hurt. It's too much for the fans to go crazy. Terrible..."

He was distressed again, and he was relieved again.It's okay, okay, no big problems.

"Why did you turn off the phone just now?"

"I dropped my phone on the ground and couldn't turn it on. It took me a long time to fix it. What about you? Why did it take you so long to come back?"

He pressed his temple, "It's my fault. I won't do it in the future, and I won't let you have trouble in the future."

Yixi snuggled into his arms and sniffed, "I'm not blaming you, I'm just... very scared. I was especially scared when I was squeezed in by those people and couldn't even breathe. At that time, I My mind is full of you, thinking that if I were with you, it would definitely not be like this. Li Chenglang, I miss you so much."

He lowered his head in a daze.In the night, her eyes were as beautiful as stars, rippling with moving water, "Fortunately, you are here. I knew you would find me."

He stroked her cheek and said softly after a while: "Well, so if this kind of thing happens in the future, you just need to hide it. I will find you. No matter where I am, I will find you. "

The surroundings were silent, and the light from European-style street lamps shone on them, casting two elongated shadows.Yixi's lips were bright red, with a soft and satisfied smile, and he stared at her for a long time before finally bowing his head and kissing her.

Turns out he liked her as much as she liked him.

(End of this chapter)

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