Chapter 117

What Xia Xintong said was right, it didn't even have to wait until the next day, as soon as the first two episodes were aired, there were good reviews on the Internet.There were writers, jokers, and a large number of passers-by who spoke, and according to Yixi's judgment, these were not marketing accounts bought by the film crew, but praise from the heart.

"Holy shit, I think Zhou Xingfang is a bit of a dick this time. Has anyone watched the "Empress" tonight? Go and watch it! Ah Wu's image this time is surprisingly reliable, and the newcomer's performance is really good! I think I should Chasing drama!"

"At first, I just wanted to see how I could become Lei Cheng. After all, Emperor Wu is the goddess of my destiny, and ordinary people are not allowed to profane. I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I finished watching it by accident! I didn't even change the channel of the advertisement! Now I just want to say one thing Question: When will the third episode be aired!"

"As expected of the person selected by Tan Weidong, the rookie girl's acting skills are amazing, the level of the big screen but the small screen is not enough for her to perform! Lead the audience!"

"The rhythm of the TV series is very good. The plot of the first two episodes is particularly attractive, and the history is also quite reliable. Finally, there is a TV series where the emperor chooses the concubine instead of a draft. Clear!"

"No Holy Mother, no wisdom, no white lotus, no Mary Su's Martial Emperor, it's an annual surprise, let me go behind and cry for a while!"

"It's already in the pit, don't read it."

These are all the comments Yixi saw on the Internet, and many of them have been liked thousands or even tens of thousands of times, which shows the approval of the masses.Yixi's Weibo also exploded on the night it was aired. The last promotional Weibo posted during the day was frantically commented by fans. When she woke up the next day, she found that it had already broken [-], and this was her first Weibo. There are thousands of comments.

The gap between movies and TV dramas in terms of popularity is fully reflected at this time. No matter how high the box office of "Seizing the Palace" is, none of the starring Weibo suddenly doubles as lively.As the most eye-catching newcomer among them, Yixi's Weibo fans have increased to more than 100 million in the past six months, which is the result of the assists of Li Chenglang and Cai Jiehong.

But three days before the broadcast of "The Empress", her Weibo followers increased by tens of thousands or even 10,000+ per day, and there is still room for further growth in the trend.At the same time, she also quickly climbed to No.1 in the search volume of female celebrities on Baidu that day, and the ones who were suppressed below were all the first-line stars in the TV circle such as Zhou Peipei and Yin Ru.

What makes the film crew even more delighted is that the popularity on the Internet remains high, and the ratings of the TV series itself are also quite good. The first episode was 0.87, and it rose to 1.21 in the second episode. In the next few days, it may be due to the influence of good word-of-mouth, and it has been stable at . 1.5 or so.

In recent years, due to the increasing popularity of online dramas, many films that cater to the tastes of young people have not achieved good ratings, because their target audiences have watched them online.But for TV stations, the importance of ratings is self-evident. Now that "The Empress" can achieve this ratings result, it shows that not only audiences who are interested in the subject matter or the starring role watched it, but also a larger wave of viewers who don't care about the subject matter actors, The mainstream audience (headed by housewives) who only care about whether the plot is exciting has also been attracted, and this result makes everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

The traditional media also responded to this. After only a few days of broadcasting, major newspapers reported the grand event in the form of front-page headlines. "Wu Meiniang dominates the screen, the 'Queen' is unstoppable", "Zhou Xingfang joins hands with Qin Girl to forge the myth of ratings in May", "The Queen's ratings have been rising all the way, and Qin Girl Yixi has become a hot fried chicken"... There are countless news like this.

In the past few days, Wang Anhui's phone numbers were going off the hook, and various production units wanted to contact Yixi through her and invite her to appear on their own shows.And Yixi's classmates and relatives also sent congratulations by phone and text messages. The bombing offensive was much more terrifying than when "Seizing the Palace" was released. Yixi didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until they sent her Screenshot, it turns out that everyone's WeChat circle of friends has been swiped by the queen...

It became an overnight hit.This is the real overnight hit.

Yixi had always heard people mention this word before, and imagined that feeling, but when it really happened to her, she still felt incredible.Now one click on Weibo and Tianya, and one can see posts about her. The popular "hot" and tens of thousands of reposts all prove that she has become the most popular topic nowadays.There are also beautiful pictures of Wu Meiniang cut by fans spontaneously, gifs of superb performances, and their almost fanatical love expressions, each of which made her feel unreal.

She thought she was ready, and she wasn't too excited when she received attention because of Liu Ji.But it turned out that the reason why you were able to calm down at that time was because not enough people paid attention to you.When there are tens of thousands of comments expressing love for you every day, even Yixi, who has been in the cloud since she was a child, feels a little dizzy.


She shut the computer abruptly, covering her face in embarrassment.Her cheeks were hot, and she was horrified to find that her eyes were hot, and tears were about to come out.


Yixi snatched the tissue, and was careful not to damage the makeup while wiping away her tears.Cai Jiehong stood beside him copying his hands, and when she finally got it done, he teased, "Seeing how popular I am now, how do you feel?"

Yixi sniffled, "It a dream. How did you feel back then?"

"It's similar to you. I wonder if I haven't woken up. Otherwise, how could the whole world know me and fall in love with me overnight?"

Yixi burst out laughing.They are in the lounge of the Capital TV station, waiting to record a talk show with high ratings. Cai Jiehong also seems to be in a good mood. The young Li Zhi he plays has already appeared on the stage last night. Pu's shape, although not as highly praised as Yixi, has also received a lot of praise.In terms of his first filming experience as a non-professional actor, it is a good result.

Cai Jiehong said: "Now it has been confirmed that this drama is popular, the difference is only the degree of popularity, I don't know how high it can reach in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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