Empress Industrial Project

Chapter 424 Name Move

Chapter 424 Name Move ([-])

Xiao Yuanming was happy when he heard Fan Wang's report. It would be nice if Rongrong would go out, and if she would go out, it meant that she had figured it out. Although she never said she would forgive herself, it seemed that the two of them were about to reconcile.

Fan Wang lowered his head and did not leave.

"Is there anything else?" Xiao Yuanming asked.

Fan Wang thought about it for a while and told the truth: "Master, if this subordinate thinks you should go and have a look, the micro-view of Miss Qiao's outfit today...it's true..."

He sneaked a glimpse, and couldn't help trembling. It was so beautiful and shocking.

Xiao Yuanming's eyes sank.

Fan Wang gritted his teeth: "Miss Qiao went out in women's clothing, not to mention dressing up like a fairy in the sky. If she goes out like that, the whole Yanjing will be shaken and cause some unnecessary troubles." .”

Xiao Yuanming knew Qiao Yurong's natural beauty, but he didn't expect to go out in women's clothing.

He has never seen Rongrong's women's clothing for the first time... It's cheaper than those people in Yanjing.

Xiao Yuanming couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes deepened: "Take me immediately."

Fan Wang nodded, and hurriedly took Xiao Yuanming to find Qiao Yurong.

Besides, Qiao Yurong, she walked out of Zhenbei Prince's Mansion, and walked all the way to the busiest street in Yanjing. She was wearing a light green dress with thick cotton satin inside, and she had a small body, so it was obviously winter. Other people's bodies are bloated and can't be seen, but Qiao Yurong can still look graceful and graceful like this.

Walking on the street like this, almost everyone's eyes were attracted by Qiao Yurong.

The creamy skin is usually more delicate than tofu, the eyebrows are long, and the black eyes are shining like black gems. Her appearance is twinkling and meandering, but she is like a bright and clean fairy, which cannot be desecrated.

How could there be such a beauty in this world?

Qiao Yurong has no heart and no lungs, and the information in this ancient time is blocked. Occasionally, a beautiful woman will be considered extremely beautiful. In fact, no matter how many beauties are seen on TV in modern times, this aesthetic ability will naturally be high or not.

In ancient times, women were mostly confined in the backyard, and it was extremely difficult for real beauties to appear, let alone marrying later and becoming a woman in a man's backyard, this reputation would not be publicized.

Not to mention that ancient women were not as well-dressed as modern women, so it is extremely rare to carve out real beauties purely naturally. When you see one, they are all real beauties. You don't need makeup, so you can stand tall and graceful and beautiful.

The current Qiao Yurong is like this. Her appearance was originally extremely beautiful. Before that, she was kept in the palace and was unknown, not to mention that the men's clothing covered up her daughter's delicate and beautiful feeling, which would also weaken her. Divided into the beauty of the city.

Dressing up like a woman like her is like announcing to the whole Yanjing that she, Qiao Yurong, the princess of the Qiao family, is out shopping in a dignified manner.

While Qiao Yurong was happy, she looked at the street with joy on her face.

During the festival this first month, Yanjing is not deserted, because everyone knows that sometimes the business is better during the Chinese New Year, so there are more stalls and hawkers than usual.

Qiao Yurong occasionally walked out of a small stall, and Qiao Yurong bought all kinds of exquisite wooden combs, beautiful velvet flowers, and all kinds of beautiful and fun clay figurines.

When she came here, she didn't have any desire to buy it yet. With such a rare opportunity, she naturally wanted to buy it well.

(End of this chapter)

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