Chapter 363

But when she saw her parents' faces, Qiao Yurong was taken aback. Her parents sat side by side, holding a photo frame of herself in their hands, and the two of them looked at their own photos, weeping silently in sorrow.

"Mom and Dad, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" Qiao Yurong stretched out his hand to pat his parents.

But as soon as the hand is stretched out, it passes through the body of parents like air.

Qiao Yurong stared blankly at her hand, forgetting to react.

At this time, the younger brother Qiao Yuchen came out of the kitchen and comforted his parents: "Mom and Dad, don't cry, you are so sad, and my sister can't feel at ease down there."


What's down there?
Qiao Yurong looked at her younger brother, and hurriedly ran to her younger brother, saying anxiously, "Brother, what happened?"

Qiao Yurong ran towards her younger brother, who walked towards her parents, and Qiao Yuchen walked right through Qiao Yurong's body.

Qiao Yurong stood there blankly, what did she see just now?Saw his younger brother pass through his body?
What exactly happened?

Qiao Yuchen had already sat on the sofa, wrapped his arms around his parents, and looked sadly: "Mom and Dad, you have been living with my sister, and you don't go back to your own home. You wash your face here every day and live in sorrow. Although my sister is dead , but if she knows that you are doing this for her, she will definitely be sad."


What died?
Is she dead?

When did you die?Why can't she remember at all?

Qiao Yurong couldn't believe it, she died?
How did she die after just sleeping in the office?
Qiao's mother sobbed and cried: "Yuchen, why did your sister leave like this without leaving a word? Mom feels uncomfortable thinking about it! Tell me, is your sister blaming mom for leaving like this?" Mom."

"Mom, it's none of your business, it's an accident, my sister died from overwork, it has nothing to do with you." Qiao Yuchen comforted: "Mom, don't blame yourself too much."

But as soon as Karoshi was mentioned, Mother Qiao hammered her chest with both hands and cried bitterly.

"It's all my fault. When I was young, she made troubles, so I kept beating her. I thought that beating her was the only way to behave well. But this made your sister disobedient to my mother's words even more. Later, your sister was found out. She likes to fiddle with things and burned the basement of our house. At that time, my mother hated her for never giving birth to your sister."

"But later your sister's invention was praised by others. She participated in many competitions and won prizes. She won honor for the school and for her mother. At that time, her mother didn't care about what your sister wanted in her heart. Your sister did things. , if you don’t come out for a day, and your mother didn’t ask, as long as your sister wins the face of your mother, she is a good daughter.”

"Later your sister was taken away by the country, and my mother became even more proud. She felt that her daughter was good, but when your sister started working and started not getting married when she got older, she didn't know. Your sister, mother never I didn’t know about it, but at that time, your sister didn’t get married, and my mother scolded your sister, and bothered that your sister didn’t get married when she was too old to embarrass us, so she didn’t care about what kind of life she needed, what kind of life.”

"Yuchen! Mom is sorry for your sister. Mom didn't really feel sorry for your sister's life. Mom regrets it! Mom is really sorry for your sister!"

Mother Qiao cried bitterly, the more she thought about it, the more sad she became, hammering her chest with regret.

(End of this chapter)

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