Uncle's Guide to Chasing His Wife

Chapter 301 The consequences of angering me...

Chapter 301 The consequences of angering me...

"Huh?" The man squinted his dangerous eyes, and pinched her chubby cheek with dissatisfaction, "Say it again?"

Yu Bai pulled his painful face, rubbed it, and pursed his mouth, "I'm telling the truth, you're already 28..."

The man suddenly leaned over and exerted a little force on his fingers.

Yu Bai only felt that before he had time to prepare, his cheeks were pinched and hurt.Quickly turning his face away, Yu Bai turned to the side with some displeasure.

Obviously she didn't say anything just now?Jane Anson is so damn arrogant!Are you too old to tell me?
The scenes in the movie are still flickering, and the scenes flashed before my eyes.Lying on the bed, Yu Bai could hear the woman's voice intertwined with the background music in the movie.

Suddenly, Yu Bai held his breath and listened carefully, but he never opened his eyes to watch the movie.

Jane Anson breathed a sigh of relief, leaned on the head of the bed, put her arm under her neck for her to rest on, and said in a gentle voice, "Don't you want to watch a movie?"

Yu Bai curled his lips reluctantly, glanced at the movie screen, a little dissatisfied: "I don't want to watch it, what kind of movie, it's not good at all!"

Jane Ansen raised her eyelids leisurely, stared at the movie for a while, and then said, "Well, it's really not good."

After finishing speaking, he cast his eyes on Yu Bai's face, and smiled wickedly with a hint of scorn, "I think my daughter-in-law is the most beautiful."

"..." Yu Bai was furious.She didn't think Jane Ansen didn't look like this kind of person on weekdays. Why did she suddenly become so glib?Could it be that yesterday and night inspired another personality hidden deep in his heart?

Yu Bai rolled his eyes, pretending to be disdainful and replied, "But I think the men in the movies look better than you."


Jane Anson turned off the movie abruptly, and threw the remote control to the ground.

Yu Bai stared blankly at Jian Ansen's suddenly changed face, and his heart trembled three times.

"Looking at other men?" Jian Ansen suddenly sullen, his eyes and tone wished he could swallow the woman next to him in one gulp, "You think mine is not good-looking?"

"I... didn't... mean that..." Yu Bai took a breath.

Jane Anson is too jerk, isn't he allowed to look at other women, but she is not allowed to look at other men?Besides, he was the one who showed her the movie, and now he's here to blame her?

The double standard is too serious, alas...

Later, Yu Bai found out.You can say anything about men, the only thing you can't do is compare them with others, and...you can't say that he is inferior to others!
Yu Bai doesn't know the specific reason for it, it probably has something to do with a man's dignity...

Yu Bai has finally experienced the consequences of talking nonsense, because Jian Ansen's face is now as heavy as black clouds before a rainstorm, and Yu Bai couldn't help but tremble with the billowing breath.

Jane Ansen held the girl's hand with a grim smile, "Girl, do you know the consequences of making me angry?"

as a result of……

Yu Bai thought for a while, then raised that shattered hand, and said coquettishly, "Uncle, I know I was wrong, so don't bully me~"

She leaned in his arms and acted like a baby, soft and cute.He held her hand, kissed it, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

"It hurts...so..." Yu Bai hesitated to speak, the meaning of what he said was to make him think twice'

Jane Ansen nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly, the smile on the corner of her mouth widened.

(End of this chapter)

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