Chapter 259

Too many things have happened these days, too many things that she can't accept!It's okay to be excluded by classmates at school, but when you go home, you have to watch Jane Ansen's face all day long.It's good now, Jane Ansen stopped flirting with him, and directly put her to bed!
I don't know, but I thought she was the one who seduced my uncle!
Yu Bai hugged his body and cried for a while, then dragged his exhausted body to a nearby convenience store and sat there for a while.

Because she had no money, she just sat on the bench like this, so that the part-time job student at the convenience store took a few extra glances at her.

Yu Bai was a little embarrassed, but she had nowhere to go. After thinking about it, she took out the cell phone in her pants pocket and called Chen Ruisu.

It's already past ten o'clock in the evening, Chen Ruisu probably fell asleep, and he was still a little drowsy after answering the phone, "Hello, Yu Bai? What's the matter so late?"

Hearing Chen Ruisu's voice, Yu Bai choked up again, and asked, "Could you come pick me up, I don't have a place to live right now."


While comforting Yu Bai, Chen Ruisu asked about her situation,
Yu Bai hesitated and didn't say anything, and Chen Ruisu was also confused, so he finally decided to take her over first.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was Chen Ruisu, otherwise she might really have to sleep on the street today.

"Ah..." Sighing deeply, Yu Bai turned his gaze to the night scene outside the glass window of the convenience store.

Ruicheng is really beautiful. At night, there will be all kinds of colorful lights on the street, and the colorful ones are very beautiful.Couples on the street stop to take a few photos from time to time, and everyone's face is filled with happiness.

Only Yu Bai——

After seven years of living under the fence, in the blink of an eye, it was back to the time when no one wanted her.

She sometimes wondered why she didn't die with her mother in the first place.

alive, too tired.


Simple house.

Jane Ansen was injured. In order to bandage the wound, he moved to the study alone, cleaned the wound with water, and then bandaged the wound with great effort.

Because he was alone during the whole process, so his bandages were ugly and ugly, so ugly that he wished to take them off!

Looking out of the window irritably, Jane Ansen suddenly became worried.

There was already a little snow outside, and the child was in such a hurry to go out that he didn't even wear a coat.It's so late, where can I go?

The wound on his head hurt suddenly, and Jane Anson felt that his head was about to explode!While he was worried, he mocked himself for being mean!
She said that, why should he worry about her!

Jane Ansen dropped the medicine box on her body and staggered back to the bedroom.

The mess in the room was caused by her constant throwing of things just now.

That girl is really ruthless!It seems that he is really going to kill him!
With a frozen face, Jane Ansen raised her eyes slightly and saw the school uniform jacket that had fallen on the ground.

"Damn it, Jane Ansen, you are a fucking bitch!" Jian Ansen took a bite and cursed fiercely.

After speaking, he picked up the coat on the ground, opened the door and got into the car.


Yu Bai waited in the convenience store for a long time, and the part-time student's face became more and more ugly.

Although this place is open 24 hours, but Yu Bai felt somewhat embarrassed for hanging on like this.

With an anxious heart, Yu Bai waited for another ten minutes.

In the end, she still didn't wait for Chen Ruisu.

However, someone unexpected came to her.

(End of this chapter)

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