bad bad prince unbridled love

Chapter 179 Good Tea!

Chapter 179 Good Tea!

Xuanyuan Mujing naturally gave Feng Qing a cup first, and said to her gently: "Qing Qing, have a taste, but this is tea from three years ago, if you like it, I will make that tea when new tea comes out next spring. Bring back five liang of tea leaves, the snow mountain belongs to our own family, you decide whether to give it to someone or not."

"Okay." Feng Qing nodded, brought the simple and exquisite teacup to her mouth, and took a small sip. It was slightly bitter at first but not astringent at all, and it slid down her throat with the freshness of snow mountain spring water. , I just felt very refreshed, and after a little aftertaste, I found that the tea still had a sweet taste, and the fragrance on the lips and teeth made people feel happy.

"Good tea!" She couldn't help but praise.

She is not a tea lover, but she also thinks this tea is very good.

"Qingqing likes it, and then I will give you all the five taels of tea leaves that will open in spring next year." Xuanyuan Mujing said, with a satisfied smile on his lips.

As long as she likes the things he gives, he will be happy physically and mentally.

——The emperor who was far away in the palace sneezed suddenly, and frowned slightly—is something bad happened?

"Come here, make me a pot of cloud top and fog tip."

"Your Majesty," the servant bowed in embarrassment, "Yunding Wujian, you finished your drink last time, and the new tea will only be available in the spring of next year." There are only two or two, and you have already finished drinking it. Your Majesty, what do you say? three times.

The emperor suddenly became a little depressed: "We still have to wait until the beginning of spring? I don't know if the new tea will come out in the spring, and the stingy ninth brother will give me a little more!"

No!Your majesty, he won't give it anymore, he has already given it to himself, you, wait another three years!

For the second cup of tea, Xuanyuan Mujing gave Master Cao: "Master Cao accompanied Emperor Yun to invite my king's Qing Qing to drink tea in the teahouse, thank you for your hard work!"

Mr. Cao quickly stood up, bent down, and took the teacup with both hands: "The regent king gave you tea, and I feel very grateful!"

This tea is extremely precious tea, and he may only drink it once in his life.

Of course, how could the regent's tea be so delicious? The regent's intention was clearly to blame him for helping Chu Yunyi invite Princess Yong'an to the teahouse, but can he say that he didn't help?

Mr. Cao sat down and drank the tea, but a chill appeared on his back, colder than the spring water in the snow mountain.

He could only send his help-like gaze to Feng Qingqing, hoping that Princess Yong'an would help him speak well in front of the regent later, and don't punish him too harshly.

But thinking about it again, when Princess Yong'an was talking to Emperor Chu Guoyun just now, he was talking too much...

Mr. Cao feels bad all over.

For the third cup of tea, Xuanyuan Mujing gave it to Chu Yunyi: "I know that Chu people are good at wine, and tea can soothe hangovers. If Emperor Yun drinks too much in the future, he can drink some tea."

As he spoke, he picked up his cup again: "Emperor Yun invites you."

"Your Majesty," the attendant reminded behind him.

Chu Yunyi turned his head slightly: "Don't talk too much."

Then he said to Xuanyuan Mujing: "The King Regent treats you so kindly, if I don't drink this tea, I will be rude, but I don't know, if I drink this tea, can Xuanyuan and Chu Kingdom have a century-old friendship?"

Chu Yunyi's heart was like a mirror, whether Xuanyuan and Chu Guohui would meet with swords or swords, Emperor Xuanyuan Minglie might not mean what he said, but Xuanyuan Mujing would definitely mean what he said.

Xuanyuan Mujing put down the tea cup, poured another cup of tea for Feng Qing, and asked back at the same time: "For a hundred years, Emperor Yun is joking with this king?"

"Ten years." Chu Yunyi said immediately.

A hundred years is a pleasant way to say it. The general trend of the world, the long-term must be united. He has his own ambitions, and there is no place for a hundred years of stability.

"This king doesn't like swords and swords, and I don't like falsehoods in national affairs. Before Emperor Yun came to Xuanyuan, he only wanted three years of peace and stability, so three years."

Chu Yunyi was startled.

Three years of peace and stability is indeed the time limit he gave himself to deal with Xuanyuan Mujing, he can't wait that long.

But he never told anyone about this, how did Xuanyuan Mujing know?
No matter how low the country's diplomatic relations are, it is a five-year peace agreement...

"The regent is like this, because he doesn't want to make peace with Chu State?" Chu Yunyi's face darkened, and he put the cup of tea in front of him, and said in a cold tone.

"So what if you don't want to?" Xuanyuan Mujing raised his head, and looked at Chu Yunyi calmly: "I, Xuanyuan, didn't ask Emperor Yun to make peace with each other. If Emperor Yun is unhappy, meeting each other on the battlefield is the last good."

"However, if Emperor Yun turns his back on this king at this moment, my imperial city of Xuanyuan is not something you can enter if you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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