bad bad prince unbridled love

Chapter 1155 Kill those who don't know what is good or bad

Chapter 1155 Kill those who don't know what is good or bad
The next day, at dawn, the soldier suddenly kicked open the door, and rushed in fiercely with a knife.

Feng Qingqing opened her eyes as soon as she heard the sound of footsteps, and Xuanyuan Mujing stayed by her bed the whole time, waking up immediately, seemingly casually, but in fact, if there was any danger, she would immediately strike.

"They're moving."

Feng Qingqing guessed that Dong Wen would definitely not give up, but she didn't expect that his temper would be able to bear it, and it took a hard day before he started to make a difference.

"It's not necessarily Dong Wen's matter. These refugees fled to Pingjiang, and these soldiers will not keep them up forever. Now the time is almost up, and it's time to make the best use of everything." Xuanyuan Mujing said calmly. Feng Qingqing stood behind her, watching the soldiers charge in with their knives in hand, her expression darkened.

The two farmers and the middle-aged literati didn't understand what happened at all, and they almost fell to the ground in fright.

"Get up! Get up quickly and follow us!"

"If you delay the matter, I will cut you all off!"

Among them, the farmer's injury is still not healed, and he sat up with difficulty covering his ribs, but he didn't dare to disobey the order of the soldier, and walked out slowly with the help of another person. The middle-aged literati had already slipped away immediately. Going out seems to be afraid of soldiers.

The soldier glared at Feng Qingqing and Xuanyuan Mujing who were sitting on the other side, and cursed viciously: "What are you doing, don't hurry up!"

But when he met the eyes of the two of them, he was slightly taken aback, and fear couldn't help but rise in his heart.

Take a closer look, aren't these two ordinary people?When the soldier secretly scolded himself for being suspicious, cursing and trying to put on airs, Feng Qingqing and Xuanyuan Mujing had already walked away from them carelessly.

After going out, I found that all the people were called out and walked towards the broad place.

Feng Qing frowned, and said to Xuanyuan Mujing in a low voice: "It doesn't look like he wants to find the two of us, maybe there are other purposes."

"All the children here have been taken away, and they are used by them to cultivate the next generation of the Heaven Controlling Sect. The role of these refugees is only one." She glanced at the surrounding situation, and said those two words coldly, " Test medicine."

"It seems that the people who tested the medicine before either died or turned into immortal monsters, so they are now anxious to find new people to test the medicine," Xuanyuan Mujing said, "It is more convenient to choose people from refugees now than later Now this group of people don’t know the situation inside Pingjiang, even if they are taken away, they don’t know what they will face next.”

While the two were talking in a low voice, the refugees had gathered one after another, and a soldier appeared on the high platform in the middle.

"Stop making noise! ​​Quiet and listen to me!"

The refugees felt very bad about this group of soldiers and were afraid of their methods, so they shut their mouths resentfully and listened quietly to what he wanted to say.

"Our lord imperial envoy just happened to be short of some people to help him, so I entrusted this matter to me," the soldier shouted loudly, "but I immediately thought of you people who just escaped, and wanted to Let you eat and drink here, without doing anything, and it just so happens that this good job falls on your head!"

"Imperial envoy? Is there an imperial envoy in Pingjiang?"

"What kind of errand... I just want to find my brother's house and rest well..."

Many people came to Pingjiang just to go to their relatives. What the soldier said was hype, and they didn't have much interest. They just wanted to escape the chaos of war safely.

The soldier was still smiling at first, but when he heard the discussion below, the smile on his face gradually receded, and instead turned into a cold look. The people below quickly noticed the change in the atmosphere, and their voices gradually decreased. It subsided, and finally no one dared to speak, and there was a dead silence.

"It seems that everyone is not sincere..."

The soldier said slowly: "Originally, this matter was already favored by the adults. I just wanted you to live more easily, so as not to have a difficult life in the future. When the war started these years, it is already good to be able to eat well and wear warm clothes. Why are there still people who are picky and picky, don’t want to do anything, and still want to survive in this troubled world?”

What he said was really weird, and some people couldn't help but questioned: "As officers and soldiers, shouldn't it be right to protect the people!"

The soldiers on the high platform moved their eyes slowly and fixed on the person who spoke. The person suddenly had the illusion of being stared at by a poisonous snake, and his whole body was cold for a moment, and he dared not move. He said in a tone: "During this period of time, you locked us all together, and then took the children away for some unknown reason. What is Pingjiang doing? What are the adults in your mouth doing?! "

These people are not fools, so many strange things happen one after another, and the attitude of the soldiers is also extremely strange, they already have doubts in their hearts.

It's just that no one dared to bring it up because of the weapons in the hands of these soldiers. At this time, everyone gathered together. Answer.

Feng Qingqing frowned slightly, and noticed that the surrounding people were starting to stir because of this person's words.

Indeed, if these issues were raised in the past, it would be fine. Ordinary officers and soldiers would also feel fear, fearing that they would arouse public anger because of these things, or be found out by the superiors, and lose their official positions or even their lives.

But Pingjiang is different.

At this moment, Pingjiang is hell.

If you want to reason with a group of ghosts in hell, what can you get?
Soon, everyone knew that when no one noticed, suddenly the officers and soldiers next to him took out their knives and slashed at the man fiercely. Under the eyes of everyone, he was cut in half by a sharp knife, and the warm blood was all over the people around him, and they were instantly scarlet, and their eyes were full of ferociousness.

Feng Qingqing and Xuanyuan Mujing noticed it, but they were far away, and it was impossible to rush there now, not to mention, if they made a move, they would reveal their identities.

The whole city of Pingjiang cannot be folded in just to save this one person.

Gradually clenching her palms, she calmed down and watched the development of the matter quietly.

The screams broke the silence of death. None of the people thought that such a thing would happen, and they immediately wanted to run away. Their eyes were filled with disbelief and fear, and they trembled as they looked at everything in front of them, especially around the man who was stained with blood. Unable to bear such a terrifying stimulus, several of them rolled their eyes and passed out.

"Don't move around, don't run around."

"If you want to be like him in the next second."

The soldiers on the high platform have faded away. All their camouflage has been removed. They are a little different from the smiling and honest people just now. They looked coldly at the crowded crowd below the stage, and a few words made the scene instantly quiet.

"So I told you guys a long time ago, you have to be obedient."

He pretended to have a helpless expression, but the smile on the corner of his mouth slowly expanded. He was very satisfied with the panicked expressions of the crowd below, as if admiring something. When he swept over Feng Qingqing, Feng Qingqing immediately bowed down to Xuanyuan Mujing Head away, pretending to be afraid.

The soldier didn't notice the abnormality, and raised his hand high: "Now, sign up to help the adults on your own. You must know that this matter is definitely much better than what you believe, and those who stay will definitely regret it."

"This is my last kind reminder."

The people couldn't believe what he said at all. The more he praised the next errand, the more frightened everyone felt. The truth and falsehood in his mouth were too unbelievable. Who would dare to risk their lives to try.

As if anticipating what would happen next, the soldiers did not give them too long a chance to hesitate and retreat, and directly looked down from the high platform and said, "Since none of you are willing to take the initiative to come out, then I will choose one."

If these words fall into the ears of everyone, it is tantamount to being targeted by death.

The soldier didn't care what the people below thought. On the contrary, he was very happy to see such a scene, with a weird smile on his lips, and his hand slowly slid through the crowd, picking out his prey. When he saw a slight pause, it caused commotion and fear , his smile grew stronger.

Feng Qingqing looked at the scene in front of her with disgust in her eyes: "What a scumbag."

When she talked with Xuanyuan Mujing, there was an enchantment around her, so no one heard their conversation.

Standing beside her, Xuanyuan Mujing, who quietly hid her behind him, nodded inaudibly, agreeing with her statement, if the current situation did not allow it, this person would die in his hands in a second.

The soldier's hand stopped for a while, and the people there suddenly panicked, but he didn't speak, and looked at the crowd quietly. The people couldn't bear this weird atmosphere, and a few worried ones knelt down directly. Kowtowing to the high platform and sweating, I was afraid that I would be selected in the next second.

He enjoyed this feeling very much, until those people almost fainted, and then nodded: "The one in the gray dress, and the woman in the blue dress, pull them out, just the two of them."

As soon as the words fell, the two people were still in a daze, unable to accept that this kind of bad news happened to them, and the next second they were dragged out by the soldiers gathered around them. Huibai, seeing the soldier walking towards him, raised his fist with a slump in his heart, and rushed towards the soldier.

Feng Qing paused: "Not good."

Sure enough, the strong man wanted to rush out with his own strength, but before he could touch the soldier's clothes, his arm was cut off by another soldier behind him, and he rolled on the ground in pain on the spot.

The soldiers on the high platform didn't care about this matter, but said with great interest: "Those who don't know what is good or bad, let's kill them."

The casual tone made people feel chills. Hearing the order, the soldier next to the strong man raised his knife and pierced through the heart without hesitation. Xuanyuan Mujing looked at this scene coldly, and stretched out his hand to cover Feng Qingqing's eyes , although he knew that Feng Qingqing was not afraid of this, but he was worried that it would make her angry.

The strong man's screams lasted less than a few breaths, and soon he lost his breath.

Now, everyone clearly realized what kind of situation they were in now.

(End of this chapter)

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