Chapter 730 Unfortunate Death in Battle
The crowd held their breaths.

The prosperity and prosperity of Great Liang is far from what they imagined?How powerful is that?

"War is a barbaric act, and if we face the Great Liang, we may not necessarily win. If we lose, we may be forced to move to an even more desolate desert." Yeluqi continued, "Instead of fighting against the Great Liang, We might as well surrender to them."

"Surrender?" The main combat faction seemed to have been greatly insulted, and yelled unbearably, "The prince's words are wrong, we don't need to surrender to anyone, the prince can stop saying such words, it is a loss." The country's prestige."

Yeluqi was not angry, but only said: "If you surrender, can you get more benefits?"

"What's the benefit?" The Master and the faction asked immediately.

"Our Xiongnu's horses are the strongest, as well as our mines, and Daliang's cloth and food are scarce for us. If we can trade with each other, it will be a blessing for the two countries." Yeluqi said lightly.

The main combat faction was taken aback, "Prince still wants to do business with Great Liang? But the two countries have been at odds for a long time, and Great Liang hates us to the bone and regards us as enemies, how can he be willing to do business with us?"

"Of course they will." Yeluqi said firmly.

The main fighter faction is still at a loss, but the main peace faction has already understood, "After all, no one wants to fight. If we can surrender to Daliang first, they will definitely be willing too. In this way, the two countries Trade is more conducive to the development of each other, their people can come to our Xiongnu, and our people can also go to their Great Liang." Speaking of the latter, the eyes of the master and faction are bright.

The war faction wanted to say something against it, but seeing the prince's resolute attitude and thinking of his methods against the regent, they could only swallow their dissatisfaction.

This young prince is not as easy to handle as the old Hun King.


Once Xiaozhen fell, General Cui temporarily took over all the military affairs in Suzhou.

In order to prevent the Huns from invading, the defense of Suzhou has been strengthened recently.

On this day, when the soldiers were patrolling the city wall, they suddenly saw the direction of the Huns, dust and smoke were everywhere, accompanied by the sound of galloping horseshoes.

The soldiers were taken aback, thinking that the Huns finally couldn't hold back and raised their troops to attack.

"Hurry up, go and report to General Cui, the Huns are coming." A soldier shouted anxiously, and someone immediately reported to General Cui, while the rest of the soldiers stood ready.

Not long after, General Cui went up to the city wall.

He was dressed in armor and had a solemn face. He scolded the Huns in his heart, thinking that the war between the two countries is finally coming. This time, he was sent by the emperor to come to Suzhou to take over military affairs temporarily. I am worthy of the emperor and the country.

For a moment, his heart was surging and he was ready to die in battle, but he didn't notice the dull expressions on the faces of the soldiers.

He poked his head down and looked down, only to see hundreds of war horses, and none of the imagined Xiongnu soldiers.

Strange, the Huns didn't just send horses to attack Great Liang, did they?
When he was at a loss, the soldier suddenly pointed to the bottom of the wall.

General Cui rested his hands on the wall and looked down.

This time, finally saw the Huns.

Just why, only two?

The Huns are so rampant, thinking that sending two men and hundreds of horses can break through the city wall?
General Cui laughed angrily.

"General, what should we do now?" The soldiers also felt helpless looking at the horses under the city wall.

If it were the Huns, they would be able to shoot arrows and kill them without any scruples, but this is a group of livestock, and shooting arrows at livestock is a bit silly no matter how you think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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