Chapter 628

After Rong Qingqing heard this, she was inconceivable, but after thinking about it for a while, she realized that it was Hua Yin's method. She did all that just to let Xing Chun know that Xie Jingrun was lucky enough to provoke her. The purpose of her relationship with Xie Jingrun.

However, Huayin didn't expect that Xingchun didn't tell her the matter at all in order not to make herself feel sad, so there were those things in Nanyuan this morning.

"You saw blood all over the quilt, and the torn dress, so you thought that the emperor really gave Huayin a favor?" she asked.

Xingchun nodded, "Yes." After a pause, she couldn't help but said again, "When I saw that scene, I thought..."

She didn't go on, but Rong Qingqing knew that she still believed that Xie Jingrun was lucky for Huayin.

"Fake, the emperor doesn't have Linxing Huayin, she made those on purpose, just to use your mouth to tell me about it."

Xingchun was stunned, "But why is there blood... Besides, when the servant saw her body was covered with bruises, it seemed..."

Rong Qingqing said with a smile: "It's very simple, just pierce the skin anywhere, and the blood will get on the quilt. As for the bruises on her body, just pinch it with your hands a few times, and it will be gone."

Xingchun said in disbelief: "Can you still do it like this? The slave girl saw that Miss Hua hadn't left the cabinet, so I thought..."

"Did you think it was impossible for her to understand these things?" Rong Qingqing raised the corners of her lips and said, "As long as you have the heart, it is actually not difficult to know these things."

Xingchun was speechless and speechless.

Because of this matter, she has always been restless during this period of time, hiding an unspeakable secret in her heart, which is really uncomfortable, but now she knows that things are not what she thought, everything is her own. Just looking for trouble.

She suddenly felt dumbfounded.


Today's Dragon Boat Festival, at noon, a banquet was held in Nanyuan to entertain the courtiers, so there was no palace banquet in the evening.

But because it was a festival, a family banquet was held in the palace at night. Originally, this family banquet should be held in Shouning Palace, but the Empress Dowager wanted to hold it in Taichen Palace.The distance between Taichen Palace and Shouning Palace is relatively close, and it is quite convenient for the Empress Dowager to pass from Shouning Palace, so everyone has no objection.

There were no other outsiders at the family banquet, just a few people from the palace.

Xie Jingrun, Rong Qingqing, Feng Xin, and the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager, there was originally a Princess Huaiyin, but she had gone back to Huaiyin some time ago.

Therefore, there were only five people participating in this family banquet.

Although there were relatively few people, the atmosphere was quite harmonious because the Empress Dowager had figured it out and stopped targeting Rong Qingqing everywhere.

The family gathered for dinner, and the happiest person was undoubtedly Emperor Zhaojing.

He was very pleased to see everyone getting along well.

When I was happy, I drank two more glasses of wine.

He originally wanted to ask Xie Jingrun to have a drink with him, but thinking of his drinking capacity, he swallowed his words.

It was Rong Qingqing and Feng Xin who had a drink with him.

After a meal, everyone ate to their heart's content.

When the banquet was over, Rong Qingqing saw that Fengxin seemed a little drunk, so she said worriedly: "Let's take you home."

Feng Xin waved her hand, "No, no, it's so close, where do you need to send it? But you and the emperor's brother should go back and rest earlier. I see father and grandmother, but they are looking forward to holding their grandson sooner. Where's the great-grandson?" After that, she was afraid that Rong Qingqing would not understand what she said, and winked at her.

(End of this chapter)

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